490. Tap Into the Highest Version of You
In this transformative episode, Lesley Logan sits down with Christina Deering, a shaman and business intuitive, to explore how to connect with your highest self, break through money blocks, and align with your soul’s purpose. Discover powerful tools like EFT tapping, pendulums, and energy-shifting techniques to help you step into abundance, stop self-sabotage, and confidently charge what you're worth.
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In this episode you will learn about:
- How to identify and clear subconscious money blocks.
- The importance of aligning pricing with your soul’s highest good.
- Using EFT tapping to normalize financial success in your body.
- How pendulums can help you make intuitive business decisions.
- Recognizing physical signs from the body that indicate misalignment.
- The power of shifting energy rather than pushing through resistance.
- How to remove, delegate, or shift draining tasks.
Episode References/Links:
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamchristinadeering/
- Website: www.christinadeering.com
- Free Gift - 5 Min Energy Reset: https://beitpod.com/energyreset
Guest Bio:
Christina Deering is a Shaman Healer and Business Intuitive who helps spiritual entrepreneurs scale to 6 figures and beyond! She’s best known for clearing more limiting beliefs and trauma in 1 healing session than decades worth of therapy - opening her clients up to receive manifestations in the form of quantum leaps. Host of the top 10% podcast worldwide: You Unlimited, she’s a trailblazer on all things wealth energetics, emotional mastery and unlocking your spiritual gifts for financial success. She’s been featured in Forbes and Goss Manifest Magazine, and is an international speaker on creating impact and legacy in alignment with your soul!
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Episode Transcript:
Christina Deering 0:00
Sometimes we get really caught up when we're in our mind, when we're doing something new, and it feels really scary. So when we can start to really tap into our soul by using even like little tools outside of ourselves, this can help us, like a pendulum, or like you were just saying, using your body, it starts to actually allow us to get the validation that we already know.
Lesley Logan 0:18
Welcome to the Be It Till You See It podcast where we talk about taking messy action, knowing that perfect is boring. I'm Lesley Logan, Pilates instructor and fitness business coach. I've trained thousands of people around the world and the number one thing I see stopping people from achieving anything is self-doubt. My friends, action brings clarity and it's the antidote to fear. Each week, my guest will bring bold, executable, intrinsic and targeted steps that you can use to put yourself first and Be It Till You See It. It's a practice, not a perfect. Let's get started.
Lesley Logan 1:01
All right, Be It babe, get yourself a cozy space to sit in and listen to this. And if you can't, because you're driving or you're working or you're doing a lot of things, that's okay. You're going to want to save this episode, because I am so grateful for our guest today, Christina Deering. I was on her podcast, You Unlimited, and she's just a beautiful soul, and she's such a generous person, like, just generous in everything that she is offering and sharing the knowledge that she has. And in today's episode, I have a notepad of like, notes that I wrote down, either on a book I want to read or on a thing I want to try, on a reminder of a way to do something or a different way of doing something I've already heard about, like chock full of information to help us show up as our best versions of ourselves as a person we want to be of what our soul desires to be. And I know when people say soul or highest self, it's like, ah, this is a little woo for me. It is not. This is your episode, especially for my perfectionist, my overachievers, my people-pleasers. Here is Christina Deering.
Lesley Logan 2:00
All right, Be It babe. This is going to be a lot of fun, because I've already had an amazing conversation with our guest today, Christina Deering, and once I had that one on her podcast, I was like, well, you have to come over to mine, because we're not done having an amazing time chatting. So Christina, can you tell everyone who you are and what you rock at?
Christina Deering 2:16
Absolutely. Lesley, thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited to just deepen into this conversation that we had over on You Unlimited. It was so much fun on that podcast. So I'm Christina Deering. I am a shaman and a business intuitive. So I help people scale to six figures and beyond, doing what they love for a living.
Lesley Logan 2:33
So fun, but also for the people who have like, what? How do you become a shaman and do all this? Can you take us back a little bit. Where did this get started? Is this something you've always wanted to do? Is this something you fell into?
Christina Deering 2:46
Yeah, you know, I joke. I'm like, the sorority girl turned shaman. Like, it makes no sense to me, too. Honestly, if someone had told me that five years ago, 10 years ago, I would have laughed and been like, I don't understand what that means. So essentially, what happened was I worked in marketing for 15 years, and I just kept climbing the corporate ladder and feeling more and more empty. And I recognized that there was just a huge part of me missing. I'm like I want to do something I love. Why don't I love this? I mean, I keep getting more money, promotions, but it doesn't feel good in my body. And so I recognized was there had to be something more. So I ended up kind of starting to follow the breadcrumbs. Like the first breadcrumb was like, what if you were a life coach? You've always been interested in that. What if you just started to work with a life coach and saw what that looked like? And so that was my first step. Was like, oh, working with a life coach that was really supportive. So then I became one and started learning the trade of actually, you know, holding really powerful coaching sessions. And then there was a year of just learning, where it just all these modalities just kept flying my way, where, like, breath work. Let's get certified in that. Reiki is actually a form of Japanese shamanism. So a lot of people are familiar with Reiki, and that is a form of shamanism. And so I was following all these breadcrumbs. And then one of my healers, she's a shaman, and she's like, you're being called into shamanism. How does that feel? And I was like, it feels good in my body, but I have no idea what that means. I don't know. So let's do it. But let me Google that. What is a shaman? And so there's so many different forms of shamanism. You know, you hear of the shamans that use plant medicine. You, you know, essentially, the way that I use and tap into shamanism is I'm just helping people connect to their highest self, connect to their soul. And so I do that through deep healing modalities, through sup porting people and unlocking their intuition and using their body as a tool to better understand what's in alignment with them. So lots of channeling that I do as well, which is like, I can channel your highest self, you know, channel your angels and guides, things like that. So that's the form of shamanism that I play in the most which is just so much fun because there's so much guidance that's available to us. We just have to know how to tune into it.
