421. Best Hacks for Rebooting Your B.R.A.I.N. for Growth


Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter, a renowned naturopathic doctor and transformational coach reveals how unresolved traumas and emotional blocks can prevent us from reaching our full potential. Discover how her unique B.R.A.I.N. System clears these blocks, reboots your energy field, and aligns you with your true purpose, enabling you to live a more empowered and fulfilling life.

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In this episode you will learn about:

  • Dr. Louise’s health struggles that led her to become a transformational coach.
  • Overview of the B.R.A.I.N. System and its five components.
  • The impact of unresolved emotional traumas on physical and mental health.
  • The importance of clearing your energy field to align with your true purpose.
  • Rebooting Lesley’s brain with energy codes and understanding their significance.
  • Practical tips on integrating the B.R.A.I.N. System principles into your daily life.

Episode References/Links:

Guest Bio:

Dr. Louise Swartswalter is a master transformational coach, naturopathic doctor, speaker, frequency medicine pioneer and healer serving entrepreneurs around the world. She is the creator of the Brain Soul Success Academy and the B.R.A.I.N. System TM, a unique multi-dimensional system that works on the mind, body, soul and energetic field all at the same time to release the ancestral trauma with fast results that stick! Dr. Louise Swartswalter has 30 years of experience helping over 45,000 people achieve optimal brain power and success in life and business. Using a combination of tools Louise has helped people move from anxiety to calm in one session. One client told her that “one session felt like sixteen years of therapy” while another said “ she saved my life.” 

Her team of certified Brain Soul Success Coaches are helping people just like you worldwide transform their brains and increase their businesses. Dr. Louise has been a guest on KKOB radio and KOB-TV Good Day New Mexico. Schedule her for your next big event! louise@louiseswartswalter.com 

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Episode Transcript:

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 0:00  

And I had people take before and after pictures, because when we clear that deep energy of all that old, let's say, poverty, mindset, bitterness, sadness, struggle, whatever it is, and we clear that, and then I reboot my brain with a new program, people look like they've had a facelift. Like stress just melts away. It's better than bow ties.

Lesley Logan 0:22  

Welcome to the Be It Till You See It podcast where we talk about taking messy action, knowing that perfect is boring. I'm Lesley Logan, Pilates instructor and fitness business coach. I've trained thousands of people around the world and the number one thing I see stopping people from achieving anything is self-doubt. My friends, action brings clarity and it's the antidote to fear. Each week, my guest will bring bold, executable, intrinsic and targeted steps that you can use to put yourself first and Be It Till You See It. It's a practice, not a perfect. Let's get started.

Lesley Logan 1:04  

Okay, Be It babe, I'm gonna be honest, if you are listening to this podcast, then, that's great. Thank you. If you're watching it, you're in for a visual treat. If you are listening there is a part of this episode that's gonna sound funny and it makes sense if you're watching it-ish. We have Dr. Louise Swartswalter on today. I've been on her podcast, the Brain Soul Success podcast, and then also, I've had her in the OPC members only community. And I just really enjoy her energy. She's just so fun. And if you're OPC member, you should definitely check out her mind gems. We talked about those towards the end, but today we talked a lot about her journey and how she got into what she's doing and then, and I'm going to be really honest, some of you might be like, what is she talking about? What are these numbers? What is going on? And that's fine. You can absolutely wonder and want to know more information. And I also will say, if you have been struggling with anything in your life or in your body, and you've done all the things, you've gone to the therapist, you've gone to the doctors, you've had the X-rays, you've had the blood test, I'm like, it's not getting better, I highly encourage you to lean into this a little bit, because, one, what do you have to lose? Two, Louise, her whole thing in life is to help people the way she wanted to help herself. And I really love that, because a lot of us are seeking information to support ourselves, and some of us will take that information and teach to others, and that is what Louise is doing. So here's Louise, I think it's, we're going to go on a journey together, because I've had, I had something on my mind that's been bothering me for more than 24 hours, and I, it really makes me mad when something like that happens, and we were able to work through that. And as I do this intro, I've still worked through it, so it's still not bothering me anymore, which is phenomenal and exactly what I needed. So even I'm just really grateful for her, and I'm excited for those who do end up working with her, if that ever like, there's something special about what she's doing and how it can help you. So here she is. 

Lesley Logan 3:07  

All right, Be It babe, I'm so excited to introduce to you someone who's just like so delightful, pure joy all the time, coming from this woman that wasn't always her life. So we're gonna get into that very quickly. But Louise Swartswalter is our guest today. She is incredible. She has developed her own system for helping us remove trauma from our bodies and from our brain and has an incredible story. So Louise, will you tell everyone who you are and what you rock at?

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 3:31  

Yeah, absolutely. I'm Dr. Louise and I rock at actually clearing traumas in the spaces of the brain and then rewiring and rebooting people for their intention, their goal. So it's a transformational system, and I love the results, like, I love what happens for people.

Lesley Logan 3:48  

Yeah, okay, so that's incredible, and we have to get into that in a second, but I want to g,o take a step back, because is this is what you went to school for at the beginning of your life? Like this is it, like, when you were growing up is this what you thought you'd be doing?

