376. Authentic Conversations About Body Image


Returning guest, body image expert Jenny Schatzle, joined host Lesley Logan to discuss the pressure to look like someone else and the unrealistic expectations that fuel negative body image. This conversation explores the impact societal expectations have on women, the messages we send to young girls, and practical tools to shift the conversation about bodies. Jenny offers empowering advice, tools, and encourages listeners to embrace their able bodies and prioritize self-acceptance over comparison.

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In this episode you will learn about:

  • The societal pressures that promote unrealistic body ideals. 
  • The impact and effects of comparing yourself to others.
  • Practical tips for creating lasting habits for daily exercises.
  • Strategies for changing the conversation around body image.
  • How to accept and live more fully in your able body. 
  • Techniques for managing negative thoughts and anxiety.

Episode References/Links:

Guest Bio:

Meet Jenny Schatzle, a passionate speaker, author, and coach dedicated to empowering women to embrace their bodies, break free from the shackles of diet culture, and transform their inner dialogue. With a focus on fostering self-love and confidence, she has created a movement toward a more fulfilling life beyond the size of your body. For 20 years, Jenny has been guiding women through a transformative journey, helping them rewrite the narrative of their relationship with themselves. Through workshops, talks, and coaching sessions, she inspires individuals to confront their inner critic and challenge the norms that dictate self-worth. 

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Episode Transcript:

Jenny Schatzle 0:00  

Unfortunately, a lot of people don't start to love and accept and respect their body until it no longer functions the way they want it to. And I don't think we should wait till that moment. I mean, if you've ever had an injury you know, oh, I'm never going to take, using my hand or using my leg for granted. But then you do and we do as women every time we compare ourselves to somebody else. Oh, I wish I had her butt. Oh, I wish I had her arms. Well, guess what? You can't physically have somebody else's body.  

Lesley Logan 0:26  

Welcome to the Be It Till You See It podcast where we talk about taking messy action, knowing that perfect is boring. I'm Lesley Logan, Pilates instructor and fitness business coach. I've trained thousands of people around the world and the number one thing I see stopping people from achieving anything is self-doubt. My friends, action brings clarity and it's the antidote to fear. Each week, my guest will bring bold, executable, intrinsic and targeted steps that you can use to put yourself first and Be It Till You See It. It's a practice, not a perfect. Let's get started.

Lesley Logan 1:04  

All right, loves. This guests we have today is back. This is her second time. It will not be her last time. I'm absolutely obsessed with what this woman is putting out in the world to support all of us. Every single one of us. Ladies, especially us. But her name is Jenny Schatzle. If you don't know her, you're gonna fall and fall in love with her just like I did. She is a powerhouse. She's incredible. And she is here to help us all break the cycle of how we are talking about bodies, especially how about our bodies, because all of our actions get passed down to the people around us. And we are more than what our bodies look like. And if you're like yeah, yeah, yeah. And you nod your head, and you nod your head, but then you find yourself you know, not putting on the bathing suit or, which we'll talk about in the podcast, or at home the holidays and someone says something about your body and that makes you upset. Like we were not given the tools to address that in a way that is supportive. And in this podcast, Jenny Schatzle is not only going to give you the tools, she's going to share with you how she use it. And I'm just so incredibly grateful for this woman in my life. And I'm excited for her to be back in your ears. If this is the second time you heard about her, great, you're gonna love all the things we talked about again, it's a great reminder. And if this is your first time get ready to fall in love, just feel so, so supported. And I hope that you check out her first episode, we'll put that in the show notes as well. So you can go back and listen to both of those and just be on a Jenny Schatzle binge and I promise you, you will feel so great. And you'll be so aware of the thoughts that you're thinking about your body. Anytime I ever make, like have a thought that's negative to my body, I actually think like if Jenny Schatzle was here, would I say that out loud? No. So then I don't get to say it out loud. So anyways, you guys, here is Jenny Schatzle. 

Lesley Logan 2:58  

All right, Be It babe. I'm freakin stoked because I know we're all about to go to like, (inaudible) the best kind of church we could all go to, which is just listening to Jenny Schatzle remind us all that we're so frickin worthy and we need to change the conversation and break the cycle. Jenny Schatzle, will you tell everyone who you are and why you rock at all of that stuff?

Jenny Schatzle 3:19  

Yay, well, that's a great introduction right there. Everyone, I'm Jenny Schatzle. I'm so excited to be here. And yeah, I'm on a mission to help women change the conversation around body image. So we can not only show the younger generation how to do it, but we are the ones who model it every day by breaking the cycle and unlearning all the toxic bullshit we learned growing up.

