395. Three C’s On How To Build Trust In The Workplace


In this episode, Brad Crowell and Lesley Logan recap their interview with Greg Tomchick. They discuss Greg's emphasis on fostering internal trust and leadership within organizations, the importance of getting to know people you hire, and how chaos in personal lives can affect company culture. They also highlight Greg's focus on a people-first approach in cybersecurity, the value of setting personal standards, and effective strategies for building trust in the workplace.

If you have any questions about this episode or want to get some of the resources we mentioned, head over to LesleyLogan.co/podcast. If you have any comments or questions about the Be It pod shoot us a message at beit@lesleylogan.co.

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In this episode you will learn about:

  • Reducing pain and strengthening your knees during Reformer moves. 
  • Why your employees’ personal lives can impact company culture.
  • How trust gaps can be a company's biggest vulnerability and blind spot.
  • The advantage of a people-focused approach to cybersecurity.
  • 3 C’s framework for building trust within teams and organizations.
  • The importance of setting standards to attract meaningful connections.

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Episode Transcript:

Lesley Logan 0:00  

He was just saying that like security isn't just about technology. It really is about trust within the company culture. And we have to focus on that. So, if you are a business owner, you do have to focus on your company culture, if you do want to have amazing security in your business, because you need everybody to be running at their best and most amazing level. And that goes for in your family too. It doesn't have to be cybersecurity. It could be like just taking care of each other inside of a family as well. 

Lesley Logan 0:25  

Welcome to the Be It Till You See It podcast where we talk about taking messy action, knowing that perfect is boring. I'm Lesley Logan, Pilates instructor and fitness business coach. I've trained thousands of people around the world and the number one thing I see stopping people from achieving anything is self-doubt. My friends, action brings clarity and it's the antidote to fear. Each week, my guest will bring bold, executable, intrinsic and targeted steps that you can use to put yourself first and Be It Till You See It. It's a practice, not a perfect. Let's get started.

Welcome back to the Be It Till You See It interview recap where my co-host in life, Brad, and I are going to dig into the trust-centric convo I had with Greg Tomchick in our last episode. If you haven't yet listened to that one, you should go back and listen to that one at some point because it's really freakin good. I totally was thinking how am I going to explain what security is to my listeners and.

Brad Crowell 1:27  


Lesley Logan 1:28  

Cybersecurity. I was like, oh, I guess we can talk about being cybersecure helps you be it till you see it. And we didn't even talk about much about cybersecurity, I still don't really know what it is. So it's actually a great interview because you're gonna hear a lot about how to be an awesome human. But first, today is July 18th 2024. And it's World Listening Day. About this day. It’s the sound of World Listening Day on July 18th. World Listening Day is hosted every year by the World Listening Project, how many times do we say world listening in a paragraph, a nonprofit organization that is “devoted to understanding the world and its natural environment, societies, and cultures through the practice of listening and field recording.” They explore acoustic ecology, a discipline that studies the relationship between humans and the natural world as mediated through sound. So quiet down, open up your ears, and get ready to study soundscapes on World Listening Day. So what you can do, (inaudible), and you can go hiking without air pods and you could just listen to the sound. Just listen outside and go for a walk around your block without air pods. You could actually just sit in your house without turning any devices on. There's lots of ways to listen to the acoustic ecology. And, you know, what it's mediating through sound to you wherever you are. It's important, you know, so okay, go listen to the world today. 

Brad Crowell 2:45  

Yeah, actually, they may even have some things for you to listen to over at worldlisteningproject.org 

Lesley Logan 2:51  

Cool. Okay, so, coming up, we are super close to leaving for our summer tour. And at the time of recording, five cities workouts are sold out. That's the time we're recording this at the time that this comes in your ears, it's possible that more are sold out. 

Brad Crowell 3:04  

Yeah, a lot more. 

