482. Money Secrets and Strategies for Smart Investing


Lesley and Brad dive into a powerful conversation with seasoned investor Steve Selengut, who shares his best advice for building a portfolio that generates consistent income. With 45 years of experience, Steve breaks down complex financial concepts into easy-to-understand insights that will empower you to take control of your wealth. Whether you're new to investing or looking to refine your approach, this episode is packed with valuable takeaways on how to make smarter financial choices.

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In this episode you will learn about:

  • Why most people don’t talk about money—and why you should.
  • How Steve’s 45+ years of experience shaped his investment philosophy.
  • The importance of diversifying your financial portfolio. 
  • How to generate consistent income from your investments.
  • Why market downturns can present great buying opportunities.
  • Understanding the 4%–5% rule for living off investment income.

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Episode Transcript:

Lesley Logan 0:00  

People don't talk about money in their own households and their own marriages and their own relationships. They don't talk about money. And the truth is, if you don't talk about money with someone in your life, you better be talking about it with yourself. 

Welcome to the Be It Till You See It podcast where we talk about taking messy action, knowing that perfect is boring. I'm Lesley Logan, Pilates instructor and fitness business coach. I've trained thousands of people around the world and the number one thing I see stopping people from achieving anything is self-doubt. My friends, action brings clarity and it's the antidote to fear. Each week, my guest will bring bold, executable, intrinsic and targeted steps that you can use to put yourself first and Be It Till You See It. It's a practice, not a perfect. Let's get started.

Welcome back to the Be It Till You See It interview recap where my co-host in life, Brad, and I are going to dig into the influential convo I have with Steve Selengut in our last episode. If you haven't yet listened to that one, go back and listen to that one, then listen to this one, or listen to this one and then listen to that one. Look, we're talking money. 

Brad Crowell 1:09  

We're talking money, money. 

Lesley Logan 1:10  

Investments and over here at the Be It Pod, we want to make sure that you are wealthy in your health and in your finances because then you can be as generous as you want to be in this world. And let's just be real, like you got to have something to fall back on these days. So I'm really excited for you to learn from Steve, because he, he had some really good advice. I understood it and when it comes to, like, the stock market and investments and portfolios, sometimes I'm like.

Brad Crowell 1:36  

Yeah, fascinating conversation from a career investor, 45 years. 

Lesley Logan 1:40  

45 years. 

Brad Crowell 1:41  

Of investing for people, and then now he's a coach. He guides people through the process. So pretty interesting, really, really enjoyable. 

Lesley Logan 1:48  

We're gonna dig into our takeaways in a moment. But first, today is February 6th 2025. It is Pay a Compliment Day. About this day, nothing tears a person up quite like hearing someone say something nice about you. It's time to return the favor on Pay a Compliment Day. And although we shouldn't need a special day to show our appreciation, most of us need a little nudge right? We’ve often walked away from interactions wishing we had said what was in our hearts. “Will I embarrass myself?” “Is it appropriate?” All questions that plague what should be a simple articulation of the heart. Let’s redeem ourselves on Pay a Compliment Day. Wanna give a shout out to my mom. We were in Nevada at our annual little (inaudible) moment and. 

Brad Crowell 2:25  

That would be Arizona. 

Lesley Logan 2:26  

Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh, that was in Arizona. You guys were, I'm getting there today. My tummy is like on some antibiotics, and we're getting there, so I'm gonna make more mistakes. Thanks, Brad for being here to catch. 

Brad Crowell 2:37  

Got you covered. 

Lesley Logan 2:38  

So what (inaudible) with my mom is people just walked by, and my mom just gave, every random person got a compliment. Oh, I love your bangs. Oh, your sunglasses are so beautiful on you. That's a great sweater. Oh, that looks so soft. Like, like, every single person got a fucking compliment. And I was just like, how is she able to notice something nice to say to every single person? Also, anytime she would say, like, oh, you look like so and so, it was never an ugly actor or actress. It was always a beautiful person. And I just like, so you know what? She's a first grade teacher who has to, like, do everything on her own all the time. If she can pay a compliment to random people, you too can do that today. So just give it a try. Give it a try telling someone like, oh, I really like your shoes. And just walk away. You don't have to have a conversation. Just walk away. 