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 4:02  

No, absolutely not. So, you know, the whole story is, I mean, I was in Chicago. I'm now in Albuquerque. So I grew up in Chicago. I thought I was gonna have the white picket fence and the 2.1 kids and the puppy dog. I was a teacher. I actually played school with my best friend, Susie. We played school and we played cop. Okay, so I became a teacher, she became a cop. So we were like, six and seven. So that's really, you know, where this all kind of all started, and then I ended up getting really sick after my son was born, and I was on a journey to really heal myself, and medical didn't help me. In fact, I had all kinds of, like diagnosis, everything from fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, MS, they really didn't know what was wrong with me, and so I was on my own. I had to figure it out. So I ended up in the world of natural health. So everything from chiropractor to acupuncture to nutrition, I just kind of did it all, and then I started getting better, but I wasn't really 100% me yet. It like I was physically better. Of course, we start with our physical body, right? We start eating organic food, taking our supplements, exercise, doing Pilates, right? You know, doing things to really get ourselves healthy. But I didn't understand I really needed to work on the emotional body, the physical body, the spiritual body, and that we had an energy field. That was coming. So then I ended up learning all of that. I got my naturopathic degree, I got biofeedback devices, I started Albuquerque Natural Health Center. I did that for 20 years, and then the last about nine years, I was kind of overlapping, doing a couple of things, and I started Brain Soul Success about nine years ago and created my own system. So now I'm more online, but I helped a lot of people, like 50,000 families here in Albuquerque, and did a lot of talking Lesley, and people still call me. It's kind of fun. I just got to talk to somebody yesterday. I'm like, oh my gosh, your daughter was four, and she's graduating from college.

Lesley Logan 6:01  

That's amazing. I think it's so interesting how something that seems so like tragic and awful and terrible can really, I love hearing that story of like, it actually puts you on this journey to really, not only help yourself, but actually help so many people. It makes it not necessarily worth it, because you don't want anyone to have to go through that. But also, like, we wouldn't have what you've created. How did you have, like, the confidence or the energy or the stamina or the belief to switch, to go from someone who is, like, taking all of these, going to these acupunctures, going to these naturopaths, to be going, I'm going to be one. What did you have to tell yourself? How did you do that each day? Because I know that for people who listen like they all have this, like, I want to learn this, I want to do this, but I'm just this person. I'm just a teacher. I'm just a stay-at-home mom. Like, I think people hold themselves back and they don't know how to believe in themselves.

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 6:55  

Yeah, you know, that's a very good question. I would say it took me 16 years. It was a long time. I mean, I woke up at in my 40s, and I was like, wait a minute. I've been like, not okay for 16 years. I'm done with this. So I prayed, you know, I have a strong connection. I have a strong faith. It's not religious, it's a faith, you know. And I just asked, I just just prayed and said, hey, you know what? I know I'm going to do something with this information someday. Lead me. Guide me. And, you know, I came to New Mexico to get away from chemicals and pesticides. I was very chemically sensitive. I was mold sensitive. And so I decided to move to the mountains. I researched where to go. And so we were in Taos for seven years. And those were our like, I call him my monk years, because we were in the mountains, and we got to pray and hike and see double rainbows, and my son caught wizards and tarantulas, and we had weird pets. I mean, it was just this sort of magical, magical time. And I loved being a mom, but I knew there was more. I was an awesome special ed teacher. So my background is special ed, so I was always involved in the brain, and my own brain got messed up, and I didn't even know my own phone number. It was written on a sticky note in my wallet in my 30s. So my quest was always to get my brain back, you know?

Lesley Logan 8:20  

Okay, so that, so let's get into that, because I love how things layer on. Because you were a special ed teacher and you had to learn so much about how different learning styles from people who have vastly different learning styles. I've been an atypical or neurotypical brain. What was that like? Are you just like reading books on brains? Like, how did you figure this out? Because I feel like a lot of people struggle. And some people are told things like, it's early Alzheimer's, which it might be, but like, you were in your 30s, that'd be really early. And it's so easy to, like, take a diagnosis, what? What led to, how did you figure this out? 

