392. Why Do Women Need Their Hormones and Guts Tested?


After years of dismissal by doctors, Lesley finally found a provider who understands women’s health needs. In this recap, Lesley and Brad revisit a life-changing conversation with Michele Wispelway of FemGevity. They discuss frustrations over the inadequate hormone testing for women and how it can impact their health. Lesley also shares her personal journey with FemGevity, detailing the significant changes she experienced after receiving proper diagnoses and care. Listen and discover the importance of advocating for comprehensive hormone testing and learn actionable tips for improving your health.

If you have any questions about this episode or want to get some of the resources we mentioned, head over to LesleyLogan.co/podcast. If you have any comments or questions about the Be It pod shoot us a message at beit@lesleylogan.co.

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In this episode you will learn about:

  • Tips for strengthening your core and lower body for better control.
  • The frustration for the lack of hormone testing for women.
  • Understand the gaps in healthcare that affect women's health.
  • Learn about the personalized health plan FemGevity created for Lesley.
  • The concept of accepting, changing, or leaving situations in life.
  • Why it’s important to look for doctors that aren’t just spot-treating. 

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Episode Transcript:

Brad Crowell 0:00  

I cannot stress enough, pick up the call and get on the phone with them. Just do it because here's the deal, I have spent years actively advocating for my health. It took me years actively advocating and you don't have to do years to change your life. And I don't, to be it till you see it, you can have the best goals, the biggest passion, know your why, have all the strategies, have all the tools and if your hormones or your gut are out of balance, it doesn't matter. It's really gonna be hard to be it till you see it. 

Lesley Logan 0:29  

Welcome to the Be It Till You See It podcast where we talk about taking messy action, knowing that perfect is boring. I'm Lesley Logan, Pilates instructor and fitness business coach. I've trained thousands of people around the world and the number one thing I see stopping people from achieving anything is self-doubt. My friends, action brings clarity and it's the antidote to fear. Each week, my guest will bring bold, executable, intrinsic and targeted steps that you can use to put yourself first and Be It Till You See It. It's a practice, not a perfect. Let's get started.

Lesley Logan 1:11  

Welcome back to the Be It Till You See It interview recap where my co-host in life, Brad, and I are going to dive into the instrumental, life-changing, health-related, my life will never be the same because of this woman. Holy moly, this podcast has changed our lives, Brad. 

Brad Crowell 1:26  


Lesley Logan 1:27  

changed our lives. This interview changed our lives. So I'm just gonna say that right now. And so you're gonna listen to this one. You're gonna hear all these amazing things. You'll listen that one that was back in time before I even like knew Michelle, and then you're gonna go do things to change your life because my life changed. 

Brad Crowell 1:47  

That's true. 

Lesley Logan 1:43  

I don't think I've ever said, I only have yet to say that my life has changed from an episode this much. Because while they're all amazing, this one really has tangible benefits and things have changed my life. So anyways, we'll get into that in just a second. 

Lesley Logan 1:56  

Today, you guys, is July 11th 2024 and it is World Population Day. So about this day, World Population Day on July 11th is a holiday that’s dedicated to focusing on the importance of population issues. The day was established by the United Nations as a result of the massive interest people had in Five Billion Day in 1987. Here's a crazy timeline. The World Population Day Timeline. 1804: First billion people. That's 1804. How do they even know there's a billion people? How did they do that? Because by the time they all

Brad Crowell 2:27  

It has to be an estimation. 

Lesley Logan 2:28  

Right, because by the time they actually get to telling the place, there's more people. Anyways, 1927: Second billion. That’s been a while. 

Lesley Logan 2:37  

That's over 100 years took a while to hit to 1960s. Third billion people. So that.

Brad Crowell 2:41  

That's over a hundred years to hit two. 

Lesley Logan 2:42  

Took a while. 1960: Third billion people.

Brad Crowell 2:44  

So that one cut down to less than just a little over 40 years, they added another bill.

Lesley Logan 2:49  

1989: A holiday is born. The United Nations recognizes July 11 as World Population Day. Well that's an annoying, that's a lame little timeline there, guys. 