Lesley Logan 4:53
Yeah, it sounds like as a shaman, you can actually help people be it till they see it, because you are unlocking the things that are keeping them from being who they truly are.
Christina Deering 5:00
Absolutely. Yeah. And we just need that clarity and that guidance, because for most of us, myself included, I was checking everyone else's boxes, and then I got there, and I'm like, why doesn't this feel good? This was supposed to be, like, the ultimate like, I checked them all what happened? And so it really is about tuning back into like, what do I want? What do I see who do I want to become, and then, oh, how do I get there? And a big part of that is heal what's in the way of what you want.
Lesley Logan 5:01
Oh, okay, okay, we have to tap into that. I completely understand. I think a lot of people listening can understand, like, checking all the boxes, climbing the ladder. I had to quit a job before they promoted me again, because I, like, could not stop taking the promotions. You know?
Christina Deering 5:42
For sure. Hard to say no.
Lesley Logan 5:43
I did two jobs in a row, and I was like, oh yeah. And I like to be helpful. I needed more money, so the promotion meant I could be helpful and get paid more. And then they were like, oh, but I have less time for myself. I'm not happier. I can pay my bills now, but I'm not happier. So this isn't helpful. So I totally understand that. Can you talk about heal what stops us? What are some things that you see are getting in the way of people unlocking their true potential?
Christina Deering 6:06
You know, imposter syndrome. They're like, who am I to go after that? Am I allowed to have these big dreams? It's just a dream I can't actually have that. A lot of that negative self-talk that gets in the way of actually going for the thing that they want, because when we can visualize it, we're actually tapping into future timelines. I think people are like, oh, I'm just daydreaming, and it's no, you're tapping into a future timeline. Do you like that? If you do start moving towards it, follow the breadcrumbs and also heal what's in the way. Because the way that I see it is, when we have that visualization, we're tuning into what we want, we see beyond that barrier we've been living in. And then we're like, oh, I want that. We come back in the box we've been living in that barrier, and then we go to go after it, and we hit the wall. We haven't even noticed that we've been living in this self-imposed wall of all the stories we've been collecting from parents, friends, society on what it is that we're allowed to do or not allowed to do, and so from there, it's a lot of what is your unique wall that's here, and where did that come from? And let's start to actually break that down. Sometimes it's from childhood. Some of these codes that we receive from people that we just start operating from. You can either get paid to do something you hate, or you can be a starving artist. That was what I received when I was younger. Sure you can be a singer if you want to be on the streets, you know? And I'm like, well, wait, what? Or you can just get a desk job and be safe. And I had to really start to pull apart that programming. And a lot of it's generational. It's passed down, or, if you believe in past lives, it's even further beyond that. So there's just a lot there, and it's unique to every single person. But ultimately, I think a lot of it is imposter syndrome, and people have a lot of blocks around money, it's like a charged topic. And so I love teaching on wealth energetics for that reason, because I feel like as a collective, we've kind of gotten it wrong about money, and when we think about it as energy, it changes the whole game.
Lesley Logan 7:55
Yes, oh my gosh. So all the Pilates instructors that work with us, I coach them on as like, if you under-charge because you think it's going to help you have more clients, you will burn out because you're actually giving the same energy like you're giving your value to them. The only way they can actually give you that energy back is through money. That's the only way. They can't teach you that's not who they are. And when you under-charge, they are paying back 70% of what your energy was. So by the end of the day, of course, you feel exhausted doing the thing that you love, because you set it up where they can't even replace, they cannot repay the energy that you put out like it's not possible because you set it up that way. Yeah.
Christina Deering 8:33
Yes, yeah. That's such a potent way to look at it, you know. And I always think about it too, where the price point is an invitation for both of you, where it's an invitation for the other person who's saying yes to it to expand into. Because if the price point is totally neutral, I usually say that room is too small for you, like, if it's just like, oh, whatever, sure, I'll do it. Find a bigger room. As a consumer, you want to step into a portal that's going to expand you and help you evolve. So I, this price point should feel a little bit stretchy for you, because on the other side is a brand new version of you that I feel like we're all trying to get to. So it's really empowering for the person to say, like, actually, let me stretch into that. Let me step into something that's going to expand me versus keep me the same. Right? And then, as the person like you were just saying, as the person who's providing the service, you want to be able to show up with both feet in it. And if we're stretched thin and we're doing 50 different things, we can't serve the way that we know that we're meant to. So this is a way that allows us to really step in with both feet and fully serve the way that we desire to.