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 8:52  

Well, okay, so, the diagnosis for all those autoimmune diseases, and I was just not going to accept that, and really, really, you know, it was my kids. I mean, I really wanted to be a mom at that time. I didn't know I was going to have, you know, a multi-figure company. I didn't know that then. I just really wanted to be a mom to my kids, and so I would just look at their little faces, and that was my motivation or my quest was to get my brain back, to be healthy, to have energy again. But I didn't stop. It's kind of like I treat my body now like a Ferrari. I'm going to put Pennzoil in it. Okay, we're not putting cheap Walmart oil in this body. So I had to learn all that. And so really it was just a study of reading books, taking classes, working with different practitioners. And then when I started naturopathic school, the reason I started that was because I said to myself, hey, you know what, Louise, you know all this. Why don't you just get the paper on the wall? Let's just get the certificate you've done all this work. So that was my quest there. But how I really kind of put the brains up together was this—those kids that I was teaching to read, write and spell—so I took a whole dyslexia program, even after public school teaching. I wanted to get my Master's in something, and I loved kids, love teaching, love the brain. And so I took this program, and what was, was using multi-sensory techniques to change the brain. So we did what you see with what you say, with what you hear, with what you write, with what you feel. And that's how you can take someone who is not able to read, write and spell, and teach them how, for example, we would sky write in the air, b-bat-book, so you're seeing the letter, you're hearing the sound, you're getting to feel it. Then we would do it in sand. Okay. So it's multisensory. And then really, this light bulb moment hit me. So I'm, I'm studying naturopathic school. I just got a biofeedback device. I'm playing with it, and I'm thinking, huh, it's a multi sensory program to help kids to learn write and spell again, read, write and spell, and it's changing their brain. Well, my brain didn't work. How come we're not doing a multisensory approach for healing? And that's how I came up with the B.R.A.I.N System. So B.R.A.I.N System really just is a five-step system, and it spells brain. It's an acronym. So B is body, because I started with my body, and then R is releasing. And there's a lot of releasing techniques that I teach. It's releasing the mental chatter, the emotional baggage, those questions that we have. Like you asked, How did you even, like, have the motivation to do anything? Right? Well, I didn't have energy right away. I just was like, I said I wanted to be a mom. But there's a lot of things we have to release. It's old trauma for when you were a kid, it's ancestral trauma, it's the time that you felt like guilty for something you didn't do. So that's, R is releasing. And then A is aligned with spirit. So I found, spirit, God, the divine, the universe, whatever you believe in, is always a part of healing our life, you know, whether you have a health issue or not. And then I is integrate. So it's integrating your brain frequencies to your soul's true purpose. So I also found it's hard for people to move forward and heal their life or their business, they don't have a purpose. You got to have a purpose, right? A driving, a drive almost like a GPS in your car. 

Lesley Logan 12:41  

Yeah, we actually have an episode. That's, it might have, it's already been out since this, when this comes out, and our friend, Rob Rodman, his whole goal is to help people find their purpose. Because he says, so few people know what it is, and even fewer people are doing it so and it's like the life regret is you get to the end and you like, you never figured it out. So that's, I love, that that's part of your system. 

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 13:05  

Yeah, that's a really beautiful part. And he's right. You know, people will regret that. It's interesting. Sometimes I feel like our purpose is just to be us, like, to be 100% your soul truth, like we're seeking that. To know who we are. 

Lesley Logan 13:18  

Oh, my goodness, isn't it so funny, how we can make it so complicated. Like, my purpose is to, like, save people from X, Y and Z, and (inaudible) it should be ourselves, like, just to be 100% yourself and know who you are.

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 13:32  

Exactly. But it's right, and that's the second thing you said is so important, and know who you are, right? So that's what my whole system does. It's so interesting because in the ad is the new program, and the new program piece I love. It's actually really rebooting your brain. People don't know that your brain has rings around it. There's an energy field around your brain, and so when you don't work in that space, but I just give you a bottle of Total Recall great supplements that I have. It's not going to do it all. We have to do the feel too. So I do the feel part of the brain. So the new program is literally like rebooting your bio-computer, your brain, your energy field, with your goal, your intention, what it is you desire. 

Lesley Logan 14:17  

Okay, I love this, in case anyone is listening, is going hold on, like rings around our brain, like a Saturn ring. Is this why like, if I think something, my husband might say the thing I'm thinking right then, is that why that happens? Because my field is interacting with his field. Just in case anyone's like, I'm with you to the field. Can we talk about the field a little bit more? How do we know we have this?

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 14:39  

How do we know we have it. We're all energy. Okay, we're actually, we're actually 99% space and 1% matter. So we're all energy. So you and I are intermixing our energetic fields right now just by connecting with each other and talking with each other. So think of it as almost like in geometry class, the Venn Diagram, where you had circle and then another circle connected to it, and there was a space where those circles were connected. Yeah, yeah. That's how our energy fields mix all the time. We can actually get other people's stuff in our energy field too. So you could have a conversation with somebody, or you could even go to the store and buy something, and whoever is at the store is kind of having a bad day, and they're angry, and they're checking you out at the register, and you walked in fine, and now you walk out kind of grumpy. Okay? It's like you pulled in there, grumpy. We interacted with their field. So I teach people how to clear all that so that think of your your brain as there's an atom with rings around it, and when those capacitor rings are off balance you will be, too. So that's a simple explanation. 

Lesley Logan 15:52  

So you teach people to clear it like do we need to be thinking about trying to clear ourselves anytime we go out public? Is this something that I like this idea over-saging myself all the time because I feel like I'm wasting sage but like, is this something that you're doing to release, or you just acknowledge? Are you have you gotten to a point where you're like, oh, this person's energy is not great. I'm gonna have to clear that so it's not like constantly happening all day.

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 16:17  

That's not constantly happening all day. But, I mean, I did a clearing on myself this morning, and we did a big, it was awesome. Awesome. I taught a class last night, and we did a ancestral clearing. We ended up going 23 generations back on dad's side, and I had people take before and after pictures, because when we clear that deep energy of all that old, let's say poverty, mindset, bitterness, sadness, struggle, whatever it is, and we clear that, and then I reboot the brain with a new program, people look like they've had a facelift. Like, stress just melts away. It's better than Botox. We should take the billboard out. Like, honestly, I should say, it's really cool. It's really cool Lesley to see the differences. So then I have people text me their pictures. So yeah, we have before and after pictures, because when we're clearing the field of all the stuff that's in the way of you achieving your goals, it's, things flow, there's synchronicity.