Brad Crowell 2:59  

They wanted to plug themselves. 

Lesley Logan 3:00  

But then we skip the fourth and fifth billion we just go straight to the 6 billion, so.

Brad Crowell 3:05  

So, within 40 years later, it's year 2000, where it doubled from three to six billion people.

Lesley Logan 3:11  

Yeah. And then April 24th 2017, seven and a half billion on this day statistical models as the world population at seven. Okay, so we're not celebrating World Population Day on the same day, like sometimes they're just. 

Brad Crowell 3:23  

No, no, these are just markers in the sand. 

Lesley Logan 3:25  

But yeah, 7 billion would have been a marker. (Inaudible) 

Brad Crowell 3:28  

Yeah, I don't know why they did 7.5. But they didn't have eight on there and I know we hit eight. So I went and looked it up. So, November 15th, 2022.

Brad Crowell 3:33  

There’s eight billion people. 

Brad Crowell 3:37  

Which is only 22 years after 6 billion. So, we're definitely growing as a species.

Lesley Logan 3:43  

Yeah. And you know, that means we all have to think about each other. So, there's a lot of shit going on. And people being assholes, about other people. And it's like, all this fear that people are dealing with. And you know what most people actually are just really nice people. And so please, please, please, when you wherever you vote in this world, think about your neighbor when you're voting not just yourself.

Brad Crowell 4:04  

Yeah, I mean, the reality is we have more, as of 2020, we've had more people forced to move out of their home of birth, like their country of birth, than ever in the history of our planet. And that was 2020. That's four years ago, there was an estimated almost 300 million people had, were moving around, right? Whether that is from climate change, or war, or whatever it is, I mean, the world is changing, shifting, growing. So, it's really important to understand that these things are happening.

Lesley Logan 4:41  

Yeah, so just like, you know, when you vote think about people, not just yourself, and like, we all try to live on the same planet together and it's possible. So anyways, that's my PSA.

Brad Crowell 4:53  

All right, here's what's coming up next. We are going to be on the road in less than a month we're going around the Midwest, we're going from Vegas up through Minnesota, over to Cleveland and back around through the Midwest, on our summer tour for OPC. Come join us for a Pilates class or a Pilates workshop where you get to really dig in. Come hang out with us. Come meet our dogs, come see this epic van. We are sponsored by Balanced Body. We are so fired up to be able to say that. That's incredible. opc.me/tour, opc.me/tour

Lesley Logan 5:24  

Yeah. And then, as this is going on, the eLevate applications are open. 

Brad Crowell 5:29  

Oh, yeah. 

Lesley Logan 5:31  

I think you have a few days left to apply. So you'll want to go to Lesleylogan.co/elevate

Brad Crowell 5:37  

You got a few days left to apply with a big bonus.

Lesley Logan 5:40  

Yeah, yeah, that's true. That's true. That's true. But also, if it fills up, then that's it. (inaudible) So, yeah. So just like I wouldn't, I feel like I don't need a bonus, Les. I'm good. Like, that's fine. But there also might not be space. So, Lesleylogan.co/elevate.

Brad Crowell 5:56  

Yeah, that's your Pilates mentorship program. It's a nine-month program. Next up, we got retreats. Lesley and I go to Cambodia all the time, as you've heard us talk innumerable times in this podcast. But we've got a retreat coming up in February 2025. And we're going to be taking a group of people with us, we already have a bunch of people signed up. It's gonna be an amazing trip. There's room for more. And we want that to be you. Yeah. So have you ever wanted to explore Angkor which is like, basically the eighth wonder of the world. It's a bucket list location, let me tell you, you can come stay at our house, we actually have a place there. It's so much fun. It's incredible. We absolutely love it. And we'd love for you to join us and see what life is like, around the world go to crowsnestretreats.com.