Lesley Logan 9:35
Yeah, yeah, it's true. I mean, like, I think a lot of people really have a money mindset, because people my age, their grandparents probably were in the Great Depression. So unless they were the rich ones, like my grandfather, wouldn't even wear jeans, because that's what poor people wore. When he was a kid, you're poor, so you wore jeans. So he, as a retired person, wore slacks every day in his house. These stories like money isn't growing on trees or oh, when people get rich, they become terrible people, all these different things that keep us playing really small. And there's actual studies that show that when women make money, specifically, the actual community thrives, because women put the money back into the community. They support other women's businesses. They support small businesses. They give money to people who have it. And so in order for us to have bigger impact. We have to make more money. And then also, like you said, it forces a step into, oh my gosh, if I'm going to charge something that scares me a little bit for that thing that I have to show up even bigger, I'm going to show up even more. I'm not going to just, like, phone it in.
Christina Deering 10:34
Absolutely, yeah, and I love talking about that process of expanding your price point and how to actually normalize that in your body, because we have to get our body on board with new price points, and the second our body's on board, I call it normalized success in your body. Everything changes.
Lesley Logan 10:49
Okay. Can we talk about, can we dive into that? Because I think people are probably listening and like, in their body, hold on. Because you can talk about, you could write it down a bunch of times, but to say it like your throat kind of closes and you get sweaty palms like that, it's going to come out the wrong way to the person who's hearing it.
Christina Deering 11:05
100% because people buy based on energy. So if they feel your energy on the other end of the screen, or in person where you're, like, clenching your butt while you're giving the price point, they're like, I don't know, something feels off. And so what we have to do is it's a two-step process. First, we really have to find the value that we bring into every room we walk into, start to really connect to the value that you bring to life. Like at the end of the day, start journaling. What am I proud of myself for? You know, all the different things that we do every single day. What are the client testimonials? We have to really connect to the value of what we're offering. That's first. Second, this is like number one, the second you decide you want to expand your price point, we have to normalize that in the body. And what I do is I use EFT tapping. So I will tap while I visualize that thing going well, or I will say it out loud. So I'm witnessing this person coming on the call, and we're diving into what it is that she's desiring. And then at the end the call, I share the price point, and I'm tapping the entire time. I'm tapping on my body as I'm visualizing this happening, and what I'm telling my body is it's safe for this visualization to happen.
Lesley Logan 12:08
And are you tapping, like, on your your brows? What parts of your body do you tap?
Christina Deering 12:12
Yeah. So there's different parts of the body. You could literally go on YouTube and type in Emotional Freedom Technique, or just type in tapping, and you're going to be tapping on your eyebrow, the inside, the outside, under the eye, under the nose. So there's different spots that we're tapping on the body. These are energy meridians that when they're tapped, it brings a calming sensation in the body. So now what I'm doing is I'm coupling a calming sensation with the thing that I'm stretching into. So now I'm telling my body it's safe to do that thing. It's normal. I've already done it in my mind's eye. It's already happened. So when you do make the sale, it feels more like deja vu than it does like, oh God, I just said the price outside of my body, and I'm scared. It's not that. Now you're like, of course, of course. So when someone pays you, it feels like and of course, this has already happened. I do this with every single one of my clients, and it completely changes the game for them.
Lesley Logan 13:02
I love that you brought up the value, we have to know what our values we bring into a room. We have to acknowledge that. Because I think a lot of people, when they are figuring out what they charge for their services, or what or their products, whatever they're gonna do, they're thinking, like, what will people pay for this? And then they go, oh, well, in the area that I'm at, this is what people charge for these things. You know, like, I have flashcards, right? And on Amazon, we are very expensive for flashcards. If you look at there's like, stretchy, there's no Pilates flashcards, there's like, stretching flashcards. There's other kinds of things. And they're all like, $25 and ours are $65 to $115 and I have people go, can you maybe we should make a cheaper deck that doesn't have all this stuff. We could just take the picture and the QR code. We could put on a smaller card. We could put on thinner card, like all these different things to do it so we can fit into what the going rate on Amazon for flash cards is. And I was like, you know, I want people to save then for the cards that I have, because the value that my cards bring is more than what we're charging, and it's going to do X, Y and Z thing. So that's what I know, and I'm going to stick with that. But I think if I wasn't sure of the value, if I wasn't clear on what it does, it would be so easy for me to get swept up in that, and then I'd have this product that I'm not excited about, and that energy around is not gonna be great. I'm not gonna put energy behind it to sell it. I'm gonna hope it just does well. When people Google exercise flash cards, you know? Like, it's just gonna be this generic thing.
