452. Shifting Your Mindset and Opening Up to New Opportunities


In this inspiring recap, Lesley Logan and Brad Crowell unpack the valuable lessons from stress management coach Sarah Alysse Bobo. Learn how to break free from stress cycles, reframe negative thoughts, and create space for calm and clarity. Brad and Lesley share actionable tips on living as your dream self, building confidence, and finding joy in intentional habits.

If you have any questions about this episode or want to get some of the resources we mentioned, head over to LesleyLogan.co/podcast. If you have any comments or questions about the Be It pod shoot us a message at beit@lesleylogan.co.

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In this episode you will learn about:

  • Why stress often begins in the body before affecting the mind.
  • The importance of identifying and reflecting on stress triggers.
  • How shifting your narrative can help squash negative thought patterns.
  • The power of setting up a sanctuary space for reflection and focus.
  • Living as your dream self to embody confidence and purpose.

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Episode Transcript:

Lesley Logan 0:00  

She advised us to be your dream self and live in the dream self every single day. That's being it until you see it. So now you know why we had Sarah Alysse Bobo on. 

Lesley Logan 0:10  

Welcome to the Be It Till You See It podcast where we talk about taking messy action, knowing that perfect is boring. I'm Lesley Logan, Pilates instructor and fitness business coach. I've trained thousands of people around the world and the number one thing I see stopping people from achieving anything is self-doubt. My friends, action brings clarity and it's the antidote to fear. Each week, my guest will bring bold, executable, intrinsic and targeted steps that you can use to put yourself first and Be It Till You See It. It's a practice, not a perfect. Let's get started.

Lesley Logan 0:52  

Welcome back to the Be It Till You See It interview recap where my co-host in life, Brad, and I are going to dig into the confident convo I had with Sarah Alysse Bobo in our last episode. If you haven't yet listened to that one. You have missed out and you should listen to it. But you can listen to this one first, and then listen to that one. You can do whatever order you want. And then if you listen to that one first, you want to come back and join us here, because we've got lots of fun stuff to talk about. First, today is November 28th.

Brad Crowell 1:14  

Oh yeah.

Lesley Logan 1:14  

That means it's Thanksgiving Day 

Brad Crowell 1:17  


Lesley Logan 1:18  

The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Do they still do it? 

Brad Crowell 1:21  

Oh, they still do it. It's also the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Lesley Logan 1:24  

So America's Thanksgiving holiday, born in the 1500s, mythologized in 1621, and observed even during the bleakest hours of the Civil War, now stands as one of the nation's most anticipated and beloved dates. Is it, though? Is it? I celebrate each year. 

Brad Crowell 1:41  

It's definitely part of American society, like football and.

Lesley Logan 1:45  

Yeah, but like, guess what are people anticipating and beloving? 

Brad Crowell 1:48  

Travel. I mean, it's the most traveled holiday in the United States (inaudible). 

Lesley Logan 1:51  

I think people are, they've bought into this Hallmark situation of family being together. But anyways, celebrated each year on the fourth Thursday in November, and this year it's on November 28th which means it's freaking so close to Christmas. It's less, that means Christmas is less than a month away. 

Brad Crowell 2:07  

Every time. Every year. 

Lesley Logan 2:09  

Sometimes it's close. Sometimes it's not the 28th. Sometimes it's like, earlier. This feels late to me. 

Brad Crowell 2:15  

Yeah, it's the fourth Thursday of the month. But yeah, it's always like. 

Lesley Logan 2:18  

I feel like it can happen sooner. 

Brad Crowell 2:20  

It can. Yes. Perhaps the other non-sectarian holiday has more tradition. Non-sectarian means non-religious. Friends, food, family, football. I've come to symbolize Thanksgiving, a rare celebratory holiday without an exchange gift giving component. Instead, today urges all of us to be grateful for the things that we have. And for those of you who have no idea what we're talking about. This is very, it's a very American holiday, so thanks for listening and bearing with us here. Also, what is this Macy's Day Parade that we're talking about? It's one of the biggest and most anticipated events during this holiday. Everyone puts it on the TV. Everyone freezes their ass off in New York City, it's become a tradition among families to watch it.