Lesley Logan 3:42  

Yeah, yeah. (Inaudible) Well, you know, Jenny, I thought for a couple of years that like, it felt a little bit like the rest of the world was kind of getting down with this, like the magazines and things were going down with this. And now they're back to what they were before. And I'm like, but I think it's because their magazines aren't selling which is not because of what their titles are. I get quotes all the time or get asked for quotes all the time. And one of them is like, can you tell me how to get Miley Cyrus's arms in five exercises? And I'm like, no, she is 31 even if you did Pilates like her, which my friend teaches her, four hours a day and had her nutritionist and her chef you still won't have her arms because hormones are real, age is a thing and you don't, you're not Miley Cyrus and why are you asking me this question? And so I get really annoyed because even my team's like, hey, here's some things that will do well with SEO which is like 17 butt exercises at school to tone your buttom, I'm like I don't ever want to tone anyone's butt. I don't want to ever talk about that. But it's unfortunate like it's this thing where like, that's what the machines want people, the experts put out because that's what people are clicking and how do we, how do people like you, people like me get people to hear that when you change the conversation when that's not what they'll click on?

Jenny Schatzle 4:56  

100% And it's hard not gonna I'm not gonna lie. (Inaudible), they don't work, but they sell. They keep selling. So the quote I will give you to give them is, you know, when somebody asks, can you tell me how to get so and so's arms, you can say, if we all ate the same and worked out the same, we would still look different. And the days of us trying to look like other people, I want to acknowledge that it's up to us disrespecting, and giving up what we do have. So a lot of us have very able healthy bodies. And on a daily basis, we're disrespecting that. And unfortunately, a lot of people don't start to love and accept and respect their body until it no longer functions the way they want it to. And I don't think we should wait till that moment. I mean, if you've ever had an injury, you know, like, oh, I'm never gonna take using my hand or using my leg for granted. But then you do. And we do as women every time we compare ourselves to somebody else. Oh, I wish I had her butt. Oh, I wish I had her arms. Well, guess what, you can't physically have somebody else's body. You weren't born with it. You weren't meant to have it. I believe I'm this person in the middle. But a lot of my message does get construed like it's not black and white, right? Like, people think I'm anti-diet, but I don't think like you can still want to change your body and lose weight, I don't think that's bad. We just need to have the conversation of why. And when we're giving up, you know, a really old saying, which I love so much, it's don't give up 95% of your life to weigh 5% less. I don't know who originally said it. But it's a very meaningful, because for a lot of us weight loss, we think if I just, and I've said this before on your podcast, you know, but if I just lost this last 10 pounds I'd be happy. If my arms were just a little bit toner or if my stomach was flatter. And we know that that isn't really going to make us our happiest person. And a lot of us are waiting to live our best lives when we lose weight. But then we lose weight and it's just never enough. And the body's still never good enough. So my take on it is when you learn to actually accept the body that you have today that's when you start taking the best care of it. 

Lesley Logan 7:06  

Yes. Oh, okay. All that. Yes. And I think it's, it's interesting. We do take things for granted, when they're working well, because we're looking at someone else's lawn. And you know, thinking that I want that it's gonna be greener over there. It's gonna be easy over there. I was talking to someone earlier today who was on their podcast, and she was telling me how she went to a Pilates class and she was having a really hard time because she couldn't do exercise like everyone else. And I said, well, you won't look like everyone else. And I don't know who your teacher was, but I hope that they weren't explaining to you that you're gonna look like everyone else. You also just started so you are a beginner. And why can we not allow ourselves to be beginners at things? Why are we expecting ourselves? I gotta look like that person over there. I'm not good enough. It's like, no, you just started. So like, it's like, it's all these things that we keep comparing ourselves to others, even when we're new. We should be giving us the most grace.