Brad Crowell 3:25  

Yeah, you can just walk away. What's one of my favorite things to do? It is give people a quick little compliment and keep going, because then they go, oh, feels so good. 

Lesley Logan 3:33  

Yeah, feels so good. So okay, go do that and let us know how it goes. Today is inching even closer to us going to Cambodia. I think we're like a week away, a little over a week away. 

Brad Crowell 3:42  

From us leaving. 

Lesley Logan 3:43  

We go to our February retreat. 

Brad Crowell 3:47  

It will be February 23 is when things kick off over there. 

Lesley Logan 3:50  

Yeah. It's pretty late for you to add yourself to that one. 

Brad Crowell 3:53  

I mean like, you are more than welcome to make it happen, if you can. We'd love to have you. 

Lesley Logan 3:56  

Yeah, but we're not going to stress out about it, because you can come on October. 

Brad Crowell 3:59  

That's right. We have an October trip that we are lining up and, well, it's already lined up, so go check it out. The dates are on the website crowsnestretreats.com, crowsnestretreats.com. Come join us in October. Why? You ask.

Lesley Logan 4:14  

Because it's amazing. 

Brad Crowell 4:16  

It is absolutely amazing.

Lesley Logan 4:17  

You get to do Pilates with us. You get to go to the temples with us. You get to go to a lotus farm with us. You get to go on a boat ride with us. You get to be in another place in this world where someone has already planned the entire thing out all you have to do is just show up. Show up to the airport. We'll pick you up from the airport. Like that is pretty freaking cool. You know? It's really, really cool. So. 

Brad Crowell 4:36  

Your name on a sign. The whole nine. 

Lesley Logan 4:37  

Yeah, oh yeah. You get a name on the sign. Oh yeah, you do. So go to crowsnestretreats.com to snag your spot. We already have people signed up. April, we're gonna have spring training, which is for our Pilates lovers, so about a week long of Pilates events for those of you. And we're gonna nerd out upon a subject. More details will be to come. We might have also released them, and you would know if you were on the email list for the events. So opc.me/events, is where you can get deets on spring training. We're going to keep having some fun with Pilates stuff, and this is gonna be the only thing that we're doing on a virtual setup for public Pilates stuff outside of OPC. 

Brad Crowell 5:11  

Yeah, no summer camp this year, we're doing spring training instead. That'll be the end of April. So make sure you get on that events waitlist. Next up, if you are at all taking money from clients, then you run your own business, believe it or not. So whether that is small and you've got four clients or a full blown studio or home studio, or you're renting from someone, I want you to come join me for a free webinar. We're going to talk about money. We're going to talk about how do you get new clients. We're going to talk about how do you connect with those new clients that you're going to go get. These are three big secrets Lesley and I have learned after coaching more than 2500 business owners, just like you, just like us, and it's allowed us to pass along this experience, this knowledge that we have. And I want you to join me for this free webinar. Go to prfit.biz/accelerator that is profit without the O dot biz slash accelerator. Come join me live. And finally, we have. 

Lesley Logan 6:07  

The final Pilates flash card exercise deck is almost ready. I know. So at the time that you're hearing this, we are done with the edits. I'm almost pretty sure. That's the goal. Our deadline was about this week.

Brad Crowell 6:21  

Photo shoot is done. First draft of the cards are done. They're probably putting them onto the. 

Lesley Logan 6:26  

They're already on. 

Brad Crowell 6:27  

They're already on the (inaudible) digital cards. That's how the edits are happening. 

Lesley Logan 6:31  

How much Brad's a part of the whole process. 

Brad Crowell 6:33  

We are darn close. We're darn close. But if you want the hookup, you gotta be on the waitlist. So, where are they going? 