Lesley Logan 2:57  

I like to see if one of those balloons takes off. I really love. 

Brad Crowell 3:01  

You're in it for the fail? 

Lesley Logan 3:02  

Yes, but I and then I caution. I also want to say, like, no one wanted anyone to hurt. (inaudible) no one gets hurt and Snoopy just like, goes off and becomes Godzilla.

Brad Crowell 3:12  

Okay, so, okay. So this is amazing to me. I grew up watching the Macy's Day Parade, and it's the first time that I was ever introduced to a concept of drag. 

Lesley Logan 3:21  


Brad Crowell 3:22  

Yeah, as a child, somehow it was totally okay, because it's part of the Macy's Day Parade. Everyone dresses up in these crazy costumes with sequins, and it's, you know, they're heavy, they're heavy, and it's like this massive thing, and it's basically, it's not like drag the way that we think of a drag show on stage, but it's effectively drag well, and it's the first time I ever really understood the idea of it. Anyway, it's. 

Lesley Logan 3:50  


Brad Crowell 3:51  

I don't know. 

Lesley Logan 3:51  

Sorry, babe.

Brad Crowell 3:52  

I always found it very intriguing.

Lesley Logan 3:54  

You know what Erika is really good at? Saying, don't ever do any of this unless it's a holiday and then it's okay. That's what we're so good at. Don't talk to strangers here. It's Halloween. 

Brad Crowell 4:04  

Don't take candy from strangers unless it's out of their trunk and whatever they call it. 

Lesley Logan 4:10  

Oh yeah, trick or trunking. 

Lesley Logan 4:10  

Trick or trunking. What the hell? So we were in Halloween where these kids are coming up, we're talking to some random guy who lives next to the Murder House, and I'm like, oh my God, people are trick or treating. Anyways, he didn't tell us when the kids were around. But, the point being.

Brad Crowell 4:24  

All right, so Macy's Day Parade in 1924 and it became grown and grown and grown. But everyone built these floats. So these floats are like, different companies sponsor a float, and then the float, they push it down the middle of the street, and everyone marches around. There's marching in (inaudible).

Lesley Logan 4:40  

Often, like, Olympians are there. Yeah, there's, yeah it's really, the singers.

Brad Crowell 4:44  

 The mayor's always riding a float.

Lesley Logan 4:46  

You do have to practice the wave you're gonna do, because if you do it too fast, you have to do it for too long. So it's gotta be. 

Brad Crowell 4:53  

What are we doing? We're practicing the Queen's wave. That was happening? 

Lesley Logan 4:56  

Didn't she do a one-two elbow like, there is, I don't know. There is one where you pull because you, you're gonna get tired if you don't. You gotta pick the right wave. 

Brad Crowell 5:08  

I think I'll just do my fingers.

Lesley Logan 5:11  

I would find an attachment arm and just have my own arm in a sling. And then there's a robot arm that's just waving.

Brad Crowell 5:18  

The other thing I remember about the Macy's Day Parade is I remember how cold it was in Thanksgiving when I was growing up, and I just remember thinking those people are out there wearing not enough clothes, because some of the costumes are not. 

Lesley Logan 5:32  

Yeah, they're, but they're moving so they're warm. At any rate, however you think about this holiday, because I know you live in the States, a lot of like, why are we celebrating this day? Probably, you know, gave, like, all these diseases to the Indians. We probably stole it from them, we didn't steal from them, all these things. It is a great day to be grateful. And I think we can change the definition of holidays to fit the life we want to live. We can. We really can. How do we celebrate Thanksgiving? By doing nothing.