Jenny Schatzle 7:56  

And I'm gonna add to that we always say in our gym, so I do own a gym. And we do, we don't do Pilates we are, I like to say we are like a one-stop shop. Except for we I shouldn't say it because we don't do Pilates. We don't do Pilates (inaudible). We do cardio, we do strength training. We have what we call like burn days, power days. Anyway, it's a cardio strength. I always say don't compare your day one to somebody, you know, somebody else's day 300. But on top of that, just in the world. It's so crazy that we will sit there and compare ourselves. I always make jokes like Sally Jomo down the street who you think is so thin and so beautiful. But who knows Sally Jomo's drinking a bottle of vodka every night because she's crazy unhappy in her marriage. She hates her body. She's disconnected from her family. Like you have no idea how else, how anybody else is living. And we assume these things based on the way that people look. I say this a lot, too. New listeners. if you haven't listened to me before. I'm brutally honest, I don't hold back. I know a lot of very rich, thin, beautiful women who I wouldn't trade lives with for millions of dollars. They are extremely unhappy, unhappy, and I'm not saying that every rich, thin woman is. I'm just trying to bring up the point that you have no idea what's going on in other people's lives. And just based on somebody's arms or flat stomach, doesn't necessarily mean they're doing it right. Also, genetics plays a huge role in our bodies. You know, there's a there's like a tic tac toe thing. My husband brought it up. It's so funny going around. It was like, you know, these 20-year-old influencers which I'm not talking smack on anyone, but it's like, no, show me a mom who's got, you know, a mom with kids. And I mean, just like all the things like we don't you know, an old saying is we all have the same 24 hours in a day. That's bullshit. You ever ever spent a day with a mom who's got a disabled kid? Have you ever spent a day as a single person or as a mom or a mom without a partner or a mom with a partner like we do not have the same 24 hours in a day. We don't.

Lesley Logan 10:02  

No. You're 100%.

Jenny Schatzle 10:03  

What we choose to do with our 24 hours is up to us. But comparing ourselves like, I don't have the same life at 44, with six-year-old twins and a husband that's gone a lot, but I still have a husband that's gonna come home. And he's all in. And he's an incredible partner, compared to a single mom who doesn't get the help, who has no family in town, or a 24-year-old, who's got a part-time job, who's a trust fund kid, or a 24-year-old who is barely making it and works, like we all have such different circumstances that we can't compare. You just, we got to stop comparing our days and our time.

Lesley Logan 10:37  

Yeah, the other day, my husband's gone for an overnight and I was like, wow, I got so much done today. Because I wasn't interrupted, I wasn't listening. So I'm like, you know, I don't even have the kids or the demanding things, or anybody who needs me more than a regular adult would need me. Like, I just have a husband who works with me and comes in my office at random times, I'm like, you are, you just stop interrupting me. So it's true. We all think we're supposed to be further along sooner than we are. And everyone else has a better and if we just had this and that seems like when I have or when this happens, those phrases, if you ever hear yourself saying them, you that should be like a red light to take a pause because you are not appreciating what's in the present and accepting what you have and what you can do. You know, I like to tell people, that it's brave and courageous to replace what you can't do yet with what you can. Because there's a lot of Pilates exercises that I teach in a class because it's an all-levels class, which means I have to hit the advanced people, too. And when I say is, if you're not ready for this exercise, yet, you're gonna replace it with some that was a challenge for you. And you're gonna remind yourself, it's brave and courageous to do something different in this moment, but also in every moment, it's actually the coolest thing to be the different person in the room. Everybody thinks that that person is actually doing really cool things that, you know, the people who become super awesome and super known aren't doing it because they were the same as everyone else. They did something to disrupt.

Jenny Schatzle 12:00  

And just if we're talking in the gym setting, because I've been in it as you had for a very long time. You know, I'm 44 years old now and my body, it hurts. You think it's not gonna happen to you, my knees hurt my hip hurts. I say I'm the captain of the Mod Squad. I own a gym, and I'm the one doing all the modifications in the gym setting. And I'm just gonna be brutally honest here. Nobody gives a shit what you're doing. Right? Like, nobody's actually watching you. Everybody's thinking 100% about themselves. I always joke in our gym, it's, people are just, they don't care. We have people who walk we have people who run and we have people who run really fast. If you're walking next to a person who's running fast, the person running and the person walking is not thinking about oh my gosh, this person is going so slow. They're thinking, when do I get off the treadmill? Right? When is this exercise over? When are we moving on? Like, when can I be? Nobody's watching you thinking that person is doing a terrible job. And that's just the story in our head. So many people always say, oh, I want to come take a class, I'm just scared or I need to get, I need to get in better shape, before I come take a class. (inaudible)