Lesley Logan 6:43  


Brad Crowell 6:45  

There you go. 

Lesley Logan 6:45  

Yeah, it's the slash and flash that's the problem. So it's the opc.me/flashcardwaitlist. That's where you're gonna go, because if you're not on that list, you won't hear about the presale and the presale's the best price it's ever gonna be. 

Brad Crowell 6:57  

Yep, yep, yep. All right, so this week, we had an audience question for one of our tour attendees in Phoenix, Arizona. 

Lesley Logan 7:05  

The last stop. 

Brad Crowell 7:06  

The last stop. What an epic tour it was, by the way, my gosh. I mean, over 600 attendees. We did 8000 miles. We had an opportunity to see states we've never been to before. It was just lovely.

Lesley Logan 7:20  

Yeah, I loved it. I really enjoyed all of it. I had so much fun. And so when I got this question after the last public workshop on the last day of the tour, I was like, I was so impressed with myself, actually.

Brad Crowell 7:35  

Here's the question. She asked, "How do you keep your energy up after doing all of these events?" I think it was like 45 events, or something like that, over 34 days.

Lesley Logan 7:45  

And also, somehow, my team approved a class and two workshops after my bedtime. Truly, truly, if you guys are in my calendar, it says done for the day at 4pm so, and these things were at like 4:00 and 5:30 and six-something. And I was like, who did this? And my sister-in-law said. 

Brad Crowell 8:05  

She's pretty sure it was my fault. 

Lesley Logan 8:06  

Yeah. She said that would be your husband. That's exactly how she said it. That'd be your husband. 

Brad Crowell 8:10  

That'd be your husband. 

Lesley Logan 8:11  

Yeah. And I was like, no, ever, never, ever, ever, ever. So anyways, how do I keep my energy up? There's not one answer, okay? And like, also, I think you can take parts of this and apply it to your life, where you are and what you have access to. Okay, so first of all, last week, we talked about FemGevity a lot, and that's because part of the energy that I have is due to actually having someone really evaluate my health and make sure that what I eat is really good for my body, my hormone levels are really good for my body. That right there. If you're eating foods that inflame you you're going to be tired because your body's inflamed. So please, please, please, if you haven't called them, call them or work with a professional who is going to listen to you and make sure that what you're eating and how your hormone levels are appropriate for where you are in your life. Second, my Pilates practice is a priority, priority number one. So when I'm at home, I do it five to six days a week, sometimes seven, and I'm sitting here sore, just like getting back into it, because on tour, I don't get to do 30 full minutes, or even 15 full minutes. Sometimes I get like 10, but my Pilates practice is a priority. So when I'm on tour, every day is like, where are we going when I get my movement in, my movement practice is what allows me to have energy for you. It allows me to have stamina for you. It's allows me to not resent that you get to move and I don't get to move. So my personal practice is priority. I get almost 14,000 steps in a day, and all of that helps with my energy levels, that I can gift to you, that I can pour in to the people that I'm teaching. And then lastly, I've been really focused on sleep for the last couple of years, where this is the year we're really focusing on it. We're currently working with like a sleep situation that makes me hot or makes me cold, or whatever it needs to do, and that is a focus. And if you can get your hormones and food right, you can get your movement right and get your sleep right, I promise you you have energy for things you don't even want to do. You will. You just will. So did I miss anything? 

Brad Crowell 10:03  

I think, like you said, it's been a combo of all the things. I think you're also relatively consistent with your schedule, and I think boundaries are really important part of that.

Lesley Logan 10:12  

You remind me of something I wanted to say. Thank you so much. That was a key word. That's why you're here, babe. 

Brad Crowell 10:17  

Take it away. 

Lesley Logan 10:17  

Okay, so there is a book called Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It, and I think we ordered it, or at least put it in my cart. At any rate, I haven't read it yet, but somebody said this about boundaries, and I am as what Brad said, I am a stickler for my schedule, and that is because then I can break the rules, right? But if I don't have a schedule, I don't have boundaries, and I'm gonna be tired all the time because I'm gonna be reassessing my boundaries and all that stuff. So my boundaries are really key. But in this book, Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It, it says. 