Lesley Logan 6:03  

We participate in the Black Friday, Cyber Monday sales as a business, and then as a household, we take advantage of supporting small businesses, and we shop at the mall on Saturday. And that's what this holiday is all about. That's how I see it. But I think you can change it up how you want to feel, and you don't have to have turkey on this day. 

Brad Crowell 6:17  

No, I used to have king crab. 

Lesley Logan 6:20  

Yeah, we also had a whole Thanksgiving, and why we don't cook anymore is because everyone made a bacon-wrapped something, and we decided that maybe we should just order in. But at any rate, if you're listening to this on Thanksgiving, thank you so much for listening. 

Brad Crowell 6:34  

Yeah, we hope you'll have a good time with your family. 

Lesley Logan 6:36  

Yeah, we hope you are or if you're listening this, because you're trying to get away from them, hi, we see you. I see you. Real quick, if your family's driving you crazy, what better chance, better day than to buy yourself a trip to Cambodia with us and come on our retreat, because then you can, you can actually be going, oh my gosh, I can count on the days to Cambodia with Brad Lesley, go to crowsnesttreatsretreats.com to snag your spot for our retreat in February. 

Brad Crowell 6:58  

crowsnestretreats, plural. 

Lesley Logan 6:58  

Especially if it is cold where you are, and you're like, oh my god, this is way too cold for me. Yeah, it won't be cold in Cambodia. No, I promise you, even when it's cold to them, it's hot to us, so you will love the weather. I just got back from LA, Brad and I did the photo shoot for the accessories deck. It was super fun. It's a crazy holy moly, did we bite off more than we could chew with this situation? But a couple of epic exercises in there. 

Lesley Logan 7:26  

Multiple locations for this photo shoot. The amount of stuff Brad had to drive into LA. 

Brad Crowell 7:26  

Yeah, I just assembled it and reassembled it. 

Lesley Logan 7:34  

Yeah. And shout out to our photographer, Jerry Camarillo. He is amazing, and always somehow manages to put up with, "Can I fit in the frame? But, can I though?" All right, so go to opc.me/flash cardwait list if you are wanting this deck. And by the way, if you want this deck, you don't have to have equipment to have to make use of this deck. It's so great. 

Brad Crowell 7:54  

Yeah, join me for, actually, this is the next year you're adding yourself to the waitlist for the next time I do the Profitable Pilates Accelerator as a studio growth accelerator, so if you're feeling stuck with your money or your business in any way, come join me. Lesley and I have coached more than 2000 businesses. I mean, geez, at this point we're getting close to like 2500 businesses over the past six years, and we've got three main things that we've come to understand will completely change how you make your money, and I'm going to share those with you for free. So come join me. Go to prfit.biz/accelerator. That is profit without the O dot biz slash accelerator. And then. 

Lesley Logan 8:34  

A week from today, we're on tour. Let's do it. Let's see you in real life. Yeah. Well, the sixth is the first event of December. Come see us while we're on the road. We can't wait to be driving near you. This time we're doing a path that we haven't done in the past. We're going along Route 40. We're going through Oklahoma City, first time we've ever done that. That's gonna be amazing. We're going all the way up to Maine. Holy cow, we're gonna go to Cape Cod. I mean, there's just a lot that we've never done before. It's really fun for us to get to explore. But also the best part about it is meeting you in real life. So come out. Come join us. Wherever it is (inaudible). 

Lesley Logan 9:07  

We'll have the boys with us. They want us, they'll be so excited to see you. We'll have equipment with us. Shout out to our sponsor, Balanced Body. We'll have gift certificates from them to raffle off. You want those so opc.me/tour to snag your spot. Literally, cities have every event has sold out, so you want to move fast. 

Brad Crowell 9:25  

Yeah. Don't sit on this. 

Lesley Logan 9:25  

Yeah. Okay. Instead of an audience question, we actually just wanted to take a moment to say thank you. Some of you have been so wonderful at sending in your gratitude for how we've handled certain topics on this episode, how we've brought in different things, how some of the podcasts have helped you understand people in your life. And we just want to say that when you send those gratitudes in, it really does. 