Lesley Logan 17:19  

Yeah, yeah. It's true. I mean, it's really funny how some days flow and some days don't. If you're really being having awareness, you know why that day isn't flowing, your brain is stuck on something, some conversation, some worry, and it's keeping you occupied, and it's tilting those rings out of alignment.

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 17:38  

Yes, absolutely, absolutely, we all have that that's human. So it's really about learning some tools, if you will, to keep yourself clear and grounded, focused on what it is you do, what you do want, and every day is still going to be different. It's just having a tool bag to be able to clear yourself and have the awareness like you just mentioned. You're aware that you keep thinking about something, or you're worried about something, that's the place to go. Acknowledge it, take a look at it, so even just being present with it can help begin to clear it. 

Lesley Logan 18:13  

Yeah, yeah. I think that's, I think that's very true. I interviewed Gay Hendricks, and one of the ways that, he says you upper limit yourself, your brain like does a little self-sabotage, is worry, like your brain gets stuck on something. He's like, some worries are worth worrying about. You should definitely worry if you left the stove on or not, you know, but then you look at it like you said, call someone at home and have them go turn the stove off, or go check the stove, and that will get rid of the worry. But some worries are out of our control. They're like, they're not anything we control and also can create a story around something that just really derails how you engage with your day and how you stay in like your purpose, which is being yourself, because the worry is not who we are.

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 18:56  

Right. Absolutely. Would you say that's something that's a pattern that comes up for you? 

Lesley Logan 19:01  

He says there's seven. And what worry is one of mine. And so I'm really good at catching it, not always good stopping it, but I'm very good at going, oh, we're we're self-sabotaging right now, you know, especially like, I'll tell you this morning, I had a worry on my mind, but I don't want to speak out loud, but I've had this worry on my mind, and I can tell you why it's happening. It's because yesterday, I had a really great meeting with the team. We are doing some big things that are taking us outside of our comfort zone, and so that like they're and they're also just scary on their own. It's always scary to make big changes, but to the thing that I'm worried about right now has nothing to do with that thing. And so I'm like, I know what I'm doing. You know what I mean? I'm trying to get out of the good feeling of, like, where we're going. 

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 19:45  

Yes, absolutely. Well, where that makes sense, you know, the reason I asked that, I was like, okay, let's play with this for a minute, do you want to clear that worry? 

Lesley Logan 19:52  

Yeah, let's clear. I would love to.

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 19:56  

Okay, let's do it. Okay. So I'm going to ask you a question. What do you want to have changed or be different?

Lesley Logan 20:01  

About that worry, or about? 

Speaker 1 20:02  

It could be about the worry, it could be about anything. Could be the opposite of worry. Like, how you want to be. If you're so worried what would you want to like what would you want to feel? 

Lesley Logan 20:12  

Oh, well, joy, calm, confident. But I think the confidence of coming having the discernment of like, how to react to the, you know what I mean? Like, to react to that worry. 

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 20:22  

Okay, I am calm and confident. 

Lesley Logan 20:26  

Yeah. You know how you can see people, like, take something, and they like, hear a problem, and they just have discernment, and they make a decision, and they move on. And I, some worries. I do not move on. I don't want to go, I thought about that, and now, you know, thank you, next.

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 20:43  

Okay, okay, so I am calm and confident and I'm able to to move forward. It sounds like. 

Lesley Logan 20:48  


Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 20:49  

Okay. So if you were calm and confident and able to move forward, what would change or be different in your life? 

Lesley Logan 20:55  

There'd be a bit more ease and less distraction. So I'd probably get more, I'd probably, not even get more done, but I'd have more presence, maybe more present. 

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 21:06  

And if you were more present and you have less distraction and you're getting more done, you're able to move forward, you're calm and confident. How would that make you feel? 

Lesley Logan 21:15  

Pretty great. Like, yeah. Just like, yeah. Like, unstoppable, but in the good kind not like, almost like I'm able to I'm also able to be around more people, like, I'd have more space for capacity to enjoy the amazing people in my life.

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 21:36  

Okay, so let's put, what I'm gonna do, this is a technique called the Soul Tie Box. So what I do is I put you being unstoppable, calm, confident, being able to sort of make those decisions, move forward, right, with more ease, be more present. So I kind of put all of that in a box. And then this is an intuitive process where I ask, hey, whoa, what is pulling away from that? What is this worry thing about that comes up. So let's ask, because one, two, there's at least two strengths. So can I ask about the core issue of worry and where it started for Lesley? Yes, I can. Okay, so I'm just going to ask where this started, because I had feeling as mom, dad or great, great, great, great grandparents. So let's find out, is this mom dead or something else? Is it a situation in your lifetime. No, do the worries start with your grandparents? No, great grandparents. Yes, is this something on your mom's side, on your dad's side? So this is great grandparents, great grandma, great grandpa. So this is great grandpa on your dad's side. So if this is great grandpa on your dad's side, and he had oranges and other things in your fields. This is the energy field piece. Right? These are patterns that get passed down in our DNA, and then we play them out in our lifetime. And there's often layers of this stuff, but if we can peel a little bit of a layer off, and then, you know, next time there's like another onion skin that peels, then we can really, truly get back to 100% our soul truths, our authentic self, and that's when we can move forward with more ease and grace in life. Not that life doesn't happen, right?