Lesley Logan 6:39  

Yeah, and then finally, come to OPC with me, it is 40 days for $40. It's the best deal we've got. It's $1 a day to get some Pilates in your body and an incredible community. Oh my gosh, we're having the most fun now that we're not on Facebook, and we're in the app. And like, it's just so cool. Every single day there's someone in there having an aha moment trying to picture their pet, getting feedback on their form. And it's just and we also have a live class you can come to and we get to hang out and have happy hour or coffee or whatever time it is where you are. And so, it's just like literally people around the world come to class and take class together on that monthly live. So opc.me/40 is what you want to do. Before we get into, can't wait to like sing from the rooftops how my life has changed. But before I get into that, do we have an audience question to respond to? 

Brad Crowell 7:23  

We sure do. Marianna Coaching & Wellness on YouTube asks regarding the Pilates exercise called the roll up? The real problem for me is that I'm a Pilates teacher since 2021. I used to train weights, too. And I think my abs are quite fit. I struggle a lot. And my legs always lift during the roll up. I'm starting to think it's my body’s shape. I mean, maybe the shape of my spine lumbar curvature is quite deep. Or maybe it's just that I have glutes or I may, you know, my hip flexors. Like, what do you think? If you're watching on YouTube, you could already see Lesley shaking her head. Hey, Mariana, I can relate to this. I was not lifting weights when I met Lesley. And when I did the roll up, my legs would lift too. So this is, you're not alone. This is absolutely something that people go through. And what is it actually saying about your strength and flexibility and your body? Lesley?

Lesley Logan 8:18  

Well, without me seeing you do it, which, if you're an OPC member, I could actually, you could film yourself doing the roll up and I could see you do it. Without seeing you do it just based on what you said, I actually think that your back is tight, your hip flexors are over worked. And while your core is fit, your deep core muscles, there's a lot of them, are not firing because your hamstrings and glutes and inner thighs are too weak. Boom. I said it. I said it. Now, it doesn't mean that they're like, you don't have them. No, it's not me saying but your hip flexors are really strong. And so. 

Brad Crowell 8:45  

It's out of balance. 

Lesley Logan 8:47  

So, it's out of balance. And so everything has to be working together in a balanced way, which means nothing is overworking or under working. And so if your hip flexors are really strong what they're doing is they're pulling on your back. So, your back actually is tight, and it cannot round. And so I'd also want to know like what your rolling like a ball looks like and what your open like a rocker looks like. And so  

Brad Crowell 9:05  

It’s true. That’s what I was gonna say (inaudible). 

Lesley Logan 9:07  

Yeah, Brad look at those ones, too. So I'm gonna say, if we're not gonna blame your body, we're not gonna blame your booty, I got, I got one, too, not gonna blame it because if we actually turn everything on, you can actually get up and over your butt. You just can't because also the butt doesn't even move the butt is supposed to stay where it is when you do the roll up. So my homework for you. 

Brad Crowell 9:25  


Lesley Logan 9:25  


Brad Crowell 9:26  

Oh, shoot. 

Brad Crowell 9:26  

For those who whose legs lift in the roll up is, single leg kicks on the mat, thigh stretch on the mat, shoulder bridge, not pushing your lower back up but making sure your tailbone is reaching toward your knees. 

Brad Crowell 9:38  

Are your writing these down? 

Lesley Logan 9:38  

Better write them down. 

Brad Crowell 9:39  

Write them down. 

Lesley Logan 9:40  

All of these are free tutorials on the OPC app. They're also on the mat flashcards. And then what I would suggest is that you are really making sure your (inaudible), we have a whole workshop on the (inaudible) on OPC, I want your (inaudible) on, I want your hamstrings and glutes to work which means on the roll up on the hardest part I want you to exhale, squeeze your butt and roll up. 

Brad Crowell 10:04  

Do it.

Lesley Logan 10:04  

And if you use the mat with a strap like the Contrology mat that I have, we have an affiliate link for that. Grab it because the strap is not for beginners. The strap is for the more advanced. You get, and I just want to say one more thing, because I know Brad wants me to end, just because you’ve been a teacher for since 2021, do not put pressure on yourself. You should do the roll up by now. I've had clients who don't do the roll up for I mean, they still struggle with the roll up years later.

Brad Crowell 10:24  

Less than three years. 