Lesley Logan 3:06  

So you want to go to opc.me/tour to grab your tickets. Yes, you can go to multiple cities. I mean, if you're going to Milwaukee, you may as well come to Chicago or Minneapolis, or Cleveland or something like that. It's gonna be a lot of fun, there's people who are just like totally grouping out, we have merch for the groupies as well. So check it out opc.me/tour. At the time that this drops, we have already accepted people to eLevate and it's possible there are some spots in 2025 left for you to apply to. So if you're a Pilates instructor who is wanting to have a mentorship program that really helps you have more confidence in your teaching, your practice, or connection to the method then go to lesleylogan.co/elevate. We only take 12 people in a group. So don't wait because the next one would be 2026 which is really friggin far away. 

Brad Crowell 3:49  

It's true. 

Lesley Logan 3:51  

Cambodia retreat, our October one is very sold out. But our February one has spots in it. And that one is gonna be amazing because it's a different time of season. So it's actually basically the end of the dry season. And the landscape looks so different. I think that's really cool to see because it helps you understand like, what was going on with these temples and why (inaudible) and like the Mekong River and all this amazing stuff. Plus the sunrises are stunning in February. Would you agree? 

Brad Crowell 4:16  

Oh, I mean, y'all heard me talk about Cambodia before it's my favorite place. Yeah, absolutely. It's a little bit of a different vibe, but it's a great vibe. I mean, we used to actually always do a retreat at the beginning of the year. And then COVID really complicated everything. So yeah, you should absolutely come join us in February 2025. For more information on that go to crowsnestretreats.com, crowsnestretreats.com.

Lesley Logan 4:45  

And lastly, but not leastly, if you are looking for a workout that works for you finally, that's what OPC is all about. So it is got accountability and community and feedback on your form. And you don't even have to have fancy equipment. There's a mat version, mat only membership version with really amazing classes and lots of support, and you can go to opc.me/40, opc.me/40 it gives you 40 days for $40, which is $1 a day, which is cheaper than a lemon every day, just saying.

Brad Crowell 5:15  

Before we get started, though, we have an audience question. This is from Alison Trotsky, she DM-ed you here, she said, "Hi, I was wondering if you have any pointers for some Reformer moves to improve knee strength, I use your Reformer flashcards all the time."

Lesley Logan 5:32  

I love this. So knee strength is really key, it means the muscles above and below the knee have to be strong, which means when you go up the leg, your hips have to be strong and not just flexible, but strong as well. So you want some mobility there, because if the hips are tight, the knees are going to actually be compromised. And so what I would say is if you're on the Reformer, well, first of all, we have a whole workshop on OPC, about reducing knee pain and strengthening your knees. Sonia Ahmed is a physio and Pilates instructor and eLevate grad out of the U.K. and she created that, so you can get that workshop at onlinePilatesclasses.com and you get to keep it forever. And she gave us some amazing exercises that you could do on the mat and also using equipment as well. But on the Reformer

Brad Crowell 6:20  

Yeah, that one's called Pilates for knee pain. It's a workshop on the site. 

Lesley Logan 6:24  

On the Reformer, I think if you are already doing footwork, you need to know that that is part of what the "strengthen your knees" should be, however, if you're pushing from your knees, you're missing on all the good stuff. And so if you watch my footwork tutorials, I talk about how the knees are not pushing down, it's actually not about opening the knees, it's about working on the back of the legs. And so that would be a good one for you. Stomach massage is gonna be really good. And then also hamstring curls are gonna be really great. Knee stretches are going to be amazing for you. Front splits, like, honestly, it's really hard to choose, there's so many more we can go through. But I would need to know if you're hyperextending your knees. 

Brad Crowell 6:59  

You would need to know?

Lesley Logan 7:01  

I would, pun intended, apparently. So, Alison, if you are an OPC member, then you can actually send me a video of you doing some of your former moves. And I could see what's going on that makes you think you need to strengthen your knee. And I could give you more and more tailored feedback other than like right now these are just some really good exercises. However, if you are hyperextending your knees, none of these will work. So. 

Brad Crowell 7:23  

Yeah, and we have people submit videos to us every single week, we have something called Form Feedback Fridays, and all of our OPC members are allowed to send in videos. (inaudible) of them doing their practice saying hey, you know, I'm confused on this thing. I'm not sure how you know, whatever. And you can ask whatever question you want to ask. And then our team, the teachers, will actually check it out and give you some feedback. 