Jenny Schatzle 13:04  

I always say saying that is like saying you're too dirty to take a shower. I always like to remind everyone why we talk ourselves out of doing what we know is gonna make us feel good, right? Like when you're done with your Pilates, you feel so good. When you're done with a workout in my class, you feel so good. And yet we will sit and we will talk ourselves out of it. Because why? Because we're scared of what other people think because we don't like the size of our body because we think we can't do it. And before we've even tried, and you can't create a new habit, if you don't do it. And so this goes for all things like I tell people, you know, if you say I just want to start walking, you have to actually start walking and you got, you got to do it. Go 10 minutes for five, five days, you know, do 15 minutes of Pilates for 20 days in a row and see how it feels. You have to start and that goes for the same as I would say working out and then the lifelong I think everybody's like, I want to get more sleep, but you're unwilling to turn off the TV. Right? So you have to start like one of my big tricks and I'll go back to what you said too. I I like to give really easy actionable tools, because it's like anything, you can listen to a motivational speech or motivational podcast and you feel great. But then you're just like back to your normal life. Right? So it's before what you said with like, when people start comparing when you start comparing yourself or talking down to yourself, I tell people stop. Put your hand on your heart. And breathe and we're gonna do this together. Ready, everybody listening? Stop right where you are. Put your feet on the ground. Sit up straight. Relax your shoulders. Put your hand on your heart. And I want you to breathe in for five. Ready, breathe in. Go 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Now hold, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Breathe out, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Now we're gonna do it one more time. And you're just gonna breathe in and you're gonna breathe out. But when we breathe in, I want you to say, "Here." When we breathe out, I want you to say, "Now." Ready? Breathe in, here. Breathe out, now.

Jenny Schatzle 15:23  

So when we do that, we get back into our body. So we can remind ourselves, I am here now. And then how do you want to move forward? When we're starting to spiral in comparison, or that we're not good enough, or that maybe we shouldn't go when we know we really do want to show up, stop and do that. Take a breath. It's five in, hold five, out five. And then one more where you say here now. 

Lesley Logan 15:55  

That's beautiful. 

Jenny Schatzle 15:55  

My other tool. I know, right? So good. My other tool is, I'm a big component of, you know, I've never been technically tested or whatever. I have ADHD, I have all the things right? Like, I can't focus. That's why I'm in the fitness world. I get to be loud and dance around and listen to music and meet new people. 

Lesley Logan 16:15  

You can be doing seven things at different times because everyone's doing over here. And you, I'm here. Brad and I are both undiagnosed.

Jenny Schatzle 16:23  

It's where I thrive, like I thrive in chaos. (Inaudible) Like, for me to sit still is really hard. I thrive in chaos. Anyway, so I have to set timers for myself. So for me, one of my big things is like, I am a mom, I have kids, like my alone time is at night. It's also where I do things that don't serve me like stay up too late watching TV, you know, I need sleep. So what, but I also don't believe in drastic, like takeaways from your life and things that like, it does make me happy to lay in bed and watch TV. And so I set timers now I'm like, okay, I'm gonna watch TV, either I'm gonna watch an episode for whatever it is, 30 minutes or an hour. Okay. And then after that, I set a timer for 20 minutes and I read and then I go to bed. So I'm doing one thing I enjoy. And I also enjoy reading. But reading before bed also helps me sleep better. Yeah, so it's not like I'm telling myself, you can't watch TV. But also, I don't want to watch. I mean, I do want to watch three hours of TV, but it doesn't serve me, right?

Lesley Logan 17:26  

Every time I stay up late to watch I'm like, I'm just gonna finish this. I regret it the next one, like why didn't I just space that show out three nights?

Jenny Schatzle 17:33  

Always. And it's not like watch it the next day, but I do have to cut myself off. So like, if I know the show is 45 minutes, I will literally set a timer and the timer goes off at the end. I'm like, okay, I need to turn it off. Because I need like a tool that's going to actually make me do it. Yeah, if that makes sense. 

Lesley Logan 17:51  

It totally makes sense. 

Jenny Schatzle 17:51  

I use it for everything in my life. You know, if I have to study for something. If I have to clean the kit- you've seen on my Instagram, I do a lot of the 10-minute cleanup, I'm a pretty messy person if we're being honest, but I like to clean the house. So I set a timer for 10 minutes, I can clean up as much as I can. And then I walk away. And some, you know, it takes me usually longer, but at least it gets it started. Anyway, I think setting a timer to do things is really helpful. 

Lesley Logan 18:18  

We actually, we have kitchen timers around this house for everything because I was just before this interview, I was on a call with my assistant. And she's like, so and so wants to make sure this is gonna get done. I'm like, well, you can tell so and so that there was no time in the calendar for me to do that. And I'm going to do it. And it's gonna get done. When I can get it done. I'll have it to her by Monday just gives me like three days. But when I go to do that thing, I always set a timer for 15 minutes and everything's on Do Not Disturb. And there's actually a study that if you have a visible timer near you, you actually stay more focused. And for someone like me with undiagnosed ADD, it's really helpful because believe it or not, I can even write that newsletter in 15 minutes, because I am so focused, I'm like in it, I'm thinking of the person that it's going to help. But if I'm like, oh, I'm gonna sit down and then at this hour I have my time I can write my newsletters. I'll take the whole hour because everything will take the time we like give it so setting a timer for a project also allows you if you have multiple things to do that day, you can at least get them started. You can do 10 minutes of pickup and then go timer goes up. Okay, now I'm going to do 10 minutes of like getting back to people on these emails, you're never going to clean up the inbox, but you're at least going to feel like you've got something done. And you move the needle forward in your day. So we're big fans of timers around here.