Brad Crowell 10:45  

By Kamal Ravikant. 

Lesley Logan 10:47  

Yes. If you are burning out, it is because you don't love yourself enough, because if you loved yourself fully, you would love yourself so much you would say no to things, because you know that it's actually a terrible thing for you to say yes to it. And so, like, to me, I was like, so proud of myself. I was like, oh, this self-love journey is working because I am not burning out.

Brad Crowell 11:13  

Well, even on the tour, and that's the thing, the environment completely changed. The morning routine completely changed. So there still had to be, even though everything was chaos, there still had to be boundaries, and it took us, this is our seventh tour, y'all, so how do we scale it up to be 34, 35 days long? Well, we've had a lot of practice, and we've got a lot of trial and error, and what we realized is that we don't want to teach more than six days in a row. Right? In fact, three or four days is even better, and then at least one day off, so that we can rest. We can enjoy some enjoy ourselves and like, help hit that reset button each time because we are go, go, go, go, go when we're on the road. 

Lesley Logan 11:55  

And also to boundaries, like, your boundaries can change, might have to change depending on your environment. When I'm at home, I have one set of boundaries of how I work and how late I'll work till or how many days in a row. I don't work six days a week when I'm at home. But on the tour, we have different boundaries, right? My only responsibility when on tour is to do the tour, to do the social posts and to keep up with the team and our members. That's it. I know that sounds like a lot, but like, when I'm at home, I'm writing newsletters, I'm writing blog posts, I'm making videos, I'm making classes, I'm doing podcasts. Like we have so many other hats we wear, none of that happens, so that we don't burn out when there is chaos. So we have boundaries. So I think boundaries would be, of those four things that I said, sleep, hormones and digestion, and personal self-care and boundaries, right? If you take one thing away, pick one of those things that you go, you know, I really that is where I'm like, it's like, seepage. Is that what it's called seepage? Like, when you're like, losing there's like, a technical term in the world of, like, money or business, but like, you're losing energy, and it's going out faster than being put in. Look at those four areas and see which one you need to, like, plug a little hole, and that might be able to change your energy. So don't try to change all four at once. That's impossible. It's really, really hard. But change one, yeah. 

Brad Crowell 13:14  

All right. Well, that was a great question. 

Lesley Logan 13:16  

I loved it. 

Brad Crowell 13:17  

If you have a question, you can ask them. You can text us at 310-905-5534 and just say hey question for the pod, or you can ping us on Instagram or leave a comment on YouTube, generally, just reach out. And stick around. We'll be right back. We're gonna dig into this fantastic convo with a professional investor who breaks it down for us non-professional investors in just a minute, so we'll be right back. 

All right. Now, let's talk about Steve Selengut. Steve is a seasoned expert with over 45 years of experience as a professional investment manager. He managed over $110 million in assets for more than 130 families, focusing on helping clients achieve income independence through smart investment strategies. He is now an income coach, and he no longer manages money for other people. I think he was very happy to retire. He told us on the pod he's about to turn 80 years old. 

Lesley Logan 14:13  


Brad Crowell 14:14  

Which is amazing. 

Lesley Logan 14:15  

And he's like cruising, and he's like doing all this, because he likes to help people with this. He's got all this information, and it can really help you make money on your own. 

Brad Crowell 14:23  

Well, Steve teaches individuals how to manage their portfolios to generate consistent income, and he shares insights from his book, Retirement Money Secrets. 

Lesley Logan 14:31  

Get the book. It's really informative and really easy to read. You know, we were out visiting some friends, and she and I were talking about getting help with our portfolios, because if you don't start when you're younger, at any age, where you feel like you can have some flexibility in trying things out, it can get scarier, and then you're limited on what your options are. So here's what I loved. He said a portfolio is really all your investment accounts. That's all part of your investment portfolio. You can have multiple things. I'm gonna use a bunch of acronyms right now. You can have your IRAs, your Roth IRAs, your 401(k)s, your portfolios got to be, you hear the word diversified, you got to have these different things in it.