Brad Crowell 9:46  

Means a lot. 

Lesley Logan 9:47  

Yeah. And so we just want to say thank you. And I know we say thank you after every episode, so I just, I do understand that. 

Brad Crowell 9:53  

Yeah, but this is a little more reflective. I mean, the reality is, you know. 

Lesley Logan 9:56  

This is episode 452. 

Brad Crowell 9:58  

Yeah, some people have been listening for three plus years. 

Lesley Logan 10:01  

Some people only started this year, but they literally started from episode one and caught up. 

Brad Crowell 10:04  

We also got an outpouring of love from y'all when Gaia passed away, and that meant a lot to us. We just are grateful that you are participating as well in this experience, because otherwise it's, Lesley and I love to talk to each other, but. 

Lesley Logan 10:05  

We don't have to sit and record it. 

Brad Crowell 10:08  

We're doing this for a different reason. We're grateful to know that it has had an impact, and we hope that it continues to grow and continue to have an impact, inspiring people to be it until they see it. So thank you. 

Lesley Logan 10:33  

And if it's your first episode and you got this far, thank you. 

Brad Crowell 10:36  

Yeah, that's awesome. All right, stick around real quick, because we're gonna jump into this awesome interview that Lesley have with Sarah Alysse Bobo. That's two times in a row, two episodes in a row. Now we've had a three name person, Sarah Alysse Bobo. She did say she also just goes by Sarah Allyse, but she's a stress management coach, and we can't wait to dig into it. So stick around. 

Brad Crowell 11:01  

All right. Now, let's talk about Sarah Alysse Bobo. Sarah is a stress management coach and founder of Live Well Enhance You, a company focused on helping individuals and corporations manage stress. Originally a Pilates instructor, she expands her expertise through health and wellness coaching with the Integrative Institute of Nutrition. Sarah teaches practical tools like breath work, self reflection and mindset shifts to empower clients in reducing stress and improving overall well being. That's kind of a mouthful, but basically, she helps people de-stress. 

Lesley Logan 11:35  

Yeah, yeah, that's what she does. So we talked about, we have to make sure it's become a habitual habit of a stress cycle, I think because our brains like to do certain things. And if you want to go back to Episode 400 when Gay Hendricks talks about the ways that we Upper Limit ourselves, one of those things is worry. Worry is just stressing about something that's outside of your control. I mean, there are worries that are inside your control, but like when you're Upper Limiting, it's worry. And so what happens is we create cycles. Oh, this happened, and now I immediately go into this domino effect of this thing. 

Brad Crowell 12:06  

It's habitual (inaudible). 

Lesley Logan 12:07  

And you can create your own. You can keep the stress going by like, oh, you know, whenever you check your social media, it makes you stressed out, or whenever you check your email on your day off, it makes you stressed out. But you do it because you created this habit. And we have to make sure we don't create that. And she did say that that does gradually build over time, so it's possible that now you're aware of it, so don't shame yourself. Take Ericka Nicole Malone's advice from last week, be kind to yourself. But we have to try to stop it before it becomes something that builds up into a cycle. And she also mentioned that it get builds up in your body and then travels to your brain, so that I found very interesting.

Brad Crowell 12:46  

So like, physically, I thought it was the other way around. I thought that you had stress and then it, like, stored your body. 

Lesley Logan 12:53  

Yeah, no, no, this is her quote. So.