Jenny Schatzle 19:29  

I love that. Same thing. Yeah. And that's one thing that's actually, really changed my life. 

Lesley Logan 19:34  

Yeah, and I also, also messy not dirty, there's a difference like Brad's like can you just do something about your socks and I'm like, I just take them off wherever I am like that. I'll get them later.

Jenny Schatzle 19:46  

It's funny we laugh a lot. And we all have different things right? Like I'm I'm pretty messy at home but in the gym. I'm like crazy about the weights. The weights being stacked and the gym being super clean. It's pretty funny and people give me a hard time about it.

Lesley Logan 19:58  

Okay, one of the things I love about you is we're both fast talkers, we get to a lot in a little bit of time. You have two daughters, they cracked me up, you're so big on making sure that they are protected from hearing like terrible words. And something that you probably don't know is that around Thanksgiving, you post a thing about like ways to you know, handle rude or weird comments at the holidays and like also like how to handle those conversations. And in my coaching group, our our size diverse coach actually took that post and put it in her channel has like, hey, guys, this is that time of year where our customer, our clients say weird things. They're nervous to go home, here's some things you can arm them with. So for our listeners who you know, haven't gone back yet into, you guys are gonna binge on her Instagram. Before I hit play on this interview, I watched what you post about pink and I just cried. What are your things to help make sure that those family members around us who are not on board with like, what the lifestyle we want to live? How do we protect their terrible energy from harming our kids and even ourselves when we are like trying to live in this new place we love the body that we have?

Jenny Schatzle 21:03  

Yeah, I feel like I've been trying to get this question asked in all podcasts, and you're like the first person to ask this (inaudible). Thank you. Yeah, so and I am really big on honestly talking to moms about body image. So one thing I want to say too, is, yes, I'm trying to protect my kids. And also, it's impossible. And my kids obviously don't have phones, they're six, but they're gonna grow up with phones, social media, the media in general, because people will say to me, well, how are you going to keep them from hearing this message out in the world, but the stronger the message is at home, the stronger the base they have, and that is the goal. And again, it's not bad to tell your kids that they're pretty because I've had people message me and say, well, nobody ever said I was pretty nobody ever and I'm like, oh, I see that too. But I don't, we don't use like when my kids come out and they say do you like my outfit? Or anytime they walk out we always say, oh, you look so powerful. How do those clothes feel on your body? And they're like, good. So it's just kind of slightly changing the conversation? Or they say, How do I look? And I'm like, You look powerful. How do you feel? And so just having these slight interactions at home, we don't first think, oh, you look so pretty. That's not what we start with. And also, every holiday do a post, for the most part, and this isn't in every family. But for the most part, commenting, I'm very big on commenting on people's bodies, and that we don't do that anymore. And this even goes women to women, friends to friends, but a lot of times, especially around the holidays, going back home, I want a lot of people to know that most people don't do it to be mean, it's what is ingrained in them. And it's what they know. So even asking somebody, if they've lost weight is really triggering for a lot of people. And that person, your mom or your aunt or your cousin, they think you're giving a compliment. And I want to remind people that it's not a compliment. Okay, it's it's not only triggering, but underneath it all, it's telling us so many things. One, if somebody's like, oh, have you lost weight? We're getting this internal message that this person who just said that, they're paying attention to our body. They are paying attention to what we look like. And so I mean, I always say is have you, have you ever had somebody tell you you've lost weight and then the next time you saw them, maybe you've put some weight back on, and all you can think about is oh shit, they're gonna notice, right? Because we remember those things. And we remember the person, our body is a value to them, because they have now told us that they recognize and are paying attention to the size of our body. And so I think a lot of us, we don't think about that. And I always say, I'm not trying to be right, I'm just trying to create awareness, because so much of this language around bodies, is ingrained in us. And so a couple years ago, before I went back, I live in California, and I'm from Minnesota, and I sent a text to my family. And because I do this for a living and my family very much still talks about body and I grew up in a body-obsessed family. And then I went into the fitness world. So it continued very strongly and I said to them, basically, and I did post on my Instagram, but basically, how we talk to our family is, come from love, not from anger, because the minute you start blaming somebody and pointing the finger, like you said this, you can't say this around my kids, people's walls come up and they get very defensive. And we're trying to actually really create change. So we want to have very heartfelt open conversations. So I always start with this is what I've struggled with, you know, I've struggled with my body my entire life. And I'm really trying to change that for my children. That's number one. So I put out what I've struggled with and that I, as the mother of my children, I'm trying to change it for my children. Two, I asked for their help. So I'm going to ask for your help in this because you are a really big part of my children's lives. So I include the family in, right? Like, you are important, my kids are listening to you, they look up to you. And so I'm hoping that you'll help me in this. And what I'm asking is, please don't make any body comments about my body, my children's bodies, other people's bodies, you can do whatever you want, when I'm not around. But when I'm there with my children, could you just please respect that? And then on the third, I say, I love you and we're all trying to get better. And just, I really appreciate your help in this. So at first talk about my struggles, I then asked for their help with which also putting a little prompt in like, you know, you're a big part of this, I love you, my kids love you. And then thanking them and it has been really successful. 

