489. How to Make Any Travel Itinerary More Exciting
In this Fuck Yeah Friday episode, Lesley shares an inspiring story about Japan’s Café of Mistaken Orders, a big win from a member's Pilates business, and how she turned a long layover into an exciting adventure. Tune in for a dose of motivation and a reminder to ask yourself: Why not?
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In this episode you will learn about:
- How one woman’s vision is reshaping dementia care in Japan
- A Pilates instructor’s win that proves consistency pays off
- How Lesley turned an inconvenient layover into an exciting adventure
- A simple but powerful mindset shift: Why not?
Episode References/Links:
- Cafe of Mistaken Orders - https://www.instagram.com/aijamayrock/reel/DBEII-6POmL/
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Episode Transcript:
Lesley Logan 0:00
It's Fuck Yeah Friday.
Brad Crowell 0:01
Fuck yeah.
Lesley Logan 0:05
Welcome to the Be It Till You See It podcast where we talk about taking messy action, knowing that perfect is boring. I'm Lesley Logan, Pilates instructor and fitness business coach. I've trained thousands of people around the world and the number one thing I see stopping people from achieving anything is self-doubt. My friends, action brings clarity and it's the antidote to fear. Each week, my guest will bring bold, executable, intrinsic and targeted steps that you can use to put yourself first and Be It Till You See It. It's a practice, not a perfect. Let's get started.
Lesley Logan 0:48
Hello. Be It babe. Oh my goodness. Hi. It is your FYF. It is time for us to celebrate some wins and be inspired by people's wins and what is possible in this world and with each other. And I'm just so excited to share with you what I've just discovered. So there's this place in Japan, and it's called the Cafe of Mistaken Orders. Okay, have you heard of this? So, a woman named Akiko created a cafe where her father, with his dementia, could work. And so the place has people who have dementia. You have to have dementia to work there, and then there's some volunteers, and you work two hours a day, and you maybe bring the correct order to someone, maybe you never bring an order, maybe you sit down and talk to people instead. But at any rate, the goal of the cafe is to help people with dementia stay connected to society, which has proven to slow down dementia. And because Japan is this aging country like they have a lot of elderly people, they've been spending a lot of time trying to figure out how to keep the people with dementia connected. They have a lot of dementia cases, and now they have 8000 dementia cafes in Japan. So there's 8000 places where people with dementia are working, and it's just really freaking cool. So, thank you. Asia may rock on Instagram for highlighting Akiko and the Mistaken Order cafe and what this is doing, because I really like it. And I don't know if you've heard, but one in six Americans will have dementia, and if you're a woman, your rates go up, I guess, estrogen stuff, blah, blah, blah. At any rate, I think this is really amazing, and I'm really impressed with people on the things that they can do on this planet with not a lot. What a great idea. You know, sometimes we're like, how do I change the world? Well, how do you change a person's life that you know, and you'd be surprised how that's a domino effect of changing the world, like she's changing a country with this. I'm obsessed. Thank you so much.
Lesley Logan 2:36
Okay, so now a win. We gotta celebrate more wins. So Akiko is winning in Japan with that. Kelly Nyhan out of Chicago, who actually, I have, the reason I picked her win is because I'm actually about to see her in a couple of days in Cambodia. So here it is. After two years of working with two different clients, they have finally decided to commit to a permanent day and time per week with the expectation to reschedule when they miss. I highly encourage versus enforced, but I think that my elevated teaching of the work and my intention at around working with them, perhaps has made the difference. I also am a high touch type of communicator, educating, motivating and celebrating along the way in the studio, but also through email, PocketSuite, her scheduling tool, and on social media. So yay. I'm feeling really great about it, and now I can count on the income each week. I also have a boundary, mostly in my head, that I don't work with people unless their intention is to commit to one time per week, no here and there, two times per month, et cetera. Just no. That sounds like a better fit for class for them. Kelly, I love your win. I love that it's kind of a unspoken rule. I love that you have these people who, now, after listening to you all this time, finally feel the importance. You did that. And also, you didn't stop reminding them of this possibility, right? Like you just kept doing it. You've just kept putting yourself out there. You kept being yourself more importantly, and that is so beautiful. So thank you so much for sharing that with us, and what an amazing win. And yes, now you can count on that income, and I'm so excited to celebrate in Cambodia with you.