Brad Crowell 12:55  


Lesley Logan 12:58  

I'm not the scientist, and I didn't study stress, so I can't say that, but also it does make sense. It can start in the body and then go to the brain, and then it can become this cycle that goes from the brain into the body. Yes, you do store things, but I think as you store it in your body, it's probably because your brain told you. Anyways. you know, Sarah Lee has all the details on this. You can also listen to the episode. She also said it's important to reflect and identify the possible stress triggers. This is hard to do when you're stressed out, but if you can get a, if you can almost have an awareness like, oh my God, I'm in a stress cycle right now, and you can just take a second to pause the stressing that you're doing and go, "What happened right before this? What was that? What was that prompt?" And here's the thing, when you breaking, breaking in air quotes, unraveling habits that have to do with a little bit more psychology, brain emotion is actually an advanced thing to do so. BJ, Fogg, who's the author of Tiny Habits, when I study with him, if you're like, I want to stop saying mean things to myself, right? That's a great goal to have. We all want you to do that, but to have the ability to catch yourself in the moment of saying something negative is extremely advanced. So you may need to have a partner in your life who's like, pause, we're going to just take a moment. You seem to be really stressed out right now about this thing? Is it really about this thing? What prompted this? What started this? So that you can be able to throw out what that prompt is because maybe it's every time you talk to your mother in law. I'm not. This is not I never my, I never talk to my mother in law. So this is obvious, not a story for me, but I'm talking about for my friends. Then maybe you need to take BJ Fogg's advice, which is like he had this client who had to talk to her ex husband or so next ex husband, and she just said every time I have to have a call with him, I'm gonna get my nails done or I'm gonna go buy that fancy coffee. I'm gonna do so that she wouldn't avoid the thing that was stressing her out, and then she wouldn't be stressed out from the thing because she did something that filled her up. So all this to say, I'm bringing in a couple different experts to help you reflect and identify the possible stress triggers so that you don't let it build up in your brain and your body, so that it doesn't become a habitual cycle there. Brought it all back together.

Lesley Logan 14:59  

That's a win. 

Lesley Logan 15:01  

Your turn. 

Brad Crowell 15:01  

That's a win, all right. So I really liked when she was talking about the spiral that you were just talking about the negative thought patterns, she said you could squash all those by changing your story. The reality is, there's so much belief associated with our success, and this was like a triple woo to me a couple years ago, and when I experienced it in my life, made me realize that it's just normal

Brad Crowell 15:02  

Wow. So they went from triple woo to just?

Brad Crowell 15:10  

Yeah. I was just like, just me how to do it. There's a belief, crap, whatever. But I've told this short story before, but I remember growing up playing soccer where they were, like, you're looking down, you're watching your foot connect with the ball. You're trying to keep your knee over your foot as you hit the ball, and you are envisioning the ball going in net. Yes, they say similar things with softball, yeah, but the envision of the ball going in the net part, that's like, somehow, when I got older, I thought that was like, triple whoop. 

Lesley Logan 16:00  

Well, where, your mind goes, energy flows. So that's where that. 

Brad Crowell 16:04  

That's what they say. So ultimately, there's a belief associated with these are the actions I've taken. this is how I've set myself up for success. And then I'm going to believe that that ball is going into that net, right? And I love that, because I forgot that along the way. And so Sarah Alysse is reminding us, you can squash negative thought patterns by changing your story. And because the things that we tell ourselves are so repetitive that we don't even know that we're saying them as we say them. 

Lesley Logan 16:32  

We supposedly have, like, I don't know 80,000 different, 80,000 thoughts in a day, or 60,000 thoughts in a day, and like 75% of them are negative and the same. 

Brad Crowell 16:41  

Well, that's insane. Between six and 60,000 thoughts a day. 

Lesley Logan 16:44  

Between six thoughts and 60,000

Brad Crowell 16:47  

6,000 and 60,000 (inaudible). So the thing is, we tell ourselves these things of like, I'm not pretty I can't do this. I'm not good enough for this. A story I used to tell myself when I worked in my company is I don't belong here. And the reason is because, in my mind, I was like, I went to music school. These guys all went to business school. I don't belong here. Now, I never said that to them, but that's just what I told myself. I don't know why I told myself that. She said hey, you can change this negative thought pattern when you change your story. She said what is really holding you back from moving forward and doing the thing that you think that you can't do. What is it really that's holding you back? She emphasized the importance of shifting your mindset and opening yourself up to new opportunities. So I don't know that in the moment, it's really hard to catch yourself like you were just saying. But if you're thinking back and reflecting on how the day went, and you're like, I didn't set myself up for a win there. Maybe reflecting back on that, taking some time to set aside and think about it. The next time you find yourself in that situation, maybe you can catch yourself part way. 

