480. Flow Over Force: How to Work With Life’s Energy


In this final FYF of January, Lesley Logan continues her spotlight on trailblazing women—plus listener wins that highlight the impact of perseverance. From an inspiring $30 million investment in women's sports to personal triumphs shared by Stacy and Melissa, each story emphasizes that every step forward is worth celebrating. Lesley reflects on her own month of journaling and wraps up with a timely mantra, reminding you that no beginning is too small to honor.

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In this episode you will learn about:

  • Spotlight on a historic $30 million women's soccer donation
  • Real-life wins from community members Stacy and Melissa
  • How minor steps like part-time roles can relieve stress while building dreams
  • Lesley’s personal journaling practice for self-awareness and calm
  • A new mantra on releasing harsh judgments and embracing growth
  • Overcoming external pressures by focusing on daily wins

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Episode Transcript:

Lesley Logan 0:00  

It's Fuck Yeah Friday. 

Lesley Logan 0:01  

Fuck yeah.

Lesley Logan 0:05  

Welcome to the Be It Till You See It podcast where we talk about taking messy action, knowing that perfect is boring. I'm Lesley Logan, Pilates instructor and fitness business coach. I've trained thousands of people around the world and the number one thing I see stopping people from achieving anything is self-doubt. My friends, action brings clarity and it's the antidote to fear. Each week, my guest will bring bold, executable, intrinsic and targeted steps that you can use to put yourself first and Be It Till You See It. It's a practice, not a perfect. Let's get started.

Lesley Logan 0:49  

Hello, Be I babe. We made it. We made it to the end of January. You did it. You're in. You're one month in. And if that makes you freak out, you should probably listen to this episode more often. You should listen to Be It Pod more often. I am calling in more ease in my year. I'm really, truly trying to do that. I am calling in more joy and also not letting things outside of my control steal my joy. I mean, good fucking look up for me. But that is what I'm doing, one of the things that I want in this year. And we started a new segment around here in the FYF where we celebrate some women who've just inspired the fuck out of me, and I hope they inspire you, because I think we need a little more of that. So Michele Kang pledges historic $30 million to US Soccer for women and girls soccer programs. The investment from Kang will scale competitive opportunities for youth players, expand and improve talent identification, and fuel professional development for women players, coaches and referees. You guys, this is so cool. This woman donated $30 million and it's for women and girls soccer programs. Because sometimes we're so focused on the professionals, and we're like, they're not making enough. We're not paying women equal. And you know what? If we can focus more, we should do all of that, and someone will do that. But we can also as a group, or as listeners, or as people who love something or have a passion for them, like, how can I support the youth in that? How can I create foundations so that there's something to stand on? So when we get, we should have more equal pay, but as we have that, we have people coming in to continue to take those spaces and enjoy the fruits of that labor. So way to go, Michele. So Kang's $30 million donation over the next five years is the largest philanthropic investment in U.S. soccer's women's and girls programs, and the most generous donation ever made to U.S. Soccer by a woman. Brilliant. Way to go, Michele. So cool as there's a lot of women out there who do some amazing donations, and there is proof that when we make money, the communities that they live in benefit. When women make money, they actually put it back into the communities more than men. And to the few good men who are listening, this is not like a nag on you, but it's just like, what studies show, okay? So don't come at me, like, I do a ton of stuff. I'm sure you do. Thank you. Keep doing it. And maybe get your friends to do it too, you know. So, thank you, Michele. I don't even play soccer. I don't even watch soccer, but that got me super excited. Do you see how you can see wins in things that have nothing to do with you, they affect you in zero way. 

Lesley Logan 3:10  

Okay, so Stacey Extence is one of our Agency members, and she said one of her wins is having a great conversation on the phone with Kim Young, another member, today, comparing notes and discussing our Pilates pass. We also agreed to meet regularly. moving forward. Doing contract work for the studio I rent from. We are moving I'm in transition phase until 2025 and could use the income and they want to help with marketing things. I got a part time job, 20 hours a week that offers me a set schedule, great for building my Pilates business more and health insurance. Love it. Made a connection with a breast cancer nonprofit offering them a sample class to their team, so that they will encourage folks to come to see me for lessons. I will also fundraise for them each fall. I had melanoma removed from my knee recently, was told that they got all of it, so I am cancer-free. Stacey, your wins are so cool. And I just want to highlight something. A lot of times people think that they have to make their main thing the main thing right away, and it is okay you guys to take a beat and get like a part time job, make sure that the hours work with when you don't want to be teaching, you don't want to be doing something that you're trying to build, so that you can have just some consistent income and, for Stacey, health insurance so that when she's not doing that, she could focus on building her business. And so when her business can't support her, then she could let go of that. I think sometimes we put a lot of pressure on things to happen sooner than they're ready, and then we freak out, and then we make decisions that are in freak out. No one benefits from that. And you end up making decisions that actually won't affect you in a kind way. It just happens that way. 