Christina Deering 14:23
I love that, yeah, holding the value, and then it feels like a luxury experience too. Like, when someone's getting the flash cards, they're not just flimsy. They're like, these are really nice. Like, it's like an experience when they're using them, versus, like, let me make it as cheap as possible, so that someone can get it.
Lesley Logan 14:38
And then not use it.
Christina Deering 14:39
Kind of like, devaluing the whole experience you have with the cards, you know what I mean?
Lesley Logan 14:42
Yeah, yeah. And then not use it, because they didn't have to expand to buy it, like you said before. So, okay, so value, tapping and visualizing, and then it feels like deja vu, okay, was it always easy for you to look at money, or did you have to go through this? Did you have to find this block as well? With the money.
Christina Deering 15:00
I had to find the block for sure. We grew up where there was an envelope of money that was available for us for the whole week, and that included groceries and anything else that we need bills, and it was like we have $200 this week for the whole family. So be really specific about what you need from the grocery store. You know what I mean? So I just remember that was a big memory that I had to clear was like, the grocery store always felt like a no or like a yeah, you can have it, but now I'm gonna be passive aggressive to you for the remainder of the week, you know. And it was like, This just doesn't feel good, you know. So it didn't feel good to receive, it didn't feel good to ask. There was a lot of energy around that whole experience. So I had to do a lot of clearing around, making money, receiving money, feeling safe with it. And what I think is really actually very fun too, that I like to do for price points is I like to actually connect to my highest self on how to price. So that's something as well that I think one of my favorite things to do is to actually say, like, how does my soul want to price this? You seem really tuned in. You're like, my soul wants to price this deck of cards as XYZ. But for someone who's tuning in, that's, I don't know how to price it. I'm going off of the market. It might be a little bit low. What I always do when I'm thinking about expanding my price or changing my price, which you'll know, the energy will feel a little heavy. If your price point is too low, you'll be like, I don't really want to serve it feels a little bit like resenting doing all this stuff during the day. That's when you know you need to raise your price. I actually use a pendulum to better understand how to price my offers, and I'm happy to dig into that even more.
Lesley Logan 16:29
This is so fun. Let's do it.
Christina Deering 16:31
Okay, let's do it. So what I do, you can use your body as a pendulum, or you can use an actual pendulum. And I will use the pendulum, and I will ask it two questions that I already know the answer to. So the first question I ask it is, my name is Christina, and then I see how the pendulum moves. So my pendulum will move in a circle. So now I'm acclimated to my pendulum when it's in alignment, to say, yes, is going to move in a circle? Okay, great. So now I'm going to ask it a no question that I know the answer to. So I say I live in New York City, and I don't, I live in Dallas, Texas. So then I see what my pendulum does. My pendulum moves back and forth, and I'm like, okay, now I know what my soul is telling me is a yes or no energetically with my pendulum. So then what I do is I will say, right before I'm going to ask a question, I will say it is for my highest good, and the highest good of all those connected to me, and of the highest vibration to price my offer between $5000 and $10,000. I start with a range and then you see if your pendulum says yes or no. And the reason we start the question that way is because we want it to be the highest good, of course, for everyone involved. But we also want it to be highest vibration too, because sometimes highest good feels like a slap across the face. It's like someone gets sick, but they needed to get sick to remember their health and remember the vitality. And it's kind of that slap across face. So it's like, okay, no, I want it to be both. I want it to be highest good and of the highest vibration. And then you'll just get closer and closer and closer into that price point. Then you'll lock into the price point. Maybe it's $7,777. Great. I've got my price, now I'm going to normalize that in my body, because my highest self wants to price it at that. My body is a little scared. My humanness is a little scared. Then I'm going to do the EFT tapping, normalize that price point in my body. Visualize it going well, and then there you go.
Lesley Logan 18:19
Okay, now I have to go buy a pendulum right after this call. I'm really excited about this. I love, so, I actually, if you take your non-dominant hand and you put the thumb and ring finger together and you ask it is my name Lesley Logan and it goes through on you, because that's not your name, it's because that's my name, right? So you have to, and you also have to be very specific. I can't say, like, is Christina here? Because you are on zoom with me, that would be confusing, but is Christina in Las Vegas? No comes right through. So you ask it a series of yes, nos, and you, that you know the answer to, same thing, and then you can actually go, my doctor taught me this because I could go, because I didn't live near her. And I was like, okay, do I need to be taking x supplement? And it will go yes or no, and then okay, so I can stop these today. I need these today. And it is crazy. I could ask myself, like, do I have H. pylori?And it will go no, like, it's, your body knows. So I love this pendulum. And you can use your body as a pendulum, too. It can do the yes, no in that same way. And I like that because you're going off of that. I think a lot of times you get a little heady. So we get out of our soul. We get out of our highest self. I do think we should dive into what highest self is, because I think it's a term that gets thrown around in the woo world. And it can be in the woo it can be in this planet too. We don't get distracted by the stories, because it's like something we feel so deeply called to do. Okay, when you say highest self, what are you thinking?