Lesley Logan 4:01
So, my win. Well, Brad and my win. So, okay. Traveling to Cambodia is not always the easiest thing. There's not always a lot of options for us. And I have some airlines I love and some airlines I refuse to fly on. So at any rate, we had the option of having like, six hour layovers in the middle of the night in Singapore. So shorter travel, but like, $300 more a person, okay? Or we could take this really weird flight option, which would have given us 13 hours overnight in Singapore each way. And I decided, not only does that, not to save the money, but I did like the price. I was like, yes, finally, we're under $1,000 to fly to Cambodia, yes. But really, I've always wanted to see the Singapore skyline. I've just always wanted to see it. Just so excited to see it. And so I chose that one because now both Brad and I have an evening to go on a date in Singapore on the way to Cambodia and all the way home. And I share that with you because I think sometimes we don't travel or we don't do things. We're like, oh the time commitment, oh the thing. But what if you could find a silver lining in what is going on with that oh-thing and take advantage of it. So I am totally taking advantage of these ridiculous layovers where I get to leave the airport and see Singapore. I get to see it. I'm so, so excited. So it's just gonna be it's gonna be beautiful. I'm gonna post pictures. I'm calling this a win. 13-hour layover. That's a win. It's not funny. So maybe you can also have a 13-hour layover. Where would you lay over for 13 hours? I want to know.
Lesley Logan 5:38
All right, your mantra. Why not? Why not? How timely I just threw this from. How timely. Why not? 13 hours in Singapore. Why not? Why not? Why not start a book club? Why not go to dinner by yourself? Why not? Why not? What is your why not that you're going to use this mantra on this weekend. I want to know. Please share your wins with me. I love sharing them in. Send your questions into the Be It Pod, we answer them on the recap episodes. Share our interviews or our recap episodes, or this with a friend who needs it, needs inspiration. Now also, by the way, I've got to figure out how to go to Japan, because I do want to go to the dementia cafe. I mean, I looked at the menu. I can't have anything on it, but the tea. And I really love tea, but, you know, they probably won't even bring it to me anyway, so it doesn't really matter. I just want to experience what this cafe, the Cafe of Mistaken Orders. Like, how perfectly imperfect is that? Beautiful. All right, loves, take care of yourself out there. Okay? You are the only person who could do it to do the way that you do it. You're it. And you're probably working yourself really, really hard. So what breaks can you take? What things can you do to support yourself? Yeah, and ask yourself, why not? All right, until next time loves, Be It Till You See It.
Lesley Logan 6:51
That's all I got for this episode of the Be It Till You See It Podcast. One thing that would help both myself and future listeners is for you to rate the show and leave a review and follow or subscribe for free wherever you listen to your podcast. Also, make sure to introduce yourself over at the Be It Pod on Instagram. I would love to know more about you. Share this episode with whoever you think needs to hear it. Help us and others Be It Till You See It. Have an awesome day. Be It Till You See It is a production of The Bloom Podcast Network. If you want to leave us a message or a question that we might read on another episode, you can text us at +1-310-905-5534 or send a DM on Instagram @BeItPod.
Brad Crowell 7:21
It's written, filmed, and recorded by your host, Lesley Logan, and me, Brad Crowell.
Lesley Logan 7:27
It is transcribed, produced and edited by the epic team at Disenyo.co.
Brad Crowell 7:31
Our theme music is by Ali at Apex Production Music and our branding by designer and artist, Gianfranco Cioffi.
Lesley Logan 7:38
Special thanks to Melissa Solomon for creating our visuals.
Brad Crowell 7:43
Also to Angelina Herico for adding all of our content to our website. And finally to Meridith Root for keeping us all on point and on time.
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