Lesley Logan 4:37  

All right. So then we have our wonderful Melissa Nagai from Canada. I had a retired Pilates teacher contact me this week to start lessons. He says that he practices daily, but he hadn't had his own teacher for a few years. I'm excited to meet him. I'm restructuring my teacher training. I'm happy with the work I've got done on this. My apprentice is slowly teaching more and more. She's doing great. We're going to start having her work with a couple private clients. Way to go. Melissa, I love this win because you have, a long time ago, needed to get some teachers in your studio. Your studio is so busy and it's not easy to build someone up for your clients to enjoy, and you have done that even while being busy, and the reputation that you've put out into this world is getting out there because now a teacher wants to work with you, and you are truly someone, I hope you're listening, who is so consistent, just consistently work on things, and that is why you have these amazing wins. And I love that you celebrate them when they're small. We're not waiting for the apprentice to be done with all of her hours before we celebrate how great she's doing. So thank you so much for letting us have that. 

Lesley Logan 5:41  

Okay, a win of mine. We haven't been home quite a month, and we're gonna be leaving soon, but I started journaling. Found another journal. I love to do a journal, and I got away from my morning pages for a little bit. I do them different times. I started using Mont affirmation cards and pulling them to journal towards. But I got this new journal for this year, and it's really fun, because it lets me explore the moon and where it's at in the day that I'm journaling, and so I can really, truly understand, like, what is happening outside of my control that could make me feeling the way that I'm feeling, not that the moon is, like making me an angry person or anything like that, but my moon is cancer, and cancer is the moon, so I'm affected by it a lot, and I love to look at it. I think it's so fun. And I have had this desire to have more ease. And for years, I thought, what would it be like if I tried to make my work and my goals align with when the moon is getting bigger and when the moon is getting smaller, and what would that be like? And I did that years ago with my cycle. And so I'm just like, my win is that I've just been journaling in this journal and noticing the moon and where it's at and what's going on with the stars, and just going, okay, not gonna wait to do things, but I'm also not gonna push so hard either. There's a difference between pushing and being pulled. And there's an energy out there that wants to support me in everything I wanna do, and there's an energy that wants to support you in everything you wanna do. And sometimes we actually are trying to shove things through, when, really, if we just took a beat, someone would come right up and pick it up and take it for you. So my win is this new journal. I've been loving it. I've done it for 31 days. Really proud of myself, really loving it. Do you have a journal you love? I would love to hear it. And if you do journal every day, you should be celebrating that win, because not everyone does. A lots of people want to and you are doing something a lot of people want to do, meanwhile not giving yourself credit for doing something that's not easy. So I want to hear you celebrate your journaling. I want to hear all of that. 

Lesley Logan 7:31  

All right, let's pull out a mantra affirmation. This one says don't judge your beginnings harshly. Don't judge your beginnings harshly. Don't judge your beginnings harshly. 

Lesley Logan 7:44  

You are amazing my loves. Thank you so much for listening to this podcast. I hope these wins inspire you. Notice how this whole entire month not a single one of mine has been taking a lot of action on anything, and that is because we don't need to wait to celebrate the things we did. We can actually talk about and focus on what we did do, which might have been just actually getting your dreams on a calendar. So thank you, and until next time, Be It Till You See It. 

Lesley Logan 8:08  

That's all I got for this episode of the Be It Till You See It Podcast. One thing that would help both myself and future listeners is for you to rate the show and leave a review and follow or subscribe for free wherever you listen to your podcast. Also, make sure to introduce yourself over at the Be It Pod on Instagram. I would love to know more about you. Share this episode with whoever you think needs to hear it. Help us and others Be It Till You See It. Have an awesome day. Be It Till You See It is a production of The Bloom Podcast Network. If you want to leave us a message or a question that we might read on another episode, you can text us at +1-310-905-5534 or send a DM on Instagram @BeItPod.

Brad Crowell 8:50  

It's written, filmed, and recorded by your host, Lesley Logan, and me, Brad Crowell.

Lesley Logan 8:56  

It is transcribed, produced and edited by the epic team at Disenyo.co.

Brad Crowell 9:00  

Our theme music is by Ali at Apex Production Music and our branding by designer and artist, Gianfranco Cioffi.

Lesley Logan 9:06  

Special thanks to Melissa Solomon for creating our visuals.

Brad Crowell 9:10  

Also to Angelina Herico for adding all of our content to our website. And finally to Meridith Root for keeping us all on point and on time.

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