Lesley Logan 17:50  

Well, changing the story is so years ago, I heard this woman speak, and I'm forgetting her name, but she said, instead of saying, I can't afford something, she says, I choose not to spend money on that right now, because it puts her in the power position of she's not a victim of her situation. She is in charge of her situation, and that energy around that there's less stress, because it's not I can't afford that right now. Another thing I can't afford, you just go in the stress fire wall. She's like, I'm choosing not to spend money on that right now. No, oh, no, I'm making that investment at this moment, and so it becomes this powerful, like you're making decisions from a powerful place. I really, I wish I can remember her name, you guys. She spoke from a source that came in from the cloud. So to be honest, was a little weird, but I loved that.

Brad Crowell 18:36  

All right. Well, we're going to be talking about some other kind of clouds with a sanctuary space, to just a minute. 

Lesley Logan 18:42  

I, did you watch that real I sent you about the blind guy making a basket. Oh, you did not? Gotcha. 

Brad Crowell 18:47  

Yeah, I don't do social media (inaudible). 

Lesley Logan 18:49  

I sent it to you and my dad and my brother. It's in the text. So this blind guy is walking by, and these two guys are playing basketball. They are taught. They talk to him, and he's like, Oh, I've never shot a basketball. And they, he's blind, has a blind stick and everything like, blind, and they get put a ball in his hand, and they start talking through, and of course, they were also demonstrating, which was funny, because he's blind. But anyway, they were talking through, how to hold the ball, how to lift the ball. They're using his stick to hit the basket so he could hear it. They're taking him under, like, okay, this is where the basket is stepping him back, okay, this is where you're throwing from. And the first throw, he nothing but net. And I was in tears. It was so good. And so that man had a belief he could do it. Just saying. 

Brad Crowell 19:36  

That was incredible. 

Lesley Logan 19:37  

I'm just going back to your eye on the prize thing. Okay. 

Brad Crowell 19:39  

Okay, stick around. We're going to talk about a sanctuary space in just a sec. 

Brad Crowell 19:42  

All right, finally, let's talk about those. Be It Action Item

s, what bold, executable, intrinsic or targeted action items can we take away from your convo with Sarah Alysse Bobo. She said set up a sanctuary space. I've experienced these in people's homes before, and I always thought they were a little strange. Got like a little altar going on. So I've always thought they were weird, until we started to do them ourselves. Why would you set up a sanctuary space? What is a sanctuary space? It's just a place where you can sit down and change. It's like changing your environment, right? And you're putting yourself in a space that can bring you joy or relaxation or meditation or reflection. Maybe you want to remember someone who was alive and is not or something like that. Or maybe you want to reflect on how we just celebrated Thanksgiving, you know, like, maybe you want to think about how your life is amazing and it puts you in this different place. We have a money corner in our house, right? And so we set that up so that when we go in there, we remember to think about money, right? It's funny to say it that way. 

Lesley Logan 20:46  

I I play sometimes, sometimes I will play Abraham Hicks Money Rampage, because it's just around five minutes long, when I'm in the money corner and I'm like, in the cold plunge, trying to breathe through and I'm like. 

Brad Crowell 20:59  

That's a fun way to start money is coming into my place right here, right? It doesn't have to come right now, but it could feel money on its way.

Brad Crowell 21:07  

I love that. So yeah, for sure. 

Lesley Logan 21:10  

Also, for those who have small spaces, or you've got kids or like, there's no way I could have a sanctuary space. It doesn't have to be big, and it doesn't even have to include a chair. 