Brad Crowell 15:08  

Yeah, it's stocks, it's bonds, it's insurance, all those things. 

Lesley Logan 15:10  

If you're like, nodding along. 

Brad Crowell 15:11  

Investment properties. 

Lesley Logan 15:12  

Yeah, if you're nodding along and you're like, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh. Okay, but here's a really cool way he described it. He likened a portfolio to merchandise on the shelves at the department store, okay? And then at the department store, I set a target price and a target markup, and I sell that merchandise because I know I can replace it. He said, when the market downturns, it's like putting things on sale. And this is where people get really nervous, and they actually start selling when the market downturns. But he actually wants, actually said, like, actually, when they're down, you shoot their bargains, just like anything that's at a department store that's on sale, it's a bargain, right? 

Brad Crowell 15:45  

That's when you should be buying. 

Lesley Logan 15:46  

That's when you should be buying. And so the same goes for the stock market. And I really like that because I have no idea what's going on in the stock market when this episode comes out, but we just had a meeting with our wealth managers a couple weeks ago, and I had not looked at the stock market, and it was like, very down. And I was like, okay, you know? And I was like, and we just gave you some money, and so you bought it on a bad day, which means we're getting a really good deal on some good stuff, and it's gonna go up. This is how during the Great Depression, that's when all these people got super rich. They bought all this stuff, and people freaked out, sold all their things, and these other people just scooped it up really cheap. And you don't have to, you can be like them. You, too, can buy your stock on a bargain in a department store and have some fun in your portfolio.

Brad Crowell 16:22  

I love it. Well, he also gave four practical principles of risk minimization, which are right out of his book. Okay? So, it's quality, diversification, income focus, and number four is avoiding emotional decisions. So let's talk about those. So, quality. What is quality? He said focus on companies that are profitable, well-established, and they pay dividends. You need to research how long has it been in business? Is this a profitable business? Are they paying out dividends to their shareholders? Okay? That's the game he likes to play. He focuses on only those kinds of companies. Diversification, number two. Avoid over-concentrating in a single sector or trend. When you dive into investment, you can start to realize, oh, I'm in the tech sector or I'm in the this sector, I'm in the that sector, the medical, the, all the stuff. And he said be diversified. Avoid over-concentrating. Don't put all of your investments into rapidly growing industries such as AI. Sure, have some industry AI stuff, but don't have everything in the AI basket. Third, income focus. Invest in securities that generate consistent income. 

Lesley Logan 17:29  

This was a really interesting part of the interview, which, like, we don't have to go into because you can go listen to it. But there are ways of getting paid more regularly than just gathering up wealth.

Brad Crowell 17:39  

Yeah. Okay, so securities are, generally, they're understood as stocks, bonds, mutual funds or other financial instruments, but stocks and bonds, right? So when he's saying securities, generally, that's what he's referring to. He said many people make the mistake of automatically reinvesting their income into the same securities over and over again. It's a big mistake. So he didn't explain why it's a big mistake, but he alluded to it, and then I'm assuming he talks about it in-depth in his book. Number four, avoiding emotional decisions. He said stay objective and avoid falling in love with stocks that perform well temporarily. He said always prepare for market corrections. I think he talked about it in a way that was pretty funny. Basically, he's like, yeah, these guys are all working for me. Their company goes up and then I sell, I might buy them back again later, but I'm not stuck with these people for the long haul. He said that's not how I'm doing it. There's definitely different kinds of strategies for investing. It does take more focus. It wasn't quite a set it and forget it. He did talk about that a little bit, but it sounds to me like he's paying a lot of attention. 