Lesley Logan 10:25  

Oh my god it's like not enough time. Like it just takes a long time. It's a hard exercise and in other training programs that's the beginner exercise because it's possible to do for a newbie, but it doesn't mean it's easy. So I just want to take that pressure off, babe. All right. Send your questions in to us guys, and we'll answer them here on the Be It Pod. 

Brad Crowell 10:41  

All right, let's talk about Michele Wispelway. Michele is a seasoned healthcare executive with over 18 years of experience holding an MBA in healthcare management and co-founder and CEO of FemGevity. She also pioneered the first saliva-based COVID-19 PCR tests in the New York metro area. She advocates for women's health, emphasizing the importance of an integrative and preventative approach to perimenopausal and menopause. Her passion extends to creating a supportive ecosystem where women can openly discuss health issues, and access the necessary resources to live healthier lives.

Lesley Logan 11:17  

Oh my gosh, well, if you guys listen to the episode, you heard me like, I was sharing my frustrations with my experience. And we talked about how, especially in the U.S., but also we've had people here in the U.K., and it is really freaking hard if you're a woman to get your hormones tested. And then for that to be covered by insurance. And then for the things you need to be covered by insurance, it just is really difficult. It's mostly because they just don't do a lot of testing on women. So like people don't know, but a lot of people know a lot of stuff. And what we do know is that there's help out there, and you don't have to live this way. And so she would actually love for like doctors and annual test to make it much easier for women to get their hormones tested. I mean, we expressed this two years ago, when I tried to get my hormones tested from my annual physician's checkup, could not do that. My annual pap smear, could not get my hormones tested. So I guess, what I did guys, I actually worked with FemGevity and I got my hormones tested. We'll go into that in a little bit in a second. But like, there's just a lot of, first of all, if you are frustrated about how the system, especially in a western society in the US, like is hard to get the answers you need, and you're feeling a little crazy. There is help for you. And that is basically why they created what they created. Because like, they're like, there's help out there. And why are we preventing women from getting this help if they can live longer, healthier lives if they had it?

Brad Crowell 12:38  

Yeah. And I think it was interesting, you know, she, she talks about how to find a doctor. She said, a red flag for her is a doctor who only focuses on one thing. So the irony specialists that she's basically suggesting, you need more than just a specialist, you go to the specialist, after you've identified an issue that like the, the person who's looking at your entire body, can help you, okay, hey, there's actually an issue here, you really need to go see a specialist. But what we often have happen when we are doing health care, in the United States at least, is that you're talking to somebody who is only assessing a small portion or a small vision of your overall health, right? A small piece of your overall health and she said that's gonna go.

Lesley Logan 13:23  

Well and also like, if you have crappy insurance like we do, currently. Because we work for ourselves, we're working on getting better ones, but there's not a lot of options for us (inaudible) and so we're stuck with the options that we have that we can afford. And so we have to go to a GP who would be someone who does everything. And then they're the gatekeeper to the specialist. And Brad had an experience for the guys like, yeah, you want a referral for that? No problem. You want a referral for that? No problem. Here's, Brad was thrown referrals. And I was like, she's like, no, they can't test for that. No, they can't, like, with women it changes a lot, like, she was like, just like, I was like, do you not like me? Like, why, what is going on here? So at any rate, it can be very difficult to get the specialist that you do need once you have someone who's supposed to have general knowledge, because the general knowledge people don't know all the new stuff, because how can you like, I'm not here to knock, if you’re GP listeners, I'm not here to knock that. Like, there's so much new things changing all the time, it'd be so hard to keep up with all that. So at any rate, it can be really frustrating. If you are frustrated. Stay tuned, I got some, I got some things that will take the frustration away from you. What did you love before we go into that?