Lesley Logan 25:44  

I love it because it's, you take the responsibility, and you invite people, people always want to be asked to help people always want to feel like they're participating in a positive way. And they, and also people want to do it right. So if you tell them what not to do, that's not the same as telling them what to do. So, Joseph Pilates would never tell anyone what not to do. He would never say don't in a session. You would never hear him say that's not right, don't do that. He would only tell you what to do. And so in the same, as exactly how I teach people in Pilates, but that's exactly what you're saying here. It's like you're not telling your mom, hey, you used to talk badly about my body, it made me really self-conscious and I don't want to do that on my daughter's. That's not helping her understand what she can say around them or like what is possible. And of course, you're gonna shut down, the walls and they're gonna feel like they don't do anything, right. And so I love the way you phrase that I think that's amazing. Everyone, we'll have it in the blog on the website. So you could just go and copy and paste for your family texts.

Jenny Schatzle 26:40  

And it's funny when I sent it, everybody was like, oh, like, how did your family respond? And I'll be honest, my family did not respond. So just, everyone should know that nobody texted back. Nobody responded. And then no one said anything while we were there.

Lesley Logan 26:56  

One of the major holidays.

Jenny Schatzle 26:57  

You might not get the response, and this is also to like, everybody's family is so different and also, it's so hard because I think a lot of times, especially when we are trying to break cycles and change conversations within our own families, we're hurt. And we, and it's upsetting. A lot of our family members aren't trying to be, they literally don't know better. They just have to think about like, how were they brought up? Who said, you know, anytime body comments are made, this is also a good reminder for us. Because, you know, we all think things it's you can't say like, don't judge because we're going to judge, but you can, in the moment of judgment. I've said this on your podcast. In the moment, the first thing we think is what is ingrained. The second thing we think, or what we do after that is who we want to be, right? So we judge, but then we get to shut ourselves down like, oh, wait, why do I care what she's wearing? That's none of my business. I don't even know her, right? Like, oh, so and so's body? What? Why do I care? What, I, that's none of my business. And so people who talk about other people's bodies, and we know this, we just have to remember this. It's everything to do with their body. You know, and so always think like, how did they grow up? What is ingrained in them? And so not trying to be right, like, get angry, I'm just trying to create awareness. Like, oh, yeah, maybe I shouldn't say this. And even when you have these conversations, and a lot of times, you're not going to get the response you want, like, you are so right, I am so sorry. You know, thank you. What we want people (inaudible), but a lot of times people might shut down or people just might not respond. But the fact is, you've planted the seed and now they're thinking about it. So you need to go in with I'm just trying to create awareness, not get the response I need.

Lesley Logan 28:44  

Yeah, yeah. And I think that's really amazing to understand our expectations, you know, to manage our expectations so that it's, it can be a change. And I thank you for updating us on how it went, which is that no one said anything about bodies and what a, what a cool Christmas.

Jenny Schatzle 29:02  

It's a reminder to and to shut it down. What were they saying? I don't think I actually ended up pushing. I made a video of it. Because after I went to lunch, there was a group of women and somebody made a comment about like, bathing suits and their bodies and trying on and then I was like, I was like, this is not the lunch I signed up for like I came to talk with some awesome powerful women. And like we're all fabulous. And you know what? And I looked at my friend and I said, are you an able body? Are you healthy? Do you feel good? And she's like, yeah, I'm gonna, I'm like, great. Let's start respecting that. And you know what, I got more important things to talk about, than what we look like in bathing suits, because I think we all look fabulous. And what's really going on? How's your marriage? Right? It's like, a lot of times, when we're talking about body and food, it's because we don't want to talk about the real stuff. And I don't want to sit around with a bunch of women and talk about how fat we are like how big your ass is, how you don't like, you know, I want to be able to support each other in a really positive way. And so it's like, okay, you're not feeling good in your body. What's really going on? Like, let's really talk about it. 