Christina Deering 19:38
Our highest self, based on what I've channeled, that's our soul. So we are tapping into our soul. What does our soul desire most to do? And our goal is to live in alignment with our soul, like our mind is meant to be a humble servant to the soul, to the heart. Let the mind be the humble servant to the heart, to the soul. And so it's like when we come up with the idea, instead of having the brain create all these problems that it needs to solve, instead, let's use the brain to create something with it. Let's use it to create versus destroy. And so I think sometimes we get really caught up when we're in our mind, when we're doing something new, and it feels really scary. So when we can start to really tap into our soul by using even like little tools outside of ourself, this can help us, like a pendulum, or like you were just saying, using your body, it starts to actually allow us to get the validation that we already know. Another way that I talk about intuition is like, it's as simple as flipping a coin and then saying, okay, if it lands on heads, this, if it lands on tails, it's this. When you flip it and it lands, what's your gut response to the actual coin. It's not what the coin is saying. It's a ah, now I have to do that thing. Well, now you have your answer. You don't want to do the thing, right? But if it lands on the thing and you're like, yes, that's your answer. We're just looking for ways to validate what we already know.
Lesley Logan 20:56
Yeah, that's a wonderful, wonderful thing. It's kind of figuring out, oh, if you like, have an instant reaction, like, ah, that sucks. It landed on that. That means you didn't want to do it, so now you have your answer. Love it.
Christina Deering 21:06
You just need permission sometimes, yeah.
Lesley Logan 21:08
And to the perfectionist, just because you said you would do it if it land on tails doesn't mean you have to.
Christina Deering 21:13
Right, exactly, right. Yes. It does not mean you have to actually follow your soul, because ultimately, we're placing our order with the universe. every time we say yes. We're like, when I say yes, I want more of this, and then if I say no, I want less of this. But if I'm saying yes to something I don't really like, the universe is like, cool. Let's send her more of it. We have to get really clear on what do we actually want, because the universe will send us more of it when we say yes.
Lesley Logan 21:38
Yeah, I, it's really, it's really true. We hate, I hate admitting that, because you start to realize, oh, I have this calling and all that crap that I was going through. (inaudible) yeah, yeah. Oh, can we talk to the perfectionist who are listening? Because we have a lot of those, and they have a hard time. Like, if they told someone yes, they would do something, if they said they would, it's really hard for them to change course. What can we give them to kind of release some of that? My husband had to teach me, it's okay. We told someone to go to that party. They're having the party whether we're there or not. It's okay if we say sorry, something came up, and I'm like, oh my God, what am I gonna, how am I gonna break this to them like I had a hard time, and now, thankfully, we've been married for a long enough time that I'm like, okay, yeah, we gotta change those plans. Let's invite them to dinner on different night. So how can perfectionists let go of that stuff that's keeping them from being their highest self? Because maybe I'm wrong, but I have to imagine, if you are being in perfectionist tendencies, you're probably not in alignment with your soul all the time. Right?
Christina Deering 22:32
For sure, absolutely. And recovering perfectionist over here, too. So I would say a couple different things. One, get ahead of the decision next time, be proactive. Tap into your soul. Use your pendulum. Do I really want to go on this trip with friends? Don't really want to go to this dinner and be in connection with your future self? Because sometimes we'll make a decision based on someone else's energy, like we're like, oh my god, they're excited about it. So I'm just going to say yes, even though I don't really want to do it. What would you want to do it in five minutes when you're saying yes to something. Would you want to do it today? Would that feel good to do today? Or is there a party that's like, oh, I actually wouldn't want to do it today or tomorrow? Start to tune in ahead of time. But let's say you've already made the plans. You start to recognize you're just not feeling good, or it's something you just simply don't want to do, the people that are meant to be in your life will understand that. This is what I've come to know is I've now surrounded myself with people where I can say I'm just not feeling good energetically, like I'm tired. I love you so much. Is there any way we can do a rain check? I just want the best of me to be in the space and just share that with that person, the people that are meant to be in your life will absolutely understand that, right? And those that don't have their own work to do around releasing things, letting things go, and sometimes we have to create boundaries around people that are holding us to an impossible standard to uphold. Yeah, right. And so I think that's important too, of just recognizing who's starting to siphon away your energy versus fuel your energy. And you want the people that you're hanging out with to really have it feel like they're fueling your energy. You have vitality when you hang out with them and when you leave, versus you're doing the thing and you feel depleted, and you feel even more depleted afterwards. That's feedback from your soul on what's in alignment and what's not
Lesley Logan 22:32
Yeah, yeah. It's really true. I love the idea of getting ahead of things. I think if you have to write them in a note, like of all the different ways, you can buy yourself time until you can get to a place where you can sit down and really, because sometimes we're busy, we got to get back, we feel like we have to get back to people, so we respond quicker, and we're not buying ourselves time. So you can have notes of things you can copy and paste into a text and it buys you some time. I said on the podcast before, we all know that we all have our calendars on our phone. We all know that you and I both that and I still say, oh, that could be really great. Let me check my calendar, because it does take some time to look at the whole calendar. Let me look what's happening before that, what's happening after that, how much is happening in that day. You know, my assistant's job is to make sure I'm not on camera seven hours of a day because that's too much, that's too much of me looking at a green dot. It's more draining than if I was with people for seven hours. I could teach in person seven hours beyond, it's a little bit different. So you've got to have that time. And so you have to buy yourself the time to sit down look at it. How excited are you an hour later when you do look at that? Oh no, actually, that all the efforting to do it doesn't sit well with me. I think that it's really important. And also you're right. You said about the people that were around if they can't understand that maybe they're not the right people, and we have to release ourselves on our job to teach them how to be okay with that.