Lesley Logan 7:46  


Brad Crowell 7:47  

Okay, now let's talk about Greg Tomchick. Transitioning from the field to the boardroom. Greg Tomchick, an award-winning cybersecurity coach, former professional baseball player and CEO of Valor Cybersecurity has made a name for himself in the business and technology sectors. He focuses on helping executives cultivate internal trust and improve their leadership capabilities. Greg's approach is rooted in self-discovery and the intentional building of meaningful connections, which he discusses on his podcast, The Connected Mindset Live. As a sought-after speaker, he inspires others to share his journey and insights on building trust from the inside out. Greg is

Lesley Logan 8:27  

He's so cool. 

Brad Crowell 8:29  

Incredibly eloquent and I was surprised to hear him describe himself as the dumb jock in high school. 

Lesley Logan 8:36  

Yeah, there's he doesn't seem at all them. 

Brad Crowell 8:38  

No, in no way. (inaudible)

Lesley Logan 8:39  

And also very insightful, and curious. And he's also like, in the episode was like, oh, I asked my coaches for feedback. I see people for feedback. He's always looking for feedback, which is like, amazing. I just think he's really awesome. So one of the other, so many things that I loved, we talked about, but he mentioned a rhythm of existence. And he was talking about how our overall lifestyle of how we maintain ourselves as individuals, that we carry our personal life into our company, and that's of company that you work for, or that you run, but we carry it over. And it's so true. I don't, there's no way to compartmentalize like, I do not understand that at all. 

Brad Crowell 9:19  

Well, he was talking about hiring people, I think, or doing interviews and how we hire people based on a resume instead of hiring them based on who they are. And he was talking about how his favorite thing to ask is not like, what do you do for work, but instead it's like, you know, what do you do when you're trying to blow off steam or what do you do? Like, who are you? What do you like to do and what he's hoping to understand is are they, are they like a chaos agent? Is their life chaotic? 

Lesley Logan 9:47  

Because if their life is chaotic, they bring chaos into a company. 

Brad Crowell 9:50  

Yeah. Even, no matter what the resume is, that's how they are, that's who they are, then that's what they're gonna bring. 

Lesley Logan 9:55  

100% This goes for everything, guys, you don't have to be hiring people. We can actually just take this to like friendships, Do you have those friends who just like every thing seems to like tragically happen to them. Like there's just always like, drama in their lives, well, they bring drama into your life, like, that's just how it is, that's who they are. It's okay, if you've been friends with them for 17 years, or like, they know certain people that are super cool. The resume isn't what you're getting, you're getting the actual person. And so in any relationship that you are hiring for, because we are all looking for best friends, partners, people to work with, things like people to hire, get to know them, because that person is what you get. So I think that's a great way of exploring it. And he had said, I just wanna highlight like, because we're like cybersecurity where this come from the episode, he was just saying that, like, security isn't just about technology, it really is about trust within the company culture. And like, we have to focus on that. So if you are a business owner, you do have to focus on your company culture, if you do want to have amazing security in your business, because you need everybody to be running at their best and most amazing level. And that goes for in your family, too. Like it doesn't have to be cybersecurity. It could be like just taking care of each other inside of a family as well.

Brad Crowell 11:08  

Yeah, listening to Greg talk about that, it reminded me of the time that I worked back in the office. And you could always tell when somebody was down or you know, whatever. And 99% of the time, it was something happening outside of the office. Yeah. Because if it was in the office, and somebody fucked up or whatever, y'all knew it, it wasn't like, you know, he.

Lesley Logan 11:32  

You could also address it, it wasn't like you would oh, there's Greg, he fucked up the project. You would like talk to Greg, hey, Greg, what happened here? Like, how can we fix this? Like, you kind of actually can resolve a conflict, almost, I would think that with, you can't go to their partner and go, What the hell's happening at home, you're fucking, you're making him have a bad day at work. It's bringing us all down. Like you can't do that. So like, it's a little, you know, hard.