Brad Crowell 14:29  

Okay, so actually, nothing to do with FemGevity or health or any of that it actually was failure. You know, Michele talked about being an entrepreneur, which I can relate to, she talked about how do you grow a business? And, you know, how did she become to get into this? Because you asked her like, how did you start from FemGevity? Right? And she said, well, you know, you have to be able to take risks. And because you know, which means you have to be able to fail. And we've talked about this before on the pod but the reality is failure will make you better. Even though it sucks, sometimes it's so scary because there could be a lot riding on a thing that you might be doing, right? And she talked about the decisions that you make as a small business, that could put your business at risk. But you have to be willing to take risks in order to grow. And you have to be willing to fail so that you can learn, and then bring something better to your clients that they will love even more and share that story with others. So I found it interesting where she was also talking about when you're starting to evaluate your health. There's failure there, too. Right? 

Lesley Logan 15:40  


Brad Crowell 15:40  

You know, like the reality of testing your gut, like learning about the different foods, you know, you just got, you just got a whole bunch of results back. 

Lesley Logan 15:48  


Brad Crowell 15:48  

And they said, Okay, you're totally allergic to this. and you're highly sensitive to these things. But you're only sort of somewhat sensitive to these other things over here. And then what does that actually mean? And they're like, well, sometimes you could eat it. But then other times, you shouldn't eat it. 

Lesley Logan 16:02  

Or like, the, you might be able to eat it. And you might not notice how it makes you feel, but then you might actually feel awful. So like every (inaudible) that medium sensitive, it's like different for everyone. So it is, if you test it and you gotta get it wrong. And then you're like (inaudible).

Brad Crowell 16:17  

Because you're eating it. And you're like, oh, that was a mistake, I could tell right away, especially if you pull it out of your diet for, you know, six to eight weeks, and then you reintroduce it it'll be far more attuned to the failure. 

Lesley Logan 16:30  

And also like, this is where the word feedback is a better replacement. 

Brad Crowell 16:34  


Lesley Logan 16:34  

And I think like, it's like, you win, or you learn, right? So if we all can change, failure to feedback, then really now I have more feedback on how I feel about things and I now have a lot more understanding of like, oh, no wonder I felt like crap that day. Oh, no wonder I threw up in South Korea. You guys at outside a restaurant, I had to run up the stairs.

Brad Crowell 16:56  

I had no idea. She was like, I gotta go. And then I heard the whole story later. 

Lesley Logan 16:59  

Erika Quest had to hold my hair up as I vomited in the bushes outside the front door where everyone from Balanced Body was about to come out. I thought it was my gut. And I'm nope, nope, actually should not ever have mussels. And I had mussels, oysters and slightly sensitivity to scallops. And I had all three in a row. And my stomach was like, holy no, that's a no. So really, my stomach did its job and you should celebrate that. Yeah, she is, I really liked that we got to bring this up because I thought it was like really vulnerable. I mean, like, here she is. She's trying to do something so big with her company and medical rules and things and stuff like it's so hard and to make something that's accessible so of course there's a me failure involved and you learn from it. 

Brad Crowell 17:29  

Yeah, love it. 

Lesley Logan 17:49  

Okay, you guys, here we go. 

Brad Crowell 17:50  


Lesley Logan 17:50  

 I'm so you. So, I fell in love with Michele it's like how are we not friends? And when we hit stop on the podcast, I was like, okay, how do I work with you? Because like I'm, I'm sold. And by the way, you guys we didn't get into some perimenopause symptoms in that episode that are like some sneaky ones that your shoulder stuff might not be a surgical thing you guys it could be perimenopause. So go, go get things checked. At least get baselines on stuff. So I asked her about how her company worked. I asked her like what we could do and now FemGevity is a sponsor of the pod and I have gone through their longevity plan. I'm still going through it because it is a what I love about them is like it's your it's not just like a one and done like It's like they're with you. And let me tell you how much they're with me. So they sent a phlebotomist. We need a longevity plan. So we have a link for a consultation call. It's beitpod.com/FemGevity and 

Brad Crowell 18:44  

It's F-E-M Gevity G-E-V-I-T-Y.

Lesley Logan 18:47  

FemGevity. So when you, when you sign up for the longevity plan, they sent a phlebotomist to my house, which is so nice, because I'm so busy. I did, Brad was like not super excited for what we had to like, top off at a FedEx but I did, I did a stool test. They came to do blood and urine tests. And here's the thing about blood. They don't just do blood, they do serum. And so what is really, really key if you look at their Instagram, you'll see like why serum is so important. So.