Christina Deering 25:29
100% yeah, I love that and I always think about my to do list. I actually did this for a little while where I felt like I just had way too much to do. I actually created a document that said, okay, write down your task and rate it from one to 10, 10 being total flow state, one being you would rather just do anything, but this task, jump off a building, anything. And so I started recognizing the things that felt in total flow state. And then I recognized the things that were really low on the scale, whereas, like anything five or below, I did one of three things. I would either one, I would trash it, throw it away. Like, sometimes we have a to-do that we just habitually do, but we don't actually have to do it. Do I really need to do that today? Do people die if I don't do this? So sometimes you can easily just trash that to-do if you can't do that, maybe the next is, can you delegate it? Do you have a team member? Can you give it to your partner? Can your kids do it? Can you ask another parent to come up to the school and do the thing? Delegate it. And then the third is, if I can't trash it and I can't delegate it, change the energy in which I'm doing it. So for instance, for me, when I was first starting out my business, contracts, bookkeeping, things like that did not excite me. So what I recognized was, at that moment in time, I couldn't trash it. I couldn't delegate it at that moment in time, so I had to actually change the energy in which I was doing it. So what I did is I would take myself to a coffee shop, I would get matcha latte, and I would sit down, and I would listen to high vibrational music, and I'd be like, okay, I've got an hour here. I can knock this out. This is easy. And then I started training my mind and my body and my spirit like this feels good. This process feels good. So now when I do my bookkeeping and I do my contracts, I don't have to take myself to a coffee shop to do it. I'm like, This feels good. Feels good to be organized. It feels good to get it done. Let's just knock it out. And so that's a good way too, of just starting to kind of train yourself to if you can't throw it away and you can't give it away, start to change the energy in it. Because it's true, our day and the energy that we spend in our day-to-day matters. Let's honor it and let's kind of take a look at what we're doing right now to see how we can honor it even more.
Lesley Logan 27:32
I really love that and people know I love it. We have one of our dearest friends, one of my best friends and coaches. When I first met her, the thing that she taught me was like a joy and drain list, and you have to write down everything you have to do. Everything you think you're responsible for in your life. That's personal, professional, all of it. You put it down, and you write on a scale of one to 10, similar thing, and you rate it. And then she's like, okay, if it's under a three, one, two and three, you either have to delete it or delegate it, or we have to figure out what it is. And when you do that, you start to realize, oh, some of the things I was putting as a four or five are really a two, but I just liked a little bit better than this thing over here. I love the idea of changing the energy around it. If you can't get rid of it yet, you can play fun music while you do it. You can change your scene. Like you said, I think that's really cool. It does make it easier. And I had another person I talked to, and I'm like, okay, let's talk about these millionaires. Are they doing the dishes? What's going on? He's like, everyone still has to at least pick up their law. Like, there's still things you got to do in life you don't like to do, but you can change your energy around it. You can change the approach, like, how does this allow you to do X, Y and Z thing? If you don't like contracts, well, contracts actually allow you to show up in your highest light when you go to work with clients and protect you so you're not resentful of the past self that said yes to the thing so you can change your approach around it. I think that's a really brilliant, brilliant tool. I love that. What are you most excited about right now? What are you working on or what are you excited about your life? What can we celebrate with you?
Christina Deering 29:01
Yeah, so I just launched a mastermind called Transcendence, which is amazing. This has been on my heart, and it just was one of these intuitive hits where it was like, just go. Because I had a coach that was like, wait for three weeks. I want to guide you into it. And I'm like, my body is telling me you have to go now. Don't ask questions, just go for it. There's people here that you need to support, that are desiring to step into a portal, that they can make six figures and beyond in their business, just go for it. You don't have to ask for permission from anyone. So it was a very beautiful, intuitive process of launching Transcendence. There's so many incredible women who have stepped into the portal itself. And I'm so excited and grateful for these incredible coaches that are in the space and entrepreneurs that are in the space. It's a beautiful mix of entrepreneurs that are looking to scale. But what I really loved about this launch is I actually ended up doing it totally differently as well, where anything that felt heavy, I just put it down. So emails for me, I was like, it's 9 pm at night. I don't want to send out a bunch of emails, so I'm just not going to, and this was one of the best launches I've ever had in my entire business, because everything about it was in alignment. I wasn't pushing, I wasn't forcing. It was just like, what feels good? Follow the energy. Because there's a reason why it feels good. Your soul is giving you a ping to follow it. And so I just kept following the pings, and then it just was, like, creating itself and magnetizing in the women that are in the space. So I'm so excited to serve in that container. The women are incredible. And it just blows my mind that we launched two weeks ago and there's already, like, over 10 women in the space, and it's like, okay, let's go.