Lesley Logan 23:11  

No, correct life lives. But yeah, it'd be great if, like, I didn't have my great grandfather stuff, I could have my own stuff.

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 23:11  

Exactly. Got your own stuff. Exactly. 

Lesley Logan 23:19  

Also, so I'm so great that you could figure that out. Because I was like.

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 23:27  

Yeah, no, it often is old patterns, and you've done a lot of work on yourself. So it doesn't mean there aren't things from childhood too. But because we're focused on worry right now, I wanted to find out the core of where it started, you know. So I also get insecurity, unsupported, worry. What are some other things we need to name about that time period, about great grandfather here, one two, anxiety, despair. I mean, they had a harder life, right? 

Lesley Logan 23:56  

Yeah, yeah. 

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 23:57  

So we don't end an old fear. I always think of fear and faith as opposite, and trust and worry is opposite. So, like, here's trust, here's worry, so I'm showing a pencil, you can't be halfway in the middle of the pencil. You're either at the top and trust or the bottom and worry. So really, when we find ourselves in that worry, our goal is to get back to trust and faith. Right? So that's where whatever tools you use, or if it's prior or self-taught, I teach some brain hacks. So this is this old stuff. So then I say, was this a liar or thief or a fraud? Was it all three. It's all three. I know those words kind of sound strong, but it's clearing a soul. It's clearing a soul body. Okay, any other words here, and then I say, what did it do? Did it kill, steal or destroy? Well, it stole your joy, your hope, your freedom, your comfort to be given, your clarity, your trust, protection, safety, confidence and letting go, so we reclaim those. Right. Do you feel a little bit of a shift? 

Lesley Logan 25:15  

I am feeling a shift. Yeah.

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 25:17  

Isn't that cool? I know it's pretty fun. Yeah. Let's see if there's another string holding you back from being calm and confident, being able to move forward, right? Be more present, feeling great, having that space for people. Is this a male, female or a situation? It's a situation. Is it recent or old as an old situation? Is this old situation? Something with Lesley? Yes. Is it something with mom? Something with dad? Something with dad when you were a kid? When you were a kid. So we do a lot of dad stuff today. So zero through five, five through 10, 10 through 15, 10, 11, you were 11. So this is something age 11 with your dad. Now we have to find out if it's dad stuff in your field or something with both of you. So is this your dad's energy? Because when we're kids, we take on our parents energy, even because we want them to feel better subconsciously. So we take on their guilt, their stuff, because we want daddy to feel okay, right or wrong? So that's, you know, it's always that. And so this is age 11. Do you actually remember anything at age 11 with your dad?

Lesley Logan 26:27  

Not a ton. But I'm trying to think of how old I was when my parents did like a mini separation, and my dad moved out, and it wasn't for very long, and I don't have a lot of memory about it, but that feels like about the because it was before junior high. So, yeah, that's like, I'm feeling like that's about the age. 

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 26:47  

Okay, so dad moved out, so yes, so is there abandonment? Yes. So, so we're naming the words. In other words, what I'm really doing is naming the truth of what happened? And when you speak the truth, the truth will set you free. And I actually have cheat sheets of words. So if you're looking on YouTube, I'm holding plastic sheets of words. So I have cheat sheets of words that I test, and then sometimes I have to look for the right word, so, and it has to be the right word to clear all the way. So I'm going to give a really crass example. So if I say, if I'm frustrated, and I say, oh shoot, I don't really feel different, right? If I say, oh shit, I actually feel better. That just means that shit's the right word.

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 26:58  

Yeah, yeah, yeah I agree.

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 27:38  

Absolutely. Yeah, you know, okay, so we got vulnerability, helplessness, abandonment, these could be both you and dad. You know, overwhelm. There's a shock here we have to clear. We always have to clear the shock to heal. So there's a shock. I mean, you're 11, Daddy's not there. Negative, devastated, anguish. Is there another word A through, M, M through C, M, N, O, it's an O, word, oppressed, liar, thief, thief, oh, you're going to be so much better. (inaudible) Yes. That's a thief. It's stealing. It stole your love, your trust, your focus, your comfort to have, your confidence and your relief. Did we clear that for Lesley? 

Lesley Logan 27:39  


Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 27:44  

Is there another word I need to say? No. I'm going to do a little clearing statements. Okay, this is called Access Consciousness. It's another body of work, but it's just a clearing statement. So we're just going to say, I just try not to create any judgments, assumptions, projections, conclusions, decisions about this time, when you were 11, and anything in your field that's still, you know, hanging out there, we release it now. Let it go. Allow you to be calm and confident and move forward and be present, to feel great, to be unstoppable and achieve your goals, good and bad, right and wrong, POD and POC, all nine, shorts, boys and beyonds. I often have people tap the bottom of their foot. I don't know why. It just seems to knock it out. So just kind of take an open hand and kind of hit your foot. 

Lesley Logan 29:17  

All right. 