Lesley Logan 30:07  

Yeah, I like how you make it a fun joke. And then like, like kind of just like bring it to people's attention, because it's one of those things. It's like a domino effect, someone says something that someone else goes, and like, let's just be really honest, I don't know who the fit models are for bathing suits, but you're never just pick the size that fits you and don't, just tear the tag out ladies like you don't, it doesn't matter that you don't get to buy the small or the medium. Because no one sees a tag on the outside. Just pick the bathing suit that makes you feel good, and let it go and be the abled, I love what you call it, able-bodied. We forget that we have the ability to get out into the pool and go run around and go swim. And so like, there's, that's the least of our worries. It's like, if we look good enough in a bathing suit when no one's paying attention to you looking in a bathing suit.

Jenny Schatzle 30:51  

And most people don't, I'm gonna be honest, like, there's some staggering statistic like 90 something percent of women dislike their body. I mean, it's gut-wrenching. And so what are we doing to change that? You know, what we need to do? We need to show up in our body today. That's what we need to do. We need to stop basing our conversations with other women around how much we hate our bodies. Our kids don't grow up and are like, you know what, I'm really glad my mom never gotten a bathing suit. I talk a lot about moms because I am a mom. And I do believe that moms, and I'm in a very progressive marriage. But I mean, I'm gonna be honest, I run this house, right, and like our energy, and it's statistically known also that, how if we're talking about women, I do speak to women. But this goes for girls and boys, our kid's body image is directly affected to a mother's body image. And so if we want our children to have an, you know, I have a lot of moms and say, well, I don't ever talk bad about my body in front of my kids. It's an energy, like, we possess it. And our kids know, like, we, how we show up in our body is an energy and so and how we change that conversation is we have to, and when I say this, I don't wake up every day, like, I'm amazing, my body's perfect. Like I, I'm 30 pounds heavier than I was, when I probably technically, right like looked my best, according to society. But my body image was worse. Because I was so obsessed with food and body that it took me out of living my life. Now, I'm heavier, but I am at my healthiest, I feel so strong. And I'm confident in the way that if I don't feel if I'm having a bad body image day, I will still put on the shorts and I will still go out into the world. Like I will show up in my body every single day because I can even when I don't want to. And I think that's really what it's about. And it's about showing my girls that there is all these different size bodies, and my kids are not going to grow up and say, I'm really glad my mom never got in the water. I'm really glad my mom covered her arms and her thighs and never showed her belly. No kid is gonna say that. And so I don't care if you were a moomoo, a bikini, a one piece, like show up to your life in your body, show up with your kids get in the frickin water. And who cares. Like I did a whole thing about spring break. And going with like, a lot of times you go to spring break with other families, and you're so worried about the other moms and what they look like in their body and what they're gonna think, well guess what? They're worried about the same shit. It's like, just put on the frickin suit, go get in the pool, eat a burger by the pool and have some fun with your family and your friends. We're missing out on Ives, because we're so obsessed about what other people think of our bodies.

Lesley Logan 33:33  

Yeah. Oh my gosh, clearly, we could keep going. I I love when we get together. I really wish I had an excuse to go walk with you on the beach again, in Santa Barbara, like we did. That was the best time. Okay, y'all are gonna just follow her. But we're gonna find out where we could follow her and her Be It Action Items for us in just a brief second. 

Lesley Logan 33:50  

All right, Jenny. So people are gonna want to binge out on all of your content. They want to like literally get all of this reminders all the time, because my goodness, I agree. Ladies, please keep showing up and showing yourself out there in the world. It doesn't have to be on social media, because it helps people see all the different beauties that are out there. But where can people find you follow you and connect with you?

Jenny Schatzle 34:10  

Thank you. Yeah, Instagram is my biggest platform. So come to my Instagram, I answer all my DMs. So if you have questions, please message me. I love to hear from you guys. Yeah. And I just, I hope that you, we are all here for the conversation. And we're out there breaking the cycle, because it is not easy. This is one of the hardest things. (Inaudible) I'm 10 years sober. And this is way harder than getting sober. Right? Like learning to accept your body and who you are. But every time, every single listener out there, every time you show up as your authentic self, you give women around you permission to do the same.

Lesley Logan 34:46  

Yeah, you do. You know like there's so much that you have taught me from before I had you on the pod from when I just got to know you and to follow you. And then different times I have been able to experience you. You're right, there are certain things that are ingrained in us and I'll say it are all here (inaudible) hold on that's actually not how I feel about myself. That's not how I want to feel. And you help me be it till I see it. So I know you're gonna help our listeners. Before I let you go bold, executable, intrinsic, targeted steps people can take to be it till they see it. What do you have for us? 