Lesley Logan 30:37
That's amazing.
Christina Deering 30:38
Yeah, it's really powerful.
Lesley Logan 30:40
What you've brought up a couple of times, and I think there's a push and a pull right? Like you can push, and sometimes we have to push, but really whenever we're pushing, it's all effort and it's just a lot. And when you're pulling, guess if you're pulling at the gym, you're like Lesley, that's a row. But actually the energy is pulling with you, like you're drawing things in with another way of thinking about the word pull. And so it's what you are doing is, is not doing the things that felt heavy so you could do the things you're being pulled to do, and that was drawing more people into that energy and that space. And I can attest, like, whenever I've done a lot of pushing in the business, some of the people that we attract are the people that let us push them into it and not necessarily pull them into it.
Christina Deering 30:40
Yeah, absolutely, yeah, you're attracting a different client when you're pushing versus when you're just pulling, just letting it magnetize in, and then it just feels so good on all sides.
Lesley Logan 31:28
Yeah, I have one more question for you that just came up as you were talking. You know, for people who are, they're hearing us, they're like, yes, I want to be with my highest self. I want to be in my soul's alignment. But also that can feel far and away. They spent a lot of time kind of out of alignment, years even. And they've got kids or other responsibilities. Their parents are that they have to take care of them. Can you talk about some signs in the body that might be evidence that they are needing to get more in alignment? What are they might be feeling? Because sometimes we don't know what we want, but we can know how we don't want to feel, and we can address what they might be feeling that they're, there probably is evidence that they need to be moving towards themselves some more.
Christina Deering 32:10
Oh, yeah. So the body is telling the story of the soul. So anytime we get pain, illness, anything that we're experiencing sensations inside of the body. Louise Hay has this incredible book Heal Your Body From A to Z. It's a good jumping off point of kind of connecting to what are the emotional reasons for the physical ailments that I'm experiencing. So, like, if you have an upper respiratory infection, you take the book, you open it, you see, like, oh, where am I not speaking my truth? Sore throat, where am I not speaking my truth? Interesting. Like, our body is trying to tell us things and the body is a really powerful tool, because it's loud. We listen when we're in pain, we listen when we're experiencing illness, right? It's making us slow down. So we're not doing 900 things a day. We're being called to lay in bed so that we can start to get into deeper alignment. So usually when the body is speaking really loudly, It's just simply telling us there's something that's out of alignment here energetically. So that book is actually a really great jumping off point of just kind of being like, you know, why don't I just see what nosebleeds mean? Or, why don't I just see what a sore ankle means? What does that look like? And does what's listed here resonate with me? If so, where is that from? And where can I start to shift that? Right? It's very interesting when she talks about that. So that, I think, is a great jumping off point of starting to tune in and say, like, okay, body, what are you trying to tell me? And sometimes, if it's not in the book, I'll just place my hands over the area of the body and just be like, okay, chest, what message do you have for me? And I just kind of tune in and just see if, like, an image pops up, like dad, or the argument I had with like spouse or and then I'm like, oh, it must be related. Let me start to forgive myself for tha, or forgive him for that. And then you'll start to notice physical sensations will actually begin to move the second we recognize that it's just wisdom, but we have to move the energy that's trying to get our attention that's in the way, there's always wisdom underneath the physical ailment, and all we have to do is move that energy through healing or just recognition or awareness, and then the wisdom comes to the surface, and then it can dissipate. Does that make sense?
Lesley Logan 34:14
It does. It really does. I love both of those options. Thank you. Very helpful. Very, very helpful.
Lesley Logan 34:21
All right, we're gonna take a brief break and then find out how people can find you, follow you, work with you.
Lesley Logan 34:27
All right. Christina, tell us where you like to hang out. Where can they stalk you in the best way? Where can they, if they're like, hold on, this woman spoke to me so much. I feel her in my, well, how can they work with you?
Christina Deering 34:38
I love it. Amazing. So you can find me on Instagram. My handle is I am Christina Deering, so it's C-H for the Christina, and then Deering is D-E-E-R-I-N-G. You can find me there. You can also find me on the You Unlimited podcast where we had Lesley on just recently. I mean, people absolutely loved that episode. The feedback I got from it was just like so many DMS from all the magic and wisdom that you brought into that space. So, You Unlimited, it's one of my favorite places to play, because incredible people are magnetized into that space, and my intention for it is that you receive the exact medicine your soul is desiring. So when you tune into it, just let your intuition guide you. Which one feels most exciting or juicy to listen to? There's medicine in there for you. Click that one. Listen to that one.
