483. Simple Changes to Take Control of Your Schedule
In this inspiring Fuck Yeah Friday episode, Lesley Logan dives into the importance of celebrating wins, handling setbacks with grace, and planning ahead for success. From an uplifting client story to lessons learned from unexpected challenges, this episode is your reminder that there is always a way to overcome obstacles.
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In this episode you will learn about:
- MacKenzie Scott’s inspiring response to criticism.
- Celebrating Christine Bowen’s story of transforming her client’s outlook through Pilates.
- The power of re-prioritizing when unexpected challenges arise.
- How to adjust your planning process to accommodate unforeseen setbacks.
- The importance of grace and self-compassion in times of adversity.
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Episode Transcript:
Lesley Logan 0:00
It's Fuck Yeah Friday.
Lesley Logan 0:01
Fuck yeah.
Lesley Logan 0:02
Get ready for some wins. Welcome to the Be It Till You See It podcast where we talk about taking messy action, knowing that perfect is boring. I'm Lesley Logan, Pilates instructor and fitness business coach. I've trained thousands of people around the world and the number one thing I see stopping people from achieving anything is self-doubt. My friends, action brings clarity and it's the antidote to fear. Each week, my guest will bring bold, executable, intrinsic and targeted steps that you can use to put yourself first and Be It Till You See It. It's a practice, not a perfect. Let's get started.
Lesley Logan 0:46
Hello, Be It babe. Hello, welcome to the FYF. Welcome to the Fuck Yeah Friday where we celebrate wins you had, wins you might have had, a mantra, we celebrate someone who's inspired us. So I came across this article about how Elon Musk said that the donations, the hundreds of millions of dollars that MacKenzie Scott, I hate this part, they say like Jeff Bezos' ex-wife. So MacKenzie Scott is her own person, and she has lots of money, and she has been donating hundreds of millions of dollars a year to charities that are devoted to women services and women's health. And he said that that hundreds of millions of dollars is destroying Western civilization. That's literally his quote. And her response was that she doubled her donations. And I just love that. I love that. I freaking love that she did that. I hate that she is getting attacked for the generosity that she has because, holy frickin molly, are we kidding? What are we doing here? Come on. I love that that was her clap back. And I think more and more, those of us who come across someone who's just trying to tear you down because you make them look bad, clap back in a really elegant freaking way like that. We should call that a MacKenzie Scott. So anyways, MacKenzie Scott, love you, obsessed with you. Someday I want to meet you, because I would love to learn your ways, but also you are inspiring me, and you just put a smile on my face on a really busy day. And I just so appreciate you for that.
Lesley Logan 2:18
All right, now we do one of your wins. And this one is from Christine Bowen. She hasn't been an Agency member for many, many years, and she lives in Ireland, and she here's how it goes. So a lovely new client started with me this morning and just purchased a five-pack. He's had a lot to deal with the last year with multiple surgeries related to cancer. So he sent this message to me, and this is why I teach. So this is from him. Thank you for this morning sessions. It exceeded my expectations and gives me a real sense of excitement that physically things are going to improve myself in the not-too-distant future. So Christine goes on to say it makes the challenges of running your small business worthwhile when teaching people Pilates can help people feel that there is hope and they can help themselves to feel good in their body and get out of pain. Right, Christine, that is beautiful. What a great way to like start your day, but also what a wonderful human that you guys get to do this life together. It's so amazing what you teach him, but also that energy that's gonna come back to you. I mean, it's just so wonderful. So thank you for sharing that win, because it's your win, it's his win. We all get to win because of it.