Lesley Logan 18:40  

He's different. Like, if you're like, Lesley, how is this different than Tess? He specifically said, I heard your interview with Tess, I do things differently, and so I wanted to bring him on, because I think it's important to have different ways of doing things. Tess really empowered us in a great way. And her course, was really great on, like, not a set and forget it, but kind of like, here's these things and watch these things. And like, don't stress so much, which is great when you're busy, got other things. And Steve is, like, here's how you can actually have an approach. It's a little bit more you're into it, and you can also have an income coming from it. You can sell, you can buy it back, and so it's a little bit more hands on. But I also think if that interests you, like, if you're looking for a hobby, why not try this? I don't know, our friend's husband, this is his hobby, and he.

Brad Crowell 19:24  

Yeah, so test this episode was 352, by the way, Tess Waresmith,. 

Lesley Logan 19:27  

Yeah. So I was really intrigued with it, by the differences and what's possible. And I think we get scared of these things. I was listening to a pod you and I.

Brad Crowell 19:35  

(inaudible) overwhelming. 

Lesley Logan 19:36  

Well, you sent me a podcast with (inaudible). And he was like, no, people don't talk about money in their own households, and their own marriages and their own relationships, they don't talk about money. And the truth is, if you don't talk about money with someone in your life, you better be talking about it with yourself. I think that if your partner won't want, doesn't want to talk about these things and like, you need to educate yourself, and you need to figure out a way to create a portfolio for yourself. You need to have these things. Because the reality is, is I really, truly want to make sure that anyone listening to this podcast is secure financially in case something happens. And Steve's book and Steve's interview, to me, gave really great insight on how you can make the market work for you and have income that isn't produced by you, necessarily, it's by you diversifying and making different decisions and checking in with things, and then also you need to practice being not emotional about things. I'm gonna let that go. I'll come back later. You know, I thought it was really informative, and I got really excited about it. 

Brad Crowell 20:32  

Yeah and the podcast I shared to you was from the Smart Passive Income Podcast. He interviewed Ramit Sethi. He coaches people on building wealth and generally navigating money conversations between couples, and I thought it was a really interesting episode. We'll include the link to that in the show notes here as well. 

Lesley Logan 20:49  

And because you're unlikely to get any coaching with for me, what's cool about Steve is that his book, he'll coach you through it, and that's really cool. 

Brad Crowell 20:57  

Yeah, yeah. Stick around. We'll be right back. We're gonna dig into those Be It Action Items that you covered with Steve. 

All right. So finally, let's talk about those Be It Action Items. What bold, executable, intrinsic or targeted action items can we take away from your convo with Steve Selengut. He said hey, take a look at your portfolios. This is like the number one thing he suggested to do. Oh, actually, I'm gonna let that be to you, Lesley, the number one thing. This is the number two thing. Take a look at your portfolios. Look at the actual income production, where it says, dividends received this year. Dividends received this year. Okay? So you get a statement, the statement has a line item that says how much did you get this year? Dividends received. Or an amount what can you expect to receive over the next 12 months? Because they actually do give you a forecast, and you want to see what that is as a percentage of your portfolio that will then go into (inaudible).

Lesley Logan 21:50  

My takeaway. So your portfolio's income production, and that should say between four and 5%. So if you're working with your investor to adjust investments to generate steady income that's in the four to 5% range. And you know, people might hear a person who's like that, go, that's not very huge. Y'all, no one gets rich overnight. It really doesn't happen. Everything is like little steady changes here and there. So work with your investor to adjust investments that generate steady income in the four to 5% range. This range, here's why it's important, this range is critical for covering living expenses, especially in retirement. So the goal is consistent financial stability, regardless of what's happening in the market. So like, the market could be going up and down, but you are getting consistent things that you can live off of these investments, so you can be in retirement.