Lesley Logan 34:38
Oh, I love that. I love that. It's so brilliant. And what a great way to practice listening to what feels good, what you're drawing to. Yeah, you've given us so much already, actually, but we can't let you get away without the bold, executable, intrinsic or targeted steps people can take to be it till they see it. What do you have for us?
Christina Deering 35:40
Hmm, you know, I covered a little bit of that today. Again, our daydreams are just us looking into our future timelines. So let yourself daydream. Let yourself visualize. Give yourself the spaciousness to connect to the thing that feels exciting, and start thinking about it like it's a future timeline, instead of thinking, oh, it's just a dream, there's no way, or who am I to. Let yourself dream for a little bit, because it's going to start to get you into a higher vibrational state as you move towards it. The other thing that's really tactical that I love to do, that always really supports me when I'm going after what I want, is David R. Hawkins has this Map of Consciousness. So you could literally Google David R. Hawkins, Map of Consciousness. And what it does is it basically says, what is the vibrational level of emotions? So like, when I'm in a state of like, when you think about what you're manifesting, what would you feel when you're manifesting that thing? You probably feel love. You'd feel peace. If you want to manifest in a six-figure business, you're going to feel peace. You're going to feel love. So when you look at that chart, it actually is operating at a 600 on a vibrational frequency scale, right? So that's where I get to be more often, so that I'm in energetic alignment to the thing I'm calling in. So it kind of gives you, like an actual mental picture or an idea of what that means to be a vibrational match for something. Because when people would be like, be a vibrational match, I'm like, that is so conceptual. What does that even mean? That's subjective. I don't know what to do with that, but the second I stumbled upon David R. Hawkins' Map of Consciousness, I realized, okay, if peace and love is operating at a 600 and that's what my manifestation is operating at, then now I'm feeling shame for the thing that I just did, or guilt for the thing that I just did. What's the vibrational frequency of that? Thirty. Okay what this map is literally telling me is I'm out of alignment with the thing that I want. So what I always ask myself is, is my need to be right about this thing more important than what I'm manifesting, and if it's not change the energy in it, because so often we're like, I'm right, my husband's wrong, or my kid is wrong, or, you know, we just want to hold we want to be right so badly. But what we're not recognizing is it's keeping our frequency low, so it's blocking our manifestations. So the second we can start to actually see that on a scale and say, like, wow, I am in a lower vibrational state, so I am blocking my manifestations is my need to be right more important than what I'm manifesting, which is a six-figure business where I feel peace and joy? No, my need to be right is not more important than that, because this is going to deeply impact the planet, and I can give my husband a break and myself a break. So that's a very tangible and tactical way to start to think about vibration, to start to be t, till you can actually become it. You know what I mean? So this idea of like, your frequency matters, the energy that we're in matters, our emotions matter. So acknowledge them, let them be okay, but also choose to shift them into a higher frequency emotion. Does that make sense?
Lesley Logan 38:36
It makes so much sense. And I think what a great way to take a pause and get realigned. Go, oh, I'm so focused on this over here. I'm not. I'm way away from what I want to be on. Like, I think that's really excellent, excellent advice. Christina, you're so fun, and you guys do have to go listen to the You Unlimited podcast. It's so freaking great. It's so wonderful. You have such amazing guests and I love all the things you gave us today. I feel like I could take a workshop on each one of these individually. And yeah, you gave me some new readings. I'm so great. So thank you so much for being here.
Lesley Logan 39:10
Be It babe, thank you for listening. Please share this with a friend who needs to hear it. Maybe you need to have a few of your friends you can hold yourselves accountable on, you know, buying yourself time for your future self to decide what it wants to do, or figuring out what you're gonna get rid of or delegate or change your energy around. And please let Christina know. Tag her. Tag the Be It Ppod with your takeaways and until next time, Be It Till You See It.
Lesley Logan 39:32
That's all I got for this episode of the Be It Till You See It Podcast. One thing that would help both myself and future listeners is for you to rate the show and leave a review and follow or subscribe for free wherever you listen to your podcast. Also, make sure to introduce yourself over at the Be It Pod on Instagram. I would love to know more about you. Share this episode with whoever you think needs to hear it. Help us and others Be It Till You See It. Have an awesome day. Be It Till You See It is a production of The Bloom Podcast Network. If you want to leave us a message or a question that we might read on another episode, you can text us at +1-310-905-5534 or send a DM on Instagram @BeItPod.
Brad Crowell 40:14
It's written, filmed, and recorded by your host, Lesley Logan, and me, Brad Crowell.
Lesley Logan 40:19
It is transcribed, produced and edited by the epic team at Disenyo.co.
Brad Crowell 40:24
Our theme music is by Ali at Apex Production Music and our branding by designer and artist, Gianfranco Cioffi.
Lesley Logan 40:31
Special thanks to Melissa Solomon for creating our visuals.
Brad Crowell 40:34
Also to Angelina Herico for adding all of our content to our website. And finally to Meridith Root for keeping us all on point and on time.
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