Jenny Schatzle 35:18  

Oh, I love it. Okay, one, the breath. We went over there. And that was a huge tool. It doesn't cost you anything. You can do it at any time. Two, we both have this tool, set your timers. Alright? Let's get on a time, let's like start something. Can we like, we're going to start.

Lesley Logan 35:31  

Let's do a timer challenge. 

Jenny Schatzle 35:32  

A challenge like we'll come up with (inaudible) together, make it official. And then the third thing is, and I'm just gonna be honest, this is again, it sounds like a cheesy self-help thing and it's changed my life. People, you got to journal, I'm coming out with a 90 ways in 90 days, and it's 90 days of body image journal prompts. So keep your eye out on that. But even before that, people throw this tool away. Like it's like, it's so funny. I think a lot of times, we make things harder than they need to 

Lesley Logan 36:04  

Yeah, because I'm gonna tell you, my listeners are gonna want to know what should they journal?

Jenny Schatzle 36:07  

(Inaudible) 90 ways in 90 days to love your body. And so, but for now, until that comes out. For now, again, set your timer. Okay, here's what you do. Sit down, do your breath. Set your timer for five minutes. And literally write everything that's going on in your head. I call it free writing. It's just even if you're writing, I don't know what to write, the thoughts will start to come out. It's five minutes. Don't worry about grammar. Don't worry about punctuation. This is again, one of such an easy tool that doesn't cost money that will literally, five minutes today, it can change your life. And it boosts creativity. If you're feeling stuck not only in your body, but in work or in your family or in your relationships. Guaranteed. If you were to start free writing five minutes a day, in 30 days, things would be different.

Lesley Logan 36:56  

I agree. Okay. I can't wait for your journal to come out. You have to let me know so I can promote it here on the pod and share with people. (inaudible) Oh, please, please, please. I'm so in. I am, I love a good prompt and I actually think that there's so many journals out there that are prompting us about mantras and affirmations. But like this is the journal that all these women are needing and imagine what's gonna happen, oh my God, I can't wait, there's got to be a 90-day challenge, we're gonna have to do that, too. So just let me know when we're all signed up for that. Jenny Schatzle, every time I see you, you just bring so much joy to my heart and my life and no matter where my level of vibration was, which is already in a great spot. I'm already in another spot and I've learned so much from you. So thank you for being the woman that you are and really helping all of us. And I'm not getting, my, my entire Agency community like follows you and we put you in this one channel because you also have helped, you know, for Pilates instructors, we want to say things that are gonna be helpful for our clients. And so in that channel, the girl is like instead of saying like, oh, you look like you've lost weight, which is a thing that a Pilates instructor or gym teacher could end up saying to people in that environment would can be what used to be considered appropriate. But instead it's like, oh, you look so strong today. Oh, I love that you did this exercise. Wow, you're so fun to be around. You're like, your energy's amazing class. Like, all those things are super complimentary, make people feel so seen and have nothing to do with their actual body. Like what it looks like, which is so great. So you have really been such a part of our lives in that way. So thank you. Y'all, how are you going to use these tips in your life? Please let Jenny Schatzle know. Tag her. Tag the Be It Pod and you send this to a friend, send this to the friend who's complaining about her bathing suit so that she can hear it from us instead of you. If you don't feel comfortable telling her yet right and and so, thank you so much everyone and until next time, be it till you see it.

Lesley Logan 38:50  

That's all I got for this episode of the Be It Till You See It Podcast. One thing that would help both myself and future listeners is for you to rate the show and leave a review and follow or subscribe for free wherever you listen to your podcast. Also, make sure to introduce yourself over at the Be It Pod on Instagram. I would love to know more about you. Share this episode with whoever you think needs to hear it. Help us and others Be It Till You See It. Have an awesome day.

Lesley Logan 39:18  

Be It Till You See It is a production of The Bloom Podcast Network. If you want to leave us a message or a question that we might read on another episode, you can text us at +1-310-905-5534 or send a DM on Instagram @BeItPod.

Brad Crowell 39:33  

It's written, filmed, and recorded by your host, Lesley Logan, and me, Brad Crowell.

Lesley Logan 39:38  

It is transcribed, produced and edited by the epic team at Disenyo.co.

Brad Crowell 39:42  

Our theme music is by Ali at Apex Production Music and our branding by designer and artist, Gianfranco Cioffi.

Lesley Logan 39:49  

Special thanks to Melissa Solomon for creating our visuals.

Brad Crowell 39:53  

Also to Angelina Herico for adding all of our content to our website. And finally to Meridith Root for keeping us all on point and on time.

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