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 29:20  

Good, awesome. Good job. Do you have any pictures in your mind of that time period? Do you still see like you alone with mom or something, or Dad? Dad's not there. Any pictures? 

Lesley Logan 29:31  

Not, not really. I mean, it's really funny. I don't have a ton of images that are from a long time, so I'm trying to think back and yeah, it just, so do I need to have one, like picture, a physical picture?

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 29:43  

I'm just asking. Because the reason why I'm asking that is because the picture creates, like, a little cellular memory bump in the brain. 

Lesley Logan 29:52  

Okay, so, yeah, no, I'm good.

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 29:55  

I want to clear that if we needed to.

Lesley Logan 29:56  

No. Good. Okay, great. I don't have one.

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 29:58  

Okay, good. All right, very, very good. Okay, so do we clear everything we needed to do today, you know, helping you with the worry? Yeah, now we want to reboot your brain. Okay, so this is the part that looks funny, because it's energy work and it's codes, it's numbers. When I first saw this over 20 years ago, I almost walked out of the class, but people's faces were changing. They were releasing accidents and stuff for people. And I'm like, how are they doing that with those numbers? That doesn't even like, I'm kind of scientific, both science, spiritual person, and so it looks funny, but I just want you to kind of hang with it. And if you're listening on the podcast and you're not on YouTube, (inaudible) hop over to YouTube and see this, but I'm just going to have you say those intentions, those goals that we wrote, and then we're going to integrate them in your field. Okay, so say I am calm and confident.

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 30:52  

I am calm and confident. 

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 30:56  

I'm able to move forward easily. 

Lesley Logan 30:59  

I'm able to move forward easily. 

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 31:01  

Okay, I have more ease and less distraction.

Lesley Logan 31:04  

I have more ease and less distraction. 

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 31:07  

And I'm more present. 

Lesley Logan 31:09  

And I'm more present.

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 31:11  

I feel great. I feel unstoppable. 

Lesley Logan 31:14  

I feel great. I feel unstoppable. 

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 31:16  

And I have more space to enjoy the amazing people in my life.

Lesley Logan 31:20  

I have more space to enjoy the amazing people in my life. 

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 31:24  

Awesome. Good job. So you're just going to hear me say these codes. And so what I'm doing is I'm circling my hand and saying numbers. So they're circles. The original work was put together by my teacher, Dorothy, was called, in the 1980s, the circles of life. Okay? So I'm going down your left leg, and I'm saying two, three, love, five, three, forgiveness, six, five, choice, nine, two, freedom, four, two, greater love. Okay, then we're going to come down your front, and I'm going to circle down your front, four, two, and I think I'll have you say these Lesley, say I have positive self-worth. 

Lesley Logan 32:00  

I have positive self worth. 

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 32:02  

Excellent. Two, two, I choose to succeed. 

Lesley Logan 32:04  

I choose to succeed. 

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 32:06  

Four, four, I choose to live in joy. 

Lesley Logan 32:08  

I choose to live in joy. 

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 32:10  

And six, two, I choose to live by the higher laws.

Lesley Logan 32:13  

I choose to live by the higher laws. 

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 32:15  

Excellent. 1-4-7 on your backside, I'm going to have you look at my x. So you're just going to look at an X, four or five. Both of those codes balance these ranks, depth ring around and alignment ring. So the depth ring goes around the head from front to back, the alignment ring goes side to side. And those codes balance that. The reason they're important because they also have to do with ancestral programs. So they go seven generations back and seven forward. So it should help your ancestors, too, 9-6-9-6-8-6-6-8-3 to 926 complete cycles 5,859 times 2 to 823 complete cycles 2,623, times 375, 377, 586-469-467 releasing trauma 10- 5-7-8-2-8-7-7-5 in the shock 1-2-3 place with peace 5-2 5 to 1137 complete cycles 87,357 times 6-7-6-7-6-7-6-7. Cool. 

Lesley Logan 33:27  

Cool. I feel lighter. This is kind of so funny. I drew this flower essence card two days ago, and I got a card, the ancestor card, and the woman who made us like, oh, you're gonna you're getting something from your ancestors, you know, you're getting a message from them. And the worry started that day, but it wasn't like from them, it was like from something else that came in my inbox. But the worry started that day, and I've left the card up because I'm, like, I didn't hear from my grandma, like, you know, like, I didn't hear from it. And so the fact that we're doing this today while the card is still up, and it turns out it's my great grandfather's stuff, like, it's making me laugh a little bit, because we were supposed to do this call a week ago in a whole different state. You know what I mean, like, so just the timing of this call, with this thing and this topic is just making me like, this is really great. We can go put that card away.

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 34:24  

Absolutely. That just means you're aligned, right? Divine timing. 

Lesley Logan 34:28  

Yeah, yeah. 

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 34:29  

Like, it's all perfect. 

Lesley Logan 34:31  

It is all perfect. 

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 34:31  

You know. And also the fact that you noticed it. Right, that you're recognizing those signs for you. We want to lock this in, though, so I'm just going to have you say the bottom ones again. Say, I feel great and unstoppable. 

Lesley Logan 34:31  

I feel great and unstoppable. 

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 34:40  

And I have more space to enjoy the amazing people in my life. 