Brad Crowell 19:15  

I'm laughing myself I'm like oh, yeah, that is serum. Like I know what that means. 

Lesley Logan 19:18  

You're like not (inaudible). 

Brad Crowell 19:19  

Oh, yeah, this is serum.

Speaker 1 19:21  

So, I got my blood tests back first within like a couple of weeks. And you guys I have been telling doctors for years. For years since I got my first test back from the guy who said you have no testosterone that I can detect. I said (inaudible) I have low testosterone (inaudible) no, 2016. That's how long ago. 

Brad Crowell 19:44  

It's like almost 10 years (inaudible).

Lesley Logan 19:45  

And he told me I could get better testosterone in my body if I lifted weights so I was lifting heavy weights. I did all the things and like my testosterone was like just not becoming in the normal range. And over these years, again, like my last year's results, still not there and a lot of doctors, meanwhile, and they said, well, let's just wait and see because people don't want to put someone on testosterone if they don't need it, but like, what was happening is, I stopped feeling excited to work out. It was really hard for me to work out. I was, I work, some who goes to gym four days a week, and I was like, I was not able to pick up heavier weights. I was actually picking up lighter weights, like everything just felt hard in my body. And I was just getting really frustrated because I didn't have energy during the day, no energy during the day. And so anyways, when my test came back, and it said, my testosterone whas oh, surprise, surprise, oh, really low. And I described how my day felt she's like, yeah, babe, she's like, you do not have enough testosterone for you. And so then I also we went over, like how I was feeling in my cycle. I was like, I don't, I'm really frustrated. Because I'm, oh, I'm like, extreme, like, way too emotional before my cycle starts way like, to the point that like, I run a company and like, I don't want to be in my own meetings, because I don't want to be with me. Because me is not able to control her emotions the way that I want. Like, I feel like a crazy person trying to like control how I'm feeling. And then instead of it feeling better, when my cycle starts, it stayed emotional. And so my and she looked at my progesterone, she's like, Yeah, your professional results are saying the exact same thing. And so progesterone is supposed to be this really fun friend that comes in and just like makes you sleep really, really good. And I was not getting that. And so within two days, they sent me my prescription. It took a week for me to like feel a difference with the testosterone, which (inaudible). I am a new human and I think Brad can even test that I'm a new human. So anyways, I'm not saying that hormone therapy is what you need. What I am saying is I finally got doctors to listen to me and my blood test showed exactly how I was feeling so I was not crazy. My symptoms matched my test results. And I got a doctor I loved the the doctor you get with the telemedicine and she's phenomenal. I got a doctor who listened to me, encouraged me didn't make me feel crazy, like totally told me that there's going to be help and it's going to make me feel better. And then two weeks after that my sensitivity allergy test came back. And you guys I've been poisoning myself. So I've been poisoning myself. I am very sensitive to oats and been doing oat milk every day, sometimes twice a day and doing overnight oats and 

Brad Crowell 22:16  

Loving those oat milk latte.