Brad Crowell 11:55  

Yeah. Well, one of the things I really love that he said was, again, talking about companies and again, making me reflect on my experience, I said, large companies that he has worked with, they want a more people-focused approach to security not just the focus on technology, which I thought was really interesting, because for me, what that means is, technology's changing the cybersecurity space, too. And it's impacting some of the things that before a company like his might come in and be like, here's a recommendation, you got to do this, this, this, this, and this, and he's like today, with the, you know, the advent of login, like one, one, password login, you know, or whatever, all those kinds of tools, they those kinds of tools, make his job as a cybersecurity expert, easier. And he said, actually, a lot of the time now, he's working with them on hiring practices, so that he can understand, they can vet the team that they're bringing in, or the vendors that they're bringing in, because you might actually be inviting the cybercriminal into your space to work at your space.

Lesley Logan 13:01  

Here's a perfect example. You can all witness it on the Ashley Madison Documentary, highly recommend it, highly recommend it. It's awesome. It is all the things not to do. One of their contractors is who took over the website, held it hostage, not for money, but because of values, and then released all that information that they were supposed to delete. But again, because they didn't hire people who would ask questions. No one was like, hey, do we actually delete the profiles? Will the people pay extra for us to delete the history? No, they didn't. And that's why they got sued. And it was a big bad thing. So just like if you are like, no way this didn't happen. It happens on a big level. Huge.

Brad Crowell 13:39  

Yeah. And alongside getting to know people before you bring them in. He also talked about once they're in, the value of having just a one-on-one conversation and stopping by their desk or their office and poking your head and actually getting to know them. He said that, you know, I mean, we live in a world today of text messages, phone calls, DMs. He said it's a quick dopamine hit, but nothing replaces the actual one-to-one interaction. So I always thought it was interesting. I mean, we work remotely, right? So it's actually hard for us to do that. Although we do spend a lot of time on Zoom calls and Google Meets and all those kinds of things where we like, like, sometimes we're just co-working with people virtually from the other side of the world. And you know, we are effectively spending time with them, even if it is remotely, but even that I like even more than just a text message or a DM because you really can't feel disconnected. It just feels like you're chatting to, you know, some random people. So yeah, great, really interesting observations. Yeah. Stick around. We'll be right back. 

All right. Finally, let's talk about those Be It Action items. What bold, executable intrinsic or targeted action items can we take away from your convo with Greg Tomchick. He provided three C's that individuals and leaders can use to foster trust within themselves and their relationships. And I thought this is really cool because he said, you know, half the time, half the battle for cybersecurity is building trust in your team and trust with your clients. And he said the three C's are consistency, compassion, and connection. And so which we love, because that overlaps. Two of those C's are overlapping OPC's core values which I, I love that. But he said, you have to have consistent engagement with someone that you're going to build trust with, you want to have an approach to understand where they're coming from, which is the compassion element of it, asking meaningful questions, like we were already talking about, sticking your head in their office and actually building trust, getting to know them, not just like, hey, what do you do for work? But like, who are you? And what's life like for you? And then with connection, building trust requires genuine connections, hopefully, through deep, you know, more than surface-level conversations. So what about you? 

Lesley Logan 15:50  

Okay, so he talked about this, and I thought was so great, because you can apply this to anything. He said, set your own standards, what a bold statement. And he said, what is this piece? He said take a piece of paper and write one to five and say, what is the standard that I need to have to attract the right person? And this could be for co-working, this could be for relationship, this could be for friendship, this could be for anything like what are your standards? We had Jill Coleman on and she is one of the people who like really, really honed in with as when we worked with her about values. And like, values are the same as standards like and also you could also insert like boundaries, like these are things that are like, required to be with me or work with me or in a relationship with me of some kind. So write them down and have a clear list of the five most important standards you value. There you go. And then he said an example is that like, Greg has transparency and compassion as his values. And so he is really upfront when he meets new people about what those standards are. And it either weeds people out, or attracts the right people in. And they're going to help improve you because they're going to follow with those standards, which means you have to, as well.