Lesley Logan 34:47  

I have more space to enjoy the amazing people in my life. 

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 34:49  

So the way we lock it in is we put our hands together above our heads. So you just want to put your hands together above your head, and don't let me pull them down. If I was with you, I would try to pull them down. Okay? And then we're going to cone our fingers on your right hand, meaning we're making like a little wander point with your fingers, and then make a circle in front of your heart and say, 2-2. 

Lesley Logan 35:10  


Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 35:11  

I choose to succeed. 

Lesley Logan 35:12  

I choose to succeed.

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 35:13  

And then tap your belly button eight times. Good job. Yay. Awesome. 

Lesley Logan 35:21  


Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 35:21  

That's part of the brain system. Isn't that fun?

Lesley Logan 35:23  

It's fun. I feel so much lighter. I feel very this feels very great. And if you're listening to this in your car, it was probably the weirdest set of numbers you've ever heard. If you're an OPC member, you've met Louise before, so we've done the numbers before. So is this thing you only do with one on one? Is this something you do in groups? Is this something people can do to themselves? Like, how do we, like, take what you've created and how you learn and make sure that we stay with our rings and balance?

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 35:52  

Yeah, absolutely. So all those things. So I do it one on one. I also teach it. So I have certified coaches now. I put together Brain Cell Success Academy, so it's a school online where you can learn the brain system, so that you can have these tools too and learn to do this. And what I noticed is, the more I work with people, the more intuitive they get, and the more they trust their intuition. So they can do this process that I'm doing on you. Well, like, I can't learn that. I'm like, yes, you can. Yeah, take some time. It's not something you can do in a weekend, but it does take a, take a little bit of time, but it's totally doable. And I love doing big groups. So like, I have a retreat coming up in September, and I'm so excited because I get to teach the miracle integration, which is a whole integration we just did, like, a little bit, but there's always a movement, and it works on the different lobes of the brain, but it's the field, the work, the energy field work, and is so transformational. And the difference is, it sticks. It's not like Reiki. And then you leave, and three weeks later you're the same. It sticks. So that's what I like about this work. But yes, I can do it, both personally, in groups, and then I love teaching it, because when people have the tool bag, they can do anything they want in their lives, like I can tell you story after story. You know, traumatic brain injury, to getting married, becoming a health coach, starting a business, all kinds of things happen in a year. That much happens, that much transformation.

Lesley Logan 37:26  

I want to highlight that. Like before we did that whole thing, you had mentioned that at 30 you couldn't remember your own phone number. Yeah, so you clearly have healed your brain. 

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 37:41  

Yes, you know, I do those every day, so I got those down. But yeah, I really take pride in having a sharp brain, and I love helping other people get there, and because I'm using a multisensory approach to it can take, I mean, I started with the ADHD population years ago, and in three months, not one of those kids was ADHD. It doesn't have to take that long. People struggle. It makes me sad, because they don't have to struggle. The piece they're missing is they're missing the energy work of clearing the trauma and rebooting the brain with these codes, with these circles.

Lesley Logan 38:13  

Yeah, I find it really fascinating, because I feel like there's not enough research on a lot of things, and there's so much different research, and they're finding there are people who have different learning styles. And I think that that's very true. I think we all were that's why there's multisensory we would have had that before if there wasn't different learning styles. And I also think like there is so much trauma, and we're not dealing with it, and so now we're we have even more than ever. A lot of people who are very young ages are missing out on great, healthy life experiences, because they don't have the energy and they don't have the stamina, and they don't have the brain capacity to remember their phone number. And so it is really, it is really amazing that there are other tools out there. But also, you know, I guess my question is, like, what do you call yourself so people can find you? You know what I mean? Like, I find it to be very interesting. How would people, you know, because so many people want to like, they want, certainty, they want the pill or they want, I definitely am sure there's people listening going, okay, so all those numbers, but let's just see how Lesley feels in an hour. And you know, I'll keep you guys posted on the recap for sure, to tell you what I'm feeling but I think some people want the pill or the test or the thing that they can like, this is gonna work, and this can feel a little more esoteric?

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 39:25  

Yes, no, absolutely. I mean, I have thousands of testimonials. So, I mean, you kind of have to go there, because you're right. I'm not doing a blood test that shows that your blood changed, you know what I mean, and yet this energy work has changed that So the way that we prove it is with before and after pictures because people can see it themselves, they see the differences in their face. So the face, the body language that can change, and so that's how I can show it, but I guess I would call myself a transformational coach, and yet I have a tool bag because I'm a naturopathic and I've worked with the brain for so long, and I have five different biofeedback devices, so I back things up with biofeedback. So even that alone was powerful, but when I added the brain system with it, then I can work in the field at the same time that I'm figuring out the body pieces and balancing the serotonin and the dopamine and all the stuff that we can do with with neurobiofeedback, it heightens it. And so because it's a multidimensional, multisensory, it's faster, so obviously, take the fast way or the slow way. You can take the slow way and take supplements for three years. Great. Go get blood tests. Awesome. You feeling a little better, great. But then when that emotional stuff comes up in your life again, and you start tanking again and not feeling good, it's because those other layers haven't been addressed.