Lesley Logan 22:17  

Love, loving oak milk latte and we now make cashew milk, guys, we now make cashew milk. I also found out like what I'm highly sensitive to versus what I'm moderately sensitive to and what I'm allergic to which Brad and I discovered in April that I am allergic to mites like dust mites. Yup, yup. European and American, which explains why my nose runs when I'm in Europe. So, so anyways, like all that, I had all this information. And now I'm on a six-week journey of like trying to take all the things I'm sensitive to out of my life. I know tomatoes, tomatoes, garlic. Cherries are definitely out. But the strawberries and watermelon. Yep, there are two right now. So anyways, but here's the cool thing that the doctor explained to me is like some of these things might not be out forever, but they're out for right now until I like detox myself and then from them just by not doing them. And then in six, eight weeks, just given a test so I can see how I feel, just by doing it because maybe I just feel like not so great. And I'm like, whatever. It's a beautiful day, I want some strawberries, or I might feel like a complete bump on a log who doesn't want to move and then we know don't do it. But then you'll I'll be I'll make that decision for myself. And then just today before we got on this call, so I'm already feeling better. But I could tell I was feeling a bit better. The doctor is like, like, like going crazy and with joy because every time she sees me, I'm a even more energetic human of myself. She's like, because the first time she saw me, I like cried on the call. I was like I don't even I can't even tell you. I'm crying right now. I'm just crying because like, I'm just I don't have any more. There's nothing left of me right now. And you now and you're on this call. And ,and then then I buy when I saw her a few weeks later, just a few weeks later, I was already different person. And now here's a few more weeks later, and I am just like, okay, tell me what you got. What's going on? Like, I'm just like, I'm just so fired up about life. And my gut test came back and I, you guys, I was really stressing today because I was like, what if the gut test come back and there's nothing wrong, like they can't find anything. Like I was just like, oh my god, if they don't find anything, like I'm just a crazy person because I had so many doctors tell me I'm a crazy person for all the guts stuff I brought up before and for 15 years and she was like, okay, she's like, I'm just gonna be really honest. Your gut is got a lot going on. And we can fix it all. But this is probably one of the most the biggest cases I've seen I have a lot of lot of different things going on. And I was, explained to her what's going on with my bowel movements, what's going on with my gut how I felt in the day and on the test you can literally see okay, your bowel movements are like this because you have a parasite, Brad, I have a parasite. So already antibiotics are at the are waiting for me to pick up today. And then there's some other things that can be done with supplements. But what I am so excited about is in a few weeks, I'm going to feel like another better version of myself. And so I'm so excited ladies, I cannot stress enough, pick up the call and get on the phone with them. Just do it because here's the deal. I have spent years actively advocating for my health. It took me years actively advocating and you don't have to do yours to change your life. And I don't, to be it until you see it, you can have the best goals, the biggest passion, know your why, have all the strategies, have all the tools, and if your hormones or your gut are out of balance, it doesn't matter. It's really gonna be hard to be it till you see it.

Brad Crowell 25:37  

It's true. Yeah, especially just to maintain like consistency and be enthusiastic and excited. I mean, I can attest, I've seen a shift in your approach towards the day. So yeah.

Speaker 1 25:51  

The approach was, like, literally in a meeting, just like I'm like, oh, this is what we're gonna do. Like, it's just everything is just a lot more. Like, it just feels more possible. So beitpod.com/femgevity will get you a free consultation call. And that way you can meet with them, understand their plans, pick the one that's best for you. And look, here's the deal. Yes, we're paying out of like you pay out of pocket, but there's a lot of stuff that your insurance will cover if you have insurance and so, so it's kind of like going to another doctor is really what it is. But go check it out. Don't, don't turn yourself away right away. 

Brad Crowell 25:56  

It's telehealth so. 

Lesley Logan 26:17  

It's telehealth and honestly, like, I don't want to call the doctors off. I go to the doctor's office for my annual visit like pap smear and I just like, here we are sitting in a waiting room, you know, it is like so annoying. You just can't do that. I guess you can't do that on telemedicine. But you know, it's really nice what you can do and so, especially for my busy women listening, you are not too busy for this to work for you. Because they made it so easy for me. So I will also be going live I will have gone live with them. By the time this comes out. I go live with them on July 9, which is when their episode comes out. So, so, anyways, you can go see us talk on there if you want but use the link to get the free call.

Brad Crowell 27:04  

Okay, finally, let's talk about those be it action items what bold, executable, intrinsic or targeted action items can we take away from your convo with Michele Wispelway? She said, we have choices here we have three distinct choices in life, these are your options, you either accept the thing, you change the thing, or you leave the thing. And we need to pick our own path, whatever the situation might be, whether it's a fight with your partner, or whether you're having health issues, you have to be very clear which one of those three things you're going to choose, accept it, change it, or leave it, right? And these are like rocks in your life. These three things are what you need to, remember this, we have a decision that we can make about all the things except to change it or leave it. 