Brad Crowell 22:35  

Yeah, so a couple things to consider here, and this is what he was talking about why he ended up with the four or 5%. If you look at the market over the history of the market, it's like raising up an average 8% a year. So obviously, you want to be doing everything you can but the market is not necessarily your entire investment portfolio, right? The market is only one piece of the investment portfolio. So even though they say you want to be able to make that in the market, but then there are these other things. When you hire a financial advisor, you're also paying them a percentage. You're paying them fees in some manner. And so the number one thing is to make sure that they're making more than the fees that they're taking. But the second thing that they need to be making is money on top of that, because here's what the average person does when they retire, when you are no longer generating an income, your six-figure salary from your job, and you're ready to hang it up and enjoy retirement, let's just hypothetically say, you have a million dollars in the bank. If we said a million dollars, what are the (inaudible) times .4%, .04, that's $40,000. So the question is, if you have $40,000 can you live on $3,333 a month? And so he said, on average, people are living on the four to 5% of the money that's in their retirement portfolio when they retire where they're literally drawing that out, and that's what they use to pay for life, right? So if you have a million dollars in your portfolio, and you're living on four to 5% you're bringing in 40 grand. If you have $2 million you get to double that, right? So that's the goal here, is to understand how much money do you want in retirement, and then you can work backwards from that understanding, okay, I need to have X in the portfolio in order for me to live this lifestyle that I have for myself, have built for myself, right? So that's where he's coming from. He's clearly also had a lot of other success around that. But these are general investments tips, so. 

Lesley Logan 24:35  

I really love when someone comes to the show that has had decades of experience in one thing, and is like willing to share so much information with us. 

Brad Crowell 24:43  

Yeah, especially since we're not experts in that, that's pretty amazing. 

Lesley Logan 24:46  

No, we're not. And he was really cool to me. He's like, you gotta read this book. Read my book because it's, everything I'm gonna say is in this book. And so I just really think that if you are someone who this is overwhelming, read his book, because it's, sometimes, reading the words is different than hearing the words, and then in the more you hear it, the more it starts to make sense. I know when we work with our wealth managers, I'm just like, okay, I actually understand what you said. You said words. I've heard those words 10 times. You've explained it seven, and now I know. So don't be afraid to ask questions. Don't be afraid to reach out to experts. But please don't put your head in the sand and not talk about your money, even with yourself, you got to be honest with yourself, because you'll need it someday. You really will. So, I'm Lesley Logan.

Brad Crowell 25:26  

And I'm Brad Crowell. 

Lesley Logan 25:27  

Thank you so much for listening to our podcast, or being part of our audience, for coming up and telling us you listen like it really does mean the world to us. When we're on tour we get to meet so many of you, like, I did this from the podcast. I have (inaudible) because of the podcast. Like, all these different things, and so, we are so, so grateful for you, and the show goes on because of you. So thank you, and make sure you share this episode with a friend who needs to hear it. These money ones are really good ones to share, because someone in your life is like struggling with this right now and needs some help and needs some advice, and you don't have to be that person. And until next time, Be It Till You See It. 

Brad Crowell 25:58  

Bye for now. 

Lesley Logan 26:00  

That's all I got for this episode of the Be It Till You See It Podcast. One thing that would help both myself and future listeners is for you to rate the show and leave a review and follow or subscribe for free wherever you listen to your podcast. Also, make sure to introduce yourself over at the Be It Pod on Instagram. I would love to know more about you. Share this episode with whoever you think needs to hear it. Help us and others Be It Till You See It. Have an awesome day. Be It Till You See It is a production of The Bloom Podcast Network. If you want to leave us a message or a question that we might read on another episode, you can text us at +1-310-905-5534 or send a DM on Instagram @BeItPod.

Brad Crowell 26:43  

It's written, filmed, and recorded by your host, Lesley Logan, and me, Brad Crowell.

Lesley Logan 26:48  

It is transcribed, produced and edited by the epic team at Disenyo.co.

Brad Crowell 26:52  

Our theme music is by Ali at Apex Production Music and our branding by designer and artist, Gianfranco Cioffi.

Lesley Logan 26:59  

Special thanks to Melissa Solomon for creating our visuals.

Brad Crowell 27:02  

Also to Angelina Herico for adding all of our content to our website. And finally to Meridith Root for keeping us all on point and on time.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

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