Lesley Logan 40:50  

Yeah, it's very true. I think we don't pay attention enough to, like you said, the emotional layers, or those mental layers, like they really do have an effect, and they become something we can feel oftentimes, we just describe that, and then we go hunting down for the source to why you have pain in your stomach or pain in your shoulder, or pain here. And if you've tried all the things and they haven't worked, it's worth trying this, because you know, what did you have to lose?

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 41:18  

Yeah, absolutely. No, pain starts in the field. So I do muscle testing and show that pain starts in the field. When we did a miracle integration on Cherie few years ago, she had pain in her hip for 15 years, everything from chiropractor to physical therapist to doing all kinds of things. And in one integration, the pain was gone. And it's not just for pain or for health. You can up level businesses too. So I can take people who are here, and then they can triple their income by the time we clear enough layers, because it's about getting back to your soul's truth. So that's what I love, is I love really helping people have, have the life that they want to have, whether it's a business thing, a health thing, but you can. But oftentimes business owners, they don't realize that, unless you're healthy and your brain works, right, and your field is clear, yeah, you're going to keep bumping up those against those problems of the deeper layers of worry or self sabotaging, whatever's going on.

Lesley Logan 42:18  

No, that's 100% correct. Yeah, your business can only grow as strong as you are and as healthy as you are. As the owner, for sure, you're so wonderful and so brilliant. You've got so much to offer people. We're gonna take a brief break and find out how people can find you, follow you, work with you and your Be It Action Items. 

Lesley Logan 42:32  

All right, so where can people connect with you? Where can they get more brain success with you?

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 42:40  

So they can connect with me at the website. It's brainsoulsuccess.com You can find me on social, on Instagram, Facebook. I'm not on Twitter. And I also have a podcast of my own, and we have Lesley on the podcast. That was awesome. Lesley, thank you, Brain Soul Success Show. So you want to check out the podcast. I have great guests. I think this week we're, we have a Shamany Jane on and I love Shamany. She works a lot with Bruce Lipton and Gregg Braden, and she's proven energy work, and she's coming to our retreat, so she will be here in September, speaking and sharing her gift with us.

Lesley Logan 43:15  

So cool.

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 43:16  

I'm so excited. Yes, absolutely. 

Lesley Logan 43:19  

That's so cool. Okay, well, your story is really empowering, and what you're doing to help people is really amazing. And you do this a lot, and also me myself, I feel amazing. But actions that people can take, bold, executable, intrinsic or targeted, steps people can take to be it till they see it. What do you have for us?

Dr. Louise A. Swartswalter 43:37  

Keep working on yourself. You know, definitely, keep working on yourself. Become aware of those little, I guess, must say, brain, brain hiccups, or things that are just like you became aware of the fact that you were worried. Become aware of those things and maybe journal them. And then I have a free gift that can help balance those brain rings. And they're called Mind Gems, and they're like, take four minutes to do, and they're starting to balance the rings around the brain. And so very simply, this is present time, putting your hand on top of your head, and then you switch it, and that allows you to just like, chill and be in present time. And then we can clear shock and anxiety by coning your fingers and putting it on either side of your thymus gland. And so if you take some time here, when you do this and you breathe into it, it'll clear shock and anxiety. And then we switch it, so most of them are done switching. And so that's just a couple of the mind gems, but those will help you to balance, stay focused.

Lesley Logan 44:41  

Yeah, OPC members, we did the mind gems together with you, but you can get all of them from Louise's site I'm sure. These are great. These, I already, I'm calmer again. I'm so present. Walk around, you know, reminding myself. You're wonderful. I hope to run into you. I venture soon through Mexico on our winter tour because it would just be so fun to meet you in real life. Thank you for all the work that you do and how much you believe in helping people. It's so beautiful. And y'all, how are you going to use these tips in your life? Tell us what was your takeaways were? Make sure you tagged the Be It Pod. Share this with a friend who needs it. We all have people in our lives who've done everything under the sun to try to help themselves, and maybe they need this. Maybe this is the thing that they need. So share it with a friend who might need it, and until next time, Be It Till You See It. 

Lesley Logan 45:33  

That's all I got for this episode of the Be It Till You See It Podcast. One thing that would help both myself and future listeners is for you to rate the show and leave a review and follow or subscribe for free wherever you listen to your podcast. Also, make sure to introduce yourself over at the Be It Pod on Instagram. I would love to know more about you. Share this episode with whoever you think needs to hear it. Help us and others Be It Till You See It. Have an awesome day. Be It Till You See It is a production of The Bloom Podcast Network. If you want to leave us a message or a question that we might read on another episode, you can text us at +1-310-905-5534 or send a DM on Instagram @BeItPod.

Brad Crowell 46:15  

It's written, filmed, and recorded by your host, Lesley Logan, and me, Brad Crowell.

Lesley Logan 46:20  

It is transcribed, produced and edited by the epic team at Disenyo.co.

Brad Crowell 46:25  

Our theme music is by Ali at Apex Production Music and our branding by designer and artist, Gianfranco Cioffi.

Lesley Logan 46:32  

Special thanks to Melissa Solomon for creating our visuals. 

Brad Crowell 46:35  

Also to Angelina Herico for adding all of our content to our website. And finally, to Meredith Root for keeping us all on point and on time. 

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