Lesley Logan 27:49  

Yeah, I love that. So, so simple, but hard. Yeah. Okay, so.

Brad Crowell 27:55  

What about you? 

Lesley Logan 27:55  

Of course here we're going to talk about her Be It Action Items, she's stressed encouraging you look for doctors that are not just spot treating, we already talked about this, but this is your Be It Action Item. Is your doctor just spot-treating? Is your doctor not doing holistic testing? So if you have a doctor and you want to see like, will they do blood, stool and gut sensitivity testing all at once, because that should be what you're getting. Like you do a whole panel, and not just like a top thing it's like the whole panel, get it all. And if you and she said if your doctor doesn't, you should find another doctor. And I know that's really hard. I know we're really busy. But this is your health guys. And the US health system specific I can't speak to other ones does not do preventative well, it does, it treats you when you're sick, but doesn't want to do preventative. And there is information out there that if we have information early on, we can do preventative things to make your life better. And so that requires us to advocate for ourselves that requires us to like be on like aware of that and to be making actions for that. So she wants you to make sure that your doctors are going to do a complete full testing and if they're not find a new one. And you can also go to beitpod.com/femgevity for that. 

Brad Crowell 27:55  

I love it. Well, hey, I'm really excited that we randomly connected with with this. 

Lesley Logan 29:10  

They approached us and then I fell in love with her. And I fall in love with her doctor and they have their, I'm a client for life. They're stuck with me. 

Brad Crowell 29:18  

Yeah, I think it's amazing. And thank you for being a listener here at the Be It Pod. We wouldn't do this if you didn't listen. So thanks for doing that.

Lesley Logan 29:27  

And did you notice this episode 392. So episode 400 is coming up and we have a very, very, very special guest. I might be as excited for that recap as I'm excited for this one. Now that I've said that I wasn't before now I am. And so make sure you take a look and send this to a friend if you've got a woman in your life who's struggling with some stuff with their health, send this to them because they feel crazy. They feel alone. They feel like they, they feel like they, like it's all in their head. They feel like no one will listen to them and like they need to know. 

Brad Crowell 29:27  

When they did finally step out to get some test results. They were told they're fine. 

Lesley Logan 30:02  

Yeah. Or they're told they have IBS. And I do, like, and you might, but also you probably don't, you probably just have some parasites and some gut digestive enzymes that need to be sorted out there. And so please, please, please send this to the friends you have who are struggling with perimenopause where they think they have perimenopause. Or they're struggling with any gut stuff. I need them to know. It's important that they know they're not alone. And it's really freaking hard to be the best version of yourself when you feel like shit. So this is this is my other PSA, listen to this and take some action towards your health because you are amazing. Thank you so much for listening. Until next time, Be It Till You See It. 

Brad Crowell 30:35  

Bye for now. 

Lesley Logan 30:37  

That's all I got for this episode of the Be It Till You See It Podcast. One thing that would help both myself and future listeners is for you to rate the show and leave a review and follow or subscribe for free wherever you listen to your podcast. Also, make sure to introduce yourself over at the Be It Pod on Instagram. I would love to know more about you. Share this episode with whoever you think needs to hear it. Help us and others Be It Till You See It. Have an awesome day. 

Lesley Logan 30:37  

Be It Till You See It is a production of The Bloom Podcast Network. If you want to leave us a message or a question that we might read on another episode, you can text us at +1-310-905-5534 or send a DM on Instagram @BeItPod.

Brad Crowell 31:20  

It's written, filmed, and recorded by your host, Lesley Logan, and me, Brad Crowell.

Lesley Logan 31:24  

It is transcribed, produced and edited by the epic team at Disenyo.co.

Brad Crowell 31:28  

Our theme music is by Ali at Apex Production Music and our branding by designer and artist, Gianfranco Cioffi.

Lesley Logan 31:35  

Special thanks to Melissa Solomon for creating our visuals.

Brad Crowell 31:39  

Also to Angelina Herico for adding all of our content to our website. And finally to Meridith Root for keeping us all on point and on time.

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