Brad Crowell 17:00  

Yeah, I mean, it was interesting. You talked about just basically introducing himself and being like, hey, this is who I am. Take it or leave it. 

Lesley Logan 17:07  

Yeah. You know, our friend Lauren Zoeller does this as well. She's like, really, like, upfront, she won't like she's like, here's what I need. Here's what it takes to be like a partner, this is the type of conversations I want to have. It's who I am. And you know what, like, I find that she has some very deep upfront conversations that can be very, like conversational, that may not happen on most people's like, fifth or 17th date, that she's having on like, before the date. So I actually think more and more people are wanting to do this, because life is short. We don't have a lot of time. And you don't want to, like get too involved with someone or something or some project, only to find out that the values and standards aren't going to align and you have to get out of it anyways.

Brad Crowell 17:46  

Yep, I totally agree. Well, love that. We really love Greg, it was, it's been awesome to get to know him in person. We've actually met up with him a couple times. And it's been just great. He's a standard guy. I think, you know, not only has he figured out something really amazing with his cybersecurity company about how to be a leader. But also it's allowed him the flexibility to go around and start speaking from stage about these types of topics. And, you know, it's just been fun to watch him grow. 

Lesley Logan 18:20  

Yeah, love it. And also, I just want to say like, check us out, we had a whole cybersecurity and baseball conversation without really talking about either of those things. So there's very deep levels to all of these things that makes person up. So, thanks Greg for being our guest. How are you going to use these tips in your life? We want to know. I'm Lesley Logan. 

Brad Crowell 18:37  

And I'm Brad Crowell. 

Lesley Logan 18:38  

Make sure you share this with a friend who needs to hear it. Please, please, please, pretty please with ice cream on top, please. It is how this podcast grows. We actually cannot get amazing, huge guests. I've had some of you request Michelle Obama, Oprah, like, of course, I want these people. They care about downloads peeps, I'm just gonna be really honest. So share this with a friend, write a review, it makes, it's like, it's currency test. 

Brad Crowell 18:59  

And actually, we've had some people ask, like, how can I support you straight up, check out the links that we have from for our commercials, you know, for our ads, because our you know, they are companies that we actually do use their products, we actually have a relationship with them, we talk with them, they have set up a special link so that they know that you that we've referred you to them. And that's how you can support us absolutely. It helps us also grow the pod.

Lesley Logan 19:27  

Those referrals are how what pays for the pod and it helps us grow the pod. So please, please, please, that's how you can help us. Thank you so much. And until next time, be it till you see it. 

Brad Crowell 19:35  

Bye for now. 

Lesley Logan 19:37  

That's all I got for this episode of the Be It Till You See It Podcast. One thing that would help both myself and future listeners is for you to rate the show and leave a review and follow or subscribe for free wherever you listen to your podcast. Also, make sure to introduce yourself over at the Be It Pod on Instagram. I would love to know more about you. Share this episode with whoever you think needs to hear it. Help us and others Be It Till You See It. Have an awesome day. Be It Till You See It is a production of The Bloom Podcast Network. If you want to leave us a message or a question that we might read on another episode, you can text us at +1-310-905-5534 or send a DM on Instagram @BeItPod.

Be It Till You See It is a production of The Bloom Podcast Network. If you want to leave us a message or a question that we might read on another episode, you can text us at +1-310-905-5534 or send a DM on Instagram @BeItPod.

Brad Crowell 20:19  

It's written, filmed, and recorded by your host, Lesley Logan, and me, Brad Crowell.

Lesley Logan 20:24  

It is transcribed, produced and edited by the epic team at Disenyo.co.

Brad Crowell 20:28  

Our theme music is by Ali at Apex Production Music and our branding by designer and artist, Gianfranco Cioffi.

Lesley Logan 20:36  

Special thanks to Melissa Solomon for creating our visuals.

Brad Crowell 20:39  

Also to Angelina Herico for adding all of our content to our website. And finally to Meridith Root for keeping us all on point and on time.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

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