Brad Crowell 21:20  

No, it could be your windowsill. Yeah, we're gonna have mommy and astrology hosts on at the end of this year, but they have an episode on their podcast called Mommy and Astrology about how to create an altar. And they literally talk about what kinds of things you put on an altar. An altar is another way of saying a sanctuary space. What are you wanting to call in, things that can represent things that you want to call in. And it can be a windowsill. It can be just like when you're at your desk. It could be the wall that's right behind your computer. So don't let. I don't know what I have to say.

Brad Crowell 21:49  

It's a space where you can be present with yourself and then set you up to conquer the rest of your day. So what did you, what was your biggest takeaway? 

Lesley Logan 21:56  

So she advised us to be your dream self and live in the dream self every single day. That's being it until you see it. So now you know why we had Sarah Alysse Bobo on .But she said, if you want to be the CEO of a Pilates studio, then you have to go live that dream life. And this is exactly what I had to think about years ago, before this podcast ever existed and I was going to open my own space, and I was like faith. I've been a manager, but I've never been a studio owner, as if they were two different things. And I was like, hold on, what if I knew what I needed to do do this, and how does my day change, and what things piss me off, and what things take my time and by changing before we even open the studio, because we had, like, four months between when we decided to open the studio and opening the studio, I started to change what I responded to and how I responded to it, because of, well, if I was a studio owner, I wouldn't actually have time to deal with this little shenanigan thing over here right now. So I'm just not gonna deal with that, because this is what I'm making time for.

Lesley Logan 22:51  

I'm just not gonna deal with that, because this is what I'm making time for. So I really, really love it. And then she said, you can figure this out by asking what is going to move the needle forward. 

Brad Crowell 23:02  

One small step. 

Lesley Logan 23:02  

Yeah, I love it. She was great. It was really fun. We packed a lot in here. So I just really enjoy you, Sarah Alysse Bobo. I hope to see you. She's in Florida. We should reach out. 

Brad Crowell 23:12  

Oh, cool. 

Lesley Logan 23:13  

Hopefully we'll see you on the tour. And you guys, I'm Lesley Logan. 

Brad Crowell 23:17  

And I'm Brad Crowell. 

Lesley Logan 23:18  

One more time, thank you again for listening to our amazing podcast. We are in the top 1.5% because of you. And more on that, in the December episodes we've already recorded, and you know would mean a world to us, to for you to take your favorite, Be It Pod episode, and share it with a friend, that'd be so, so great. Let us know. Send in your questions, send in your aha moments, send us Your FYF so we can celebrate you. So we can answer your questions. So we can support you each support you each and every day on your journey to be it till you see it. Have an amazing day. 

Lesley Logan 23:46  

That's all I got for this episode of the Be It Till You See It Podcast. One thing that would help both myself and future listeners is for you to rate the show and leave a review and follow or subscribe for free wherever you listen to your podcast. Also, make sure to introduce yourself over at the Be It Pod on Instagram. I would love to know more about you. Share this episode with whoever you think needs to hear it. Help us and others Be It Till You See It. Have an awesome day. Be It Till You See It is a production of The Bloom Podcast Network. If you want to leave us a message or a question that we might read on another episode, you can text us at +1-310-905-5534 or send a DM on Instagram @BeItPod.

Brad Crowell 24:16  

It is written, filmed and recorded by your host, Lesley Logan and me Brad Crowell.

Lesley Logan 24:35  

It is transcribed, produced and edited by the epic team at Disenyo.co.

Brad Crowell 24:40  

Our theme music is by Ali at Apex Production Music and our branding by designer and artist, Gianfranco Cioffi.

Lesley Logan 24:47  

Special thanks to Melissa Solomon for creating our visuals.

Brad Crowell 24:50  

Also to Angelina Herico for adding all of our content to our website. And finally to Meridith Root for keeping us all on point and on time.

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