Lesley Logan 3:22
All right, a win of mine. So I'm recording this obviously from the past, from the very past before we went on tour. So one of the wins that I have had this week, just back in the past, is we are way behind on recording because I had a cough and I thought I should (inaudible) because, like, maybe I'll just push through and we'll just, like, stop recording whenever I cough. That just was not an option. Even on, like, in the beginning of the week, I couldn't get a sentence out without coughing, so we just bumped everything. And as I sit here with behind on filming a bunch of things for our YouTube channel, I decided I was like, I can't even stress about it, because, to be honest, what is the most important thing that has to get done this week, this week, this instant, what has to get done? Okay, this is what has to get done. If that gets done, yes, it is important for how our business goes, and how our YouTube video's released, and all those different things. But when it comes to priority number one, two and three, is it this? And to be honest, no, making sure people are, get all their stuff for the tour, making sure that the van is packed with everything that is, making sure that I am healthy to be on this tour is the best thing that I could do. Those are the top three priorities. And you can't have more than three because then you don't even know how to take actions. So, hopefully, there'll be YouTube videos for you all in January and February. And if there's not, it's not personal. It's not personal at all. I got a cold, and we had to make some changes and make some adjustments. And here's what I will tell you, that I like to do whenever something comes up that I can't control, and it causes something negative, in air quotes, to happen. I go, okay, how could we prevent this in the future? So in the future, I can't turn back time and not get this cough, right? So what could we have done? Well, honestly, maybe we should have actually been recording January and February's content in October and November, and not end of November. So what does that mean? It means my team will have to have the stuff ready for me to record early, so they'll have to work a little earlier on things. So how does that look? Well, that means making those adjustments today, because they're already working on the two months after that. So now they're going to have to start like not doubling up on their work, but like making some tweaks that they're even a little bit more in advance. And so what used to be good enough with two months in advance is no longer good enough. I think we have to be more like three months in advance and or on the end of Q2, early Q3, recording for Q1 already, so that we don't have this rush at the end. Now, some things can't be helped. We cannot batch more podcasts than we do, like we can't do that. So I recognize that this rule won't affect everything, but it can affect some things. And so I share that with you, because if you are sitting here listening to this, behind on stuff already and going, how am I already behind? It's the beginning of the year. It's only the first Friday of February. Stop, pause, get that thought out of your head. Ask yourself, what would I need to do so that I wouldn't be so rushed that I'm having this issue right now? Right? So that's the changes that I made, and I'm really proud of that, and I'm proud, I'm just like, I'm not gonna get mad about it. I'm not being harsh on myself. I'm not even gonna waste another minute thinking about, oh, maybe I should have done it on Saturday instead of doing x, y, z. No. No. Other things had to get done. And so this will get done. And obviously running a business can't be on like the whims of my cough, but there are things we can do to plan in advance so that there can be time if someone gets sick, and that is the most important thing.
Lesley Logan 7:01
So y'all, I hope that this little, little bit of like, badassery, amazing win and musings on how to do your schedule so you're not rushing around if you have a cough, helps you with this Friday. Now, I must leave you with a mantra, how about that? Okay, well, get this wow, I just picked this one up. I did not plan this one in advance. And it says there is always a way. There is always a way. So at the time that I'm recording this, maybe we figured out a way to record those episodes, I don't know. But guess what? We're not going to stress about it, we're not gonna be mad at ourselves, because there is always a way. If there's something you want in this world, there's always a way. Always a way. And if you can just remind yourself of that, there's always a way, there's always a way, there's always a way. I bet you, I bet you my love that that way will reveal itself, and it might come from a place that you weren't even thinking about. So thank you so much. You are amazing. You are wonderful. You being a listener. Please share this with a friend who needs it, and until next time, Be It Till You See It.
Lesley Logan 8:01
That's all I got for this episode of the Be It Till You See It Podcast. One thing that would help both myself and future listeners is for you to rate the show and leave a review and follow or subscribe for free wherever you listen to your podcast. Also, make sure to introduce yourself over at the Be It Pod on Instagram. I would love to know more about you. Share this episode with whoever you think needs to hear it. Help us and others Be It Till You See It. Have an awesome day. Be It Till You See It is a production of The Bloom Podcast Network. If you want to leave us a message or a question that we might read on another episode, you can text us at +1-310-905-5534 or send a DM on Instagram @BeItPod.
Brad Crowell 8:43
It's written, filmed, and recorded by your host, Lesley Logan, and me, Brad Crowell.
Lesley Logan 8:48
It is transcribed, produced and edited by the epic team at Disenyo.co.
Brad Crowell 8:53
Our theme music is by Ali at Apex Production Music and our branding by designer and artist, Gianfranco Cioffi.
Lesley Logan 9:00
Special thanks to Melissa Solomon for creating our visuals.
Brad Crowell 9:03
Also to Angelina Herico for adding all of our content to our website. And finally to Meridith Root for keeping us